He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1323 The Pillar King's Eccentricity

Chapter 1323 The Pillar King's Eccentricity
In the blink of an eye, the electromagnetic gun has been accumulated!
Fast speed means that you can do whatever you want, lock + electromagnetic gun. Electric God Pillar completely transformed it into a move, which is very silky.

Boom boom! !

Yellow-green electro-optical pulses lasing out, piercing the air!
Under the double blessing of the surrounding electric force field and the characteristics of the electric crystal itself, the power of this electromagnetic cannon has broken through the sky.

It's even more terrifying than holding a rock god pillar at zero distance, and the power of a suicide explosion directly!

Even the gods, who have always been calm, were horrified by this blow.

But it was too late to be amazed, and he quickly commanded:

"Regilock, use Dig!!"

The Rock God Pillar didn't dare to resist head-on. When he was about to move his target under his body, his strong arm dug out a big hole at a very fast speed.

Sneak into the ground, trying to use the thick and hard ground to resist the move.

"It's useless!!"

Xiao Zhi seemed very confident, this blow had already decided the winner.

Boom boom! !

I saw that there was a lock-on move as a guide, and this extremely sturdy electromagnetic gun turned its trajectory and shot down in the direction of the digging hole!

For a time, both the rock god pillar and the electromagnetic gun dived into the ground, but the surface seemed calm.

It was just a violent roar from under his feet, as if the entire arena was about to be completely cracked.

This kind of movement even spread to the spectator seats, and Yachida and the others looked at their feet in a panic.

The next moment, a beam of lightning pulses instantly broke through the earth and rose into the sky! !
And the huge body of the Rock God Pillar was forcibly dragged out of the ground by this tyrannical current and suspended in mid-air.

bang bang zi.! !
The extremely powerful move, the vertical rise, and the terrifying pulling force brought by the extremely high voltage even dragged the rock god pillar, unable to escape from the center of the electromagnetic gun, and was completely full of damage!

Boom! !
Not only that, this electromagnetic cannon was shot from the ground at the foot of the Electric God Pillar, and it was necessary to attack the Electric God Pillar together.

It seems that the Rock God Pillar deliberately dug a hole under the body of the Electric God Pillar.

"Electric God Pillar, hurry up and use Divine Speed ​​to dodge!!"

Xiaozhi's expression became anxious, and he quickly commanded.

Looking at the calm expression of the man in front of him, Xiao Zhi realized the horror of the Age of God.

What he thought was how the Age of God would resist his move.
I didn't expect that the other party didn't think about how to dodge or resist this deadly electromagnetic cannon, but wanted to die together with the electric pole? !

It's just that the Electromagnet Pillar just released the electromagnetic gun with a full force blow, and its movements are still somewhat stiff and slow.

Before he had time to use his speed, the electromagnetic gun was already soaring into the sky!

Boom! !

The electromagnetic gun with the characteristics of the transistor + the electric field rushed straight to the top of the battle pyramid, directly blasting a huge gap.

But the Electric God Pillar was lucky, the electromagnetic cannon did not hit its body completely, but flew out from the position in front of it, piercing the air.

Even so, just wiping the edges directly destroyed the energy arm extending out of the Electric God Pillar.
However, the torso of the Electric God Pillar is the real body, and the limbs are just energy currents that extend out.

Even if it is destroyed, it is not a problem, and in the blink of an eye, new electric limbs can be reassembled.

"Well, is it still a little slower?"

This scene also made the eyes of the gods congeal, shaking his head and sighing.

If Regilock's burrowing speed was a little faster, he would be able to completely hit the body of the Electric God Pillar instead of just a pair of arms.

His own rock god pillar couldn't stop this blow, and the other party couldn't stop his dangerous attack either.

However, the opponent's offensive was too fierce, and even the rock god pillar didn't have time to dig a hole to reach the perfect position.

Boom boom boom! !

The electromagnetic cannon that shot up into the sky exploded completely, the rock god pillar in the lightning also suffered full damage, and the heavy body was even smashed into the air by the electric shock.

The body, which was completely constructed of rock, even seemed to have a lot of rock fragments cracked on the surface.

Boom boom! !

Finally, with the end of the electromagnetic gun, a complete explosion!

The shock wave generated by the current explosion even blows away the current flowing in the surrounding air in an instant.
The electrical field is gone.


And in the smoke and dust in the sky, a huge figure also crashed down, making a violent movement.

I saw that the Rock God Pillar had completely lost its ability to fight, and fell on the ground of the ruins with a charred body, and arcs appeared from time to time on the surface of the body with many rock gaps.

"The Rock God Pillar has lost the ability to fight, this game is the Electric God Pillar's victory!!"

The apprentice referee who fought against the pyramid immediately said loudly.

I didn't expect that my master would take the lead in defeating this boy who looked younger than him. What was the origin? !
And this Electric God Pillar.
"Come back, Reggie Locke.!"

At the end of the battle, the expression of the gods did not change, and he directly retracted the rock god pillar.

I don't know if it's an illusion or not, Shendai clearly thinks that his Rock God Pillar is not inferior to the opponent in terms of level.

Speaking of the commanding power of the trainer, he didn't give up too much.

Was there an "eccentricity" in the creation of the Five God Pillars created by the legendary God Pillar King, Regichkas?

Endowed the other two bizarre pillars with more power?

It's just that now is not the time to continue researching and thinking, Kamdai shook his head lightly, and turned his serious eyes towards him.

"Thank you for your hard work, Electric God Pillar, come back for the time being!"

The battle was still going on, but Xiao Zhi suddenly withdrew the Electric God Pillar. It seemed that he did not intend to let it continue to fight, but was looking forward to the next duel with high fighting spirit.

"Come out, Regis Kiryu!!"

The generation of God naturally did not hesitate, and sent his second general first.

dong dong! !
The red light flashed, and it was another god-pillar giant with a similar body structure, but this time it was obviously heavier, and the ground trembled violently.

When I looked closely, I saw that it was a silver-white steel giant, and its torso and arms were pitch black with strange bright red spots.

Steel pillar!
"DiDi. Regis Qilu, also known as Steel God Pillar, steel attribute, one of the legendary giants, has a body that is harder than any metal, but the inside of the body seems to be hollow, I don't know what this Pokémon is. What for food."

The picture book automatically recognizes the prompt.

This Pokémon Xiaozhi has the impression that in the ancient ruins in the southern part of Yinyu City, it was the Steel God Pillar who was subdued by the gods.
It stands to reason that this one should only have the most lack of running-in degree on the other side.

"Then it's up to you, Dragon God Pillar!!"

(End of this chapter)

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