He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1309 Green grass slips... shovel! !

Chapter 1309 The grass is slippery. Shovel! !

As the light dissipated, the size of the wonderful frog flower swelled a bit again.

In particular, the plant petals on the back became larger, and even a red flower grew on the forehead of the wonderful frog.

"Does mega evolve?"

Xiao Zhi was not surprised. The battle development area belongs to the Fangyuan area. It is not strange that the veteran trainers here can master the power of mega evolution.

But if it's just mega evolution, and you want to defeat your own frog grass, then it's too simple.

Since a long time ago, he has accepted the blessing of the mysterious garden, so that his own frog grass has obtained the attribute energy far beyond the same kind, and even the frog flower.

And has been the boss in the big wood research institute
It's not going to be some sort of patrol guard.

The so-called boss is constantly beating up other disobedient members
This makes the power of Froggrass extremely powerful after facing countless different enemies!

"Mega Frog, use the weather ball!!"

The battle started again, and this time, a golden-white ball of light suddenly appeared on the back of the wonderful frog flower.

Bang chi chi.!!
Then, under the blazing sunlight, the light ball suddenly ignited, turning into an extremely dangerous fireball, flying towards the direction of the frog grass!

Flame · Weather Ball! !

On a sunny day, this has completely turned into a fire attribute move!
If it is a vine whip, the vine whip will be burned on the spot!
"Hmph, then use strong whip!!"

Xiaozhi attacked decisively, his frog grass is not only a trick of the vine whip.

The next moment, the green vines composed entirely of energy flew out from the back of the frog grass like a snake, with extremely strong power.

Although there are only two in number, it is enough.

Smack! !
The powerful whip whipped the weather ball fiercely, and it exploded on the spot, bursting into a violent explosion of flames!

Unstoppable castration, strong whipping and whipping to the wonderful frog!

"Miaohuahua, use the sludge bomb!!"

However, when the mega frog flower spit out, a huge purple venom bomb flew out, and even completely corroded the powerful whiplash of the mega frog grass!

Poison-type moves have their own restraint effect on grass-type moves.

"As expected of a mega evolution, it's really strong."

Having said that, Xiao Zhi did not have the slightest worry, and changed his command:

"Then use your best move, Froggrass!!"

Although it is a riddle, Froggrass understands and understands what Ash means.

I saw that its limbs stepped on the grass field and slid forward sharply.

Like ice skating, the frog grass flew out in an instant, and the sharp and high-speed movements completely avoided the sludge bomb with great ease.

shhhhhh! !

Not only that, the shape of the frog grass turned into a blue-green laser, and the afterimages were repeated, which was difficult to capture with the naked eye.

Grass slides! !
This is a unique move that can only be displayed in the green grass field. It is a completely preemptive move and has a good strength. It can be said that it is a very perfect move.

This is also the trick that the frog grass is best at.

"So that's the purpose of your grass field?"

Yukang frowned, his gigantic figure, especially after completing the mega evolution, was even more cumbersome, and he couldn't perform such a silky grass slide at all.

Since you can't catch your opponent, then.
"Miaohuahua, use Earthquake!!"

But seeing the mega frog flower lift its forelimbs, it is about to fall to the ground fiercely, triggering an earthquake move that covers the audience!

"Hey, hey, my grass slide is a preemptive move!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly reminded.

The words fell, but I saw that the wonderful frog flower had not completely stepped down, and the wonderful frog grass had already rushed forward.

Boom! !
The green laser impact slammed into the rear lower limbs of Miaowahua, directly knocking the latter's figure crooked!
Earthquake moves are naturally completely interrupted and cannot be used.


Frogflower just wanted to attack Fanaca, which was close at hand, but the latter had already stepped on the green grass field and slid away again to keep a distance.

Relying on this trick, Froggrass can completely trick large and bulky Pokémon to death. The dual death of physical and psychological.

huh huh!
huh huh!
Seeing that the latter continued to circle the mega frog flower, flickering ghostly in an indescribable trail of blue light, Yukang wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Even the muscles of the body gradually began to wilt.

It's time for his Kyogre bodybuilding power
This froggrass must be completely killed before this! !
Seeing that the opponent wanted to rush towards the grass slide again, Yukang immediately shouted:
"Use the petal dance!!"

The mega Frog Flower understood, let out a low roar, and began to shake out countless pink cherry blossom petals all over her body.

shhhhhh! !

Immediately scattered around, accompanied by strong winds, spinning rapidly.

It is said to be the petal dance. But only the petals are dancing, forming an airtight petal barrier, while the wonderful frog flower is unmoving like a mountain in the center, waiting for it.

"Use the grass slide!!"

However, no matter what the dangerous flower petal dance was at all, Froggrass still dashed out.

Boom! !
Boom! !
The shock waves of the grass slides collided with each other, and they instantly retreated. They changed positions and continued to use the grass slides, so that Miaohuahua couldn't find the exact position of the latter.

And the latter's mega evolution can be said to be not strong, it has endured the impact of several green grass slides in a row, and the offensive of the petal dance has not dissipated.

"It's useless, use the grass slide!!"

However, by the fifth round, the sixth round
The grass slide has completely dissipated the petal dance, and hit the body of the wonderful frog flower head-on.

It can be said that the current frog grass has completely smashed the evolutionary offensive of the frog flower mega with its own power! !
Every green grass slide carries a strong force, and it explodes like a cannonball on the body of the wonderful frog flower.

The damage once may not be enough, but the accumulation of many times has already made the wonderful frog flower start to pant and move stiffly.

Finally, the frog grass aimed at the heel of the mega frog flower, and suddenly rushed out! !
The latter was just about to use trample, and stomped this cunning frog grass with one foot.

However, the frog grass changed its movements in an instant, dodging and trampling from a tricky angle, and the grass slide made the final blow!
I saw that it kicked the most vulnerable heel of the frog with a heavy sliding shovel. This is a trick to kick down! !

Fully integrated with the power of the grass slide, a punch of speed and skill.

Grass slips. Shovel! !

Boom boom boom!!
The huge Frog Flower was instantly knocked down by the latter's grass shovel and fell heavily on the ground.

Kicked down is a critical blow to heavy Pokémon!
This kick directly made the wonderful frog flower unable to stand up again, and even dissipated the posture of mega evolution, completely losing the fighting ability.

"Old man, did you lose?"

Yukang stared blankly at the scene in front of him, Kyogre's power completely dissipated at the same time, making him an old man again.

(End of this chapter)

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