He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1305 The 10-meter machete!

Chapter 1305 The 10-meter machete!

Boom! !
Even under the scorching sun in the sky, the flames of this flashing charge soared again, extremely hot!
The natural weather at the moment already has the effect of a sunny day, which can greatly increase the power of flame moves!
In the face of such a powerful flash charge, the cunning tengu laughed for a while.


The figure disappeared into place out of thin air, and the speed was extremely ghostly, making this terrifying flash charge completely unsuccessful.

When the sly tengu reappeared, it saw the hot sun from above falling on it, and it began to flash with a strange light green light.

This greatly increases the speed of the cunning tengu!

"Does it have chlorophyll properties?"

Xiao Zhi reacted instantly. Just like Yuyou in a rainy day, the speed of chlorophyll in a sunny day can also be doubled.

"But in terms of speed, my flame chicken will not lose!!"

After dispersing the fireballs all over his body, he saw that the flaming chicken was jumping back and forth between the branches, and his body also flashed a burst of amplified red light.

"Oh~ is it an acceleration feature~?"

Yukang is well-informed and naturally recognizes the characteristics of the flaming chicken.

It can be said that this has become a contest of speed.

Da da da.!!
The two trainers don't have to jump between the branches of tall trees like Pokémon, they just run along the stream, on both sides of the bank, towards the sea entrance.

While distracting the surrounding environment, but also commanding the battle with high intensity, this requires the trainer to have a high degree of mental concentration.


Even Chi, who was watching the play silently in Xiaozhi's body, couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, as if recalling something.

Zeng Jin and Qing Lu tried to run and command the battle in order to compete for a secret.
However, the final record was [-] to [-]. He did not defeat Qinglu head-on, which was an extremely rare draw.

"Flaming chicken, use jet flame!!"

The battle continued, and the flame chicken spit out a strong flame when it opened its mouth, and the temperature was extremely high under the blessing of the sunny day.

"Get out of the way!"

Chlorophyll's cunning tengu is extremely fast, and instantly accelerates to avoid the flames.

Flip the palm of the hand, and fly out countless air blades and shoot to the side.

"Flame chicken, use flame kick!!"

This time, the flaming chicken did not dodge, and flew out of the flame kick.

Da da da! !

This time, it was not a full-strength whip-leg kick, but a series of up and down kicks. The flame kick turned into a dizzying number of flying kicks, intercepting and smashing all the oncoming air blades.


Immediately, the flame chicken recoiled away, kicking the strongest flame to the target!

"It's not that simple. Use supernatural powers!!"

Yukang shouted lowly.

But I saw the sly tengu's face was gloomy, and his eyes were blue.

When the flame kick was about to hit the front door, the flame chicken was directly frozen in the air, and it was difficult to move forward.

The effect is outstanding! !
Although Flaming Chicken's moves perfectly restrain the cunning Tengu, the flying and super-power moves mastered by the latter also have a good anti-restraint effect.

Boom! !
With the outbreak of super power, the flame chicken was even smashed to the ground. "Use the second kick!!"

However, the flame chicken had a plan to deal with it. When it was about to land, it quickly trampled on the ground with both feet, completely unloading its power, and jumped back between Takagi again, keeping up with the pace of the cunning Tengu.

Obviously, the flaming chicken at the moment can perfectly bring out the advantages of his body.

"In that case, try this trick. Cunning Tengu, use the Sunlight Blade!!"

Yukang suddenly shouted loudly, his expression very excited.

He hadn't fought such a bloody battle for a long time either, with the power of his Gaioka bodybuilding, and the running battle on the coastline. The last time was a scene from a few years ago.

Yahida really brought a monster trainer, which made Yukang very happy.

"Wood drink.!!"

The cunning tengu let out a low cry, and raised its leafy arms high.

Under the sunlight, a huge golden-white energy blade took shape instantly!
The ten-meter-long broadsword is held vertically, and this scale is much larger than that of Leaf Blade Slash!

In the energy blade, there is a blazing aura that seems to come from the same source of the sun.
The Sunshine Blade is similar to Sunshine Flame. It requires one round to charge up to cast it, but it will be cast instantly on a sunny day.

It's a physical attack version of Sunshine Flame.

Boom! !
As the cunning tengu waved his palm, the huge golden light machete slashed down heavily! !
The ten-meter machete will let you nine meters first!

"Flaming chicken, use bodybuilding to resist!!"

Because the timing of the former was very clever, it was difficult for the flaming chicken to dodge for a while, so it could only resist head-on.


The flaming chicken let out a low roar, his body bulging muscles like Yukang before, and raising his strong claws, he was about to take down this strong sunlight blade.

The next moment, the Sunlight Blade fell heavily!
Bang Bang Bang! !

The strong force made the flaming chicken straddle the shoulders, and the lower limbs fell into the ground, obviously being hit by a powerful force.

Boom boom boom.!!
Even on the ground before and after the flaming chicken, an exaggerated huge cut was cut by this powerful sunlight blade, and the scene was terrifying.

"Right now, Flaming Chicken, catch it!!"

However, at this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly flashed light and shouted loudly.

I saw that the claws of the flaming chicken were instantly transformed from defense to attack, and the sharp claws grabbed directly on the energy blade, and then yanked in his direction.

The sly tengu didn't react, and his entire body was suddenly forcibly dragged out by his sun blade, lost his balance, and fell from the tree.

The ten-meter machete looks really cool.

But after all, it is a grass-type move, and the effect is not so good. And the longer the weapon, the more difficult it is to close the knife.


Seizing the opportunity, before the opponent had time to disperse his Sunlight Blade, the flaming chicken directly dragged the cunning tengu over.

The raised right foot rubbed on the ground for a while, and a fiery flame was already ignited.
"Right now, use the flame kick!!"

When the sly tengu approached, the flaming chicken kicked out with all the flames, and kicked the sly tengu head-on like a ball!
The sunny day makes the Sunlight Blade instant. But the sunny day can also make the power of this flame kick to the extreme!

Boom! !
The sly tengu's figure flew out like a cannonball in an instant, bombarded heavily on a thick tree trunk, and finally fell down weakly.

The effect is outstanding! !
(Thank you for the reward of the leader who played with me! It’s almost 300w words and finally has the first leader.!! There will be two additional updates, but I will have to wait until after the New Year, when I find a chance to explode.)
(Thanks again Paoer!)
(End of this chapter)

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