He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1329 The Sacrifice Ceremony

Chapter 1329 The Sacrifice Ceremony
Early morning a few days later.

Xiao Zhi has returned to his hometown, Zhenxin Town, and got up from his big bed.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she slowly walked down the stairs holding Pikachu, her mother Hanako had already prepared a large table of breakfast.

"Bar, bar, bar~!"

The magic wall puppet is paddling the water and sweeping the floor next to it.

There was nothing in his hands, but he was still sweeping the floor and swaying from side to side.


Seeing the extension of Xiaozhi's doubts, the magic wall puppet's eyes flashed brightly, and he stretched out a finger.

Only smart people can see it sweeping the floor.

Xiaozhi: "."

On the display cabinet in the living room, in addition to the gym badges and various honorary trophies collected by Xiao Zhi before, there are also seven more emblematic badges for the battle development area this time.

The early morning sun shines in and falls on it, glittering with gold.

Next to it, there is also a rock statue of the size of Pikachu. This is a hand-made figure that Pikachu specially carried back from the ruins of the pyramid.

When they left the Battle Frontier, if it wasn't for the help of Ahida, they would have almost been caught as a thief smuggling antiques.



Under Hanako's loving gaze, Ash and Pikachu naturally had a mouth-watering meal full of oil.

It's still home cooking!

As for Xiaogang and Xiaolan, they were separated when they came back.

Before Xiao Lan could even sit down, she was taken out by Bi Lan, saying that she was going on a sister trip to hone Xiao Lan's skills, and incidentally search for the whereabouts of the dream.

Xiaogang is because he will follow Xiaozhi to the Shenao area in a few days, and it is a long trip. So these days, he temporarily returned to the Nibi Gym and took a rest.

"How about today?"

After eating and wiping his mouth, Xiao Zhi first went to the backyard of the Damu Research Institute to talk to his Pokémon for a while.

There is still about half a month before he goes to the Shenao area.
These days, Xiaozhi doesn't plan to rest, and plans to go to the ancient kingdom with the inheritance of the power of waveguide, to see if he can master the cultivation method first.

Body rubs a wave missile and smashes it out. Xiao Zhi is very much looking forward to having such an ability.

However, this process, it seems that he can only go alone.

In the backyard of the Big Wood Research Institute, on an empty lawn.

There were a lot of Pokémon gathered around, most of which were Ash's former partners, and naturally there were 59 Kentaros.

On the other hand, Xiaozhi untied his backpack and took out the strange metaphysical things one by one.

In front of him, Brother Chi's body, the hat of God, has been placed firmly in the grass.

After the collection of the token of the gods in the Kanto region and the Joto area, today finally came to the third sacrifice of the token of the gods!
Xiao Zhi spread out his palms, and there were a lot of things in front of him, all of which he collected in the Fangyuan area, body tissues or special items from various legendary Pokémon.

The first is Groudon and Kyogre's tissue nails.
It was a gift from Mikkori, but there was not much divine power in it, and more of it was accompanied by the breath of the god of the sea and the god of the earth.

And then a black dragon scale!
The token of God from the incomparably powerful black Rift Seat, even infused with the great divine power of Rift Seat!
Next is the body tissue of the Three God Pillars, which are rock, steel, and ice, arranged in sequence.

"Latias, please."

After thinking for a while, Xiaozhi turned his head to look at the delicate and beautiful red-haired maid next to him.

Speaking of which, Lattias and Latios are also Legendary Pokémon in the Fangyuan region.

The two brothers and sisters are almost the same, so a token of God should be enough for one person, right?

Latias jumped up in mid-air and regained his dragon form. As if he was about to get an injection, he blinked his eyes and gathered up his courage to pull a glass-like feather from his body.

"And then this"

Xiao Zhi took out another small sheet that looked like yellow.

This is the end tissue of the yellow cloth strip from Kiraqi's body.

"Super dream boss, please!"

As his mind sank, Xiao Zhi called out Super Dream.

The latter did not appear, but a crystal clear blue ball appeared out of thin air in front of Xiao Zhi.

This is the crystallization of Deoxys' spiritual power. With the continuous rhythm of Mewtwo, it may even be transformed into a real Pokémon egg in the future, giving birth to Deoxys with a blue crystal core.

Currently being carried by the male mother Chaomeng, the super-strong mental power environment makes this future Deoxys continue to grow stronger.

Chao Meng even put a lock on it intimately, and the sacrifice ceremony for Chi's body only took away part of the breath of this psychic crystal, which was harmless.

When he was ready, Ash took out two Poké Balls with different styles.

"Finally, it's the two of you, please!!"

The red light flashed, and the Dragon God Pillar and the Electric God Pillar appeared in front of Xiao Zhi.

They are pure energy bodies, but they don't have any organs and tissues that can be divided. Xiaozhi plans to let them two guys directly pour the breath of dragons and electricity into the hats.

"This time, all the Legendary Pokémon in the Fangyuan area should be collected~!"

Arranging everything neatly, Ash said on his hips.

Any item in it is a precious existence that can be encountered and cannot be found, but he has collected so many. Xiao Zhi is still very proud.

In the silver-feather necklace space, there is also a Manaphy elf egg. This Pokémon seems to be a fantasy elf in the Fangyuan area.

However, it does not have the locking operation of the super dream boss. The ghost knows if it is taken out, will this sacrifice process directly squeeze the whole egg of Manafi dry?
Let's wait until it hatches.

"Then let's get started!!"

This is the third time to sacrifice a token of God, and Xiao Zhi is no stranger to this process.

Chi's soul also slowly flew out of the hat, and he could vaguely see the figure of an adult man wearing a lowered red and white peaked cap.

His eyes, which were always calm and indifferent, also flickered lightly.

There was a faint sound of kicking the butt, and another black shadow flew out of the hat.

It was the legendary king of Poklantis, who was now the errand king of Brother Chi.

"Is this... a sacrificial ceremony to create a body?!"

The soul of the king under the sun, vaguely condensed a tall figure, and when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes widened and he was full of amazement.

He also has a lot of research in the field of soul and body, and at a glance recognizes what Ash and Chi are doing.

But this sacrifice ceremony is too extravagant! !
The king's eyes were all red, and he wanted to forcibly riot, loot and pack everything here!

It's just that at this moment, his body stone ball is in Xiaozhi's hands, and his soul is completely locked by Chi, and he has no capital to turn around.

(End of this chapter)

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