He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1317 Black Pyramid

Chapter 1317 Black Pyramid
"How about Xiaozhi, have you thought about the players you want to play tomorrow?" Yachida couldn't help asking at the luxurious dining table.

He looked like he was more nervous than Xiao Zhi.

Today, Shendai holds three legendary Pokémon at the same time, and is still a well-known mythical beast in the Fangyuan area - the Three Gods Pillar.

And I made a special call just now, saying that I must not release water and go all out.

Yahida now somewhat regrets being right.

For propaganda, is it enough to send a divine beast from the Age of God?
According to the character of the guy from the generation of God, it is generally a 3v3 competition system. He will send two ordinary Pokémon first, and the last one will be sent with a divine pillar.

It is estimated that all three of them are divine beasts.
Not even 6v3 against opponents, but 3v3 with complete equality.

This difficulty is much more difficult than a frozen bird in solo Dara before.

"Three God Pillars?"

Xiao Zhi forcibly swallowed the meat and thought to himself.

If the opponent is the Three Gods Pillar, he will naturally have to send the Dragon God Pillar and the Electric God Pillar, which are also from the God Pillar series. This kind of competition is interesting.

Just look at these two divine pillars, and the traditional three divine pillars in the Fangyuan area, which one is more powerful!
Wiping his mouth, Xiao Zhi has already begun to look forward to the arrival of tomorrow.

Chu Chu Chu! !

Early the next morning, Yaxiada drove a few people away from the private villa and went to a wild jungle that looked rather desolate.

As for the battle tower, Lila was suddenly sucked into the inexplicable ultimate hole, but it didn't reach them.

After all, there was no one to challenge the tower, and the pioneering mind suddenly disappeared, and it would only be regarded as a secret practice somewhere, and it did not cause much disturbance.

After driving for several hours, Yahida parked the off-road vehicle in a jungle and looked around.

"Strange, the Battle Pyramid should be around here, right?"

Why can't he see the pyramids and people at all when he made an appointment with the Age of God?

Are Ash and the others with a bit of curiosity in the battle facility in the wilderness?
"Well, you wait for me here, I'll go find the gods"

Eyes searched to no avail, Yahida could only pull the car off the handbrake and park it, and walked towards the depths of the jungle.

After waiting for a long time, no one saw Yahida's return.

"Why don't we go down and look for it?"

Xiao Zhi suggested.

It happened to be bumped in the car for several hours, and my butt was numb. Several people agreed to the proposal and got out of the car one after another.

Immediately followed the direction of the disappearance of Yaxiada.

It was only a few dozen meters away that a huge pyramid building could vaguely be seen, and the towering black tips jutted out of the jungle.

A few people's eyes lit up, isn't the battle pyramid right here? !

He quickly opened the jungle and walked in to see that the fruit was a magnificent pyramid building, like ancient ruins, with an ancient atmosphere.

However, the stone brick walls on the surface are black and gray, not the brownish yellow like ordinary pyramids.

"It's incredible. Is it a prehistoric ruin at all? It doesn't look like some man-made battle facility building"

Xiaogang walked into the entrance of the pyramid, which was a slender stone passage. He looked at the murals on the walls on both sides, and he couldn't help sighing.

As a Nibi, the Nibi Museum is open on top of his gym, and Xiaogang also has some research on archaeology.

Looking at the rune marks on the surface of the pyramid, they are all in the color of ancient warehouse gray, and I can't understand the meaning at all.

There are also very abstract original murals carved on the black and gray walls.

Waiting left and right, I didn't see Yachida coming out. Ash and the others looked at each other, and decided to go in and meet directly.

It is estimated that he was chatting with Mr. Koujiro in there. Did you forget the time?
Da da da.!

Stepping into the black pyramid, this is a spacious stone path that does not know where it ends. Due to the closed environment, the footsteps on the floor can even make a crisp echo of footsteps.

The trajectory of the stone road is slightly inward, and it seems that it is connected all the way to the innermost part of the pyramid.

On both sides are various ancient murals, which seem to be carved with the lives of prehistoric humans and Pokémon, which are very metaphysical.


It's just that a few people get more and more strange.

This feels like a real ancient ruin, and there is no human construction factor at all, right?

"Uh, we seem to have gone to the wrong place?"

Xiaogang vaguely felt that there was something wrong there, so he retreated and planned to leave.

Although there is still bright light around, it is very calm, and it seems that there is no danger. But the intuition of the archaeological mountain man gave him a gloomy feeling.

"It's alright~ they're all in!"

Xiaozhi seems to be full of confidence, Mr. Koujiro is in front, how can there be a saying of escaping!

Just when he saw the stone platform next to him, there was a life-size rock statue of Pikachu, and Xiaozhi picked it up with his backhand.

The next moment, the eyes of this Pikachu statue actually flashed a strange light, as if some kind of mechanism had been triggered.

With the opening of the stone gate in front of him, a huge rock ball rolled out, almost the size of the entire stone road.

With huge power, the entire stone road wall vibrated violently, and it was about to crush them.

"Pikachu, use high voltage electric shock!!"

However, Xiao Zhi did not give in, pointed to the front, and commanded the strongest move in a loud voice.


Pikachu immediately turned into a four-legged beast mode, running fast on the ground to charge up, and a violent lightning burst from his whole body, and the terrifying power dragged a huge trajectory of destruction on the floor.

Boom boom boom! !

In the end, the high-voltage electric shock hit the rolling boulder head-on, and the lightning burst and burst, completely shattering and cracking a huge rock that was three or four meters high!
Of course, when Pikachu landed, there was a high-voltage electric shock arc on his body, which was refreshing.

"So this is the test against the Pyramid. Does that mean I've passed it?"

Ash backhanded the trophy Pikachu statue between his arms and carried it along the way.

It's strange for Shen, it seems that I have to find a time to mail it back to Zhenxin Town.

Then there are many rock statues next to it, and a little touch will trigger various traps frequently.

Sometimes countless venom arrows flew out, and sometimes sharp needles protruded under his feet. But they were all easily resolved by Xiao Zhi.


Xiaolan and Xiaogang kept a safe distance a few meters apart and walked behind.

These traps don't seem like some kind of test, and they are all about killing people with real swords!

Then let's go to the play.

(End of this chapter)

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