He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 134 Female wrist strength, the future can be expected

Chapter 134 Female wrist strength, the future can be expected
After some operations, Xiao Zhi also obtained a lot of information.

For example, the masked man did challenge the Quartz League in the early years and won the conference championship at that time, even earlier than the p1 competition two years ago.

But the league assembly here is actually two concepts from the Champions League.

The Alliance Conference means that ordinary trainers get eight badges and fight against the same trainers to determine the champion of the conference.

The Champions League is a very different game, or not a game, but a one-on-one challenge.

The champion of the conference challenges the king.

The King of Heaven Challenges the League Championship.

Winner, take your place!
In other words, in the Champions League, even the weakest person is a certain session of the conference champion.

To become the champion of the conference, it is up to the challenger to decide whether to continue the challenge. After all, the only challengers they can choose are the four reigning Heavenly Kings.

It is by no means comparable to the half-baked core cadres of the Rockets.

Of course, even the tyrannical king, whether or not to challenge them to the next level, the league champion, also has a tingling scalp.

It is with this mechanism of national competition that the quality of trainers will become higher and higher.

This is also what the masked man desires.

At that time, he was like a foreign dark horse, challenging the most old-fashioned Kanto League by himself, and won the championship of that session with an extremely tough attitude.

In the subsequent Champions League, he directly challenged Du, who was the most popular among the Four Heavenly Kings at that time.

Of course, it ended miserably.

It is worth mentioning that although Du was not a champion at that time, after accepting the challenge of the masked man, he challenged the champion at that time with his backhand. With his extremely tyrannical, dragon-like but not dragon-like Pokémon, he directly took the Pokémon. He kicked it down, declaring that he would rule as the strongest in Kanto for the next ten years.

"Is it the Champions League?"

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath, that is to say, only if he wins the championship in the league conference, can he further rise to the Champions League and challenge this masked man.

"I will win!"

Ash clenched his fists and swore secretly.

But now the main event is this p1 fighting competition.

Start by winning this championship first!
The competition soon started in full swing. Many of the contestants were muscular men, and Xiao Zhi, a short and thin teenager, was a little out of place.

He even saw a lot of people wearing the same mask as the Royal Masked Man, with a black belt that restrained the muscles and the body, it really felt like a boy next door.

"It's my turn."

After the first round of countless trash fish competitions, Xiao Zhi also ushered in his debut battle.

The game adopts a 1v1 unlimited elimination system, starting from the initial more than 100 people and continuously eliminating in half, the losers will leave the field directly, and the winners will enter the next round.

"The next person to appear is a classmate from a family of martial arts in the Kanto region, Ichikawa, who is 10 years old this year. This is the first time to challenge the p1 fighting competition! This time, the top three favorites!"

Following the host's introduction, an arrogant-looking young man walked to the edge of the ring, dressed in a white training suit and looking like a professional boxer.

"And his opponent is Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, who is also 10 years old this year!!"

Xiao Zhi clenched his fists and walked to the ring.

Seeing that his opponent looked like a country bumpkin, Nei couldn't help but sneered and threw his Poké Ball.

This is a gray-blue human-shaped Pokémon, about the size of a human child, but with very strong muscles, with hands and feet horizontal, posing in a posture similar to Taekwondo.

"Didi. Arm strength, arm wrestling Pokémon, although small in size, but full of muscles, can emit several times the weight of the force, visually this is only a female, the future can be expected."

Pokédex is automatically broadcast.

Xiaozhi nodded slightly, and slowly threw out his Pokémon without any carelessness because of the opponent's size.

"Ah hoo hoo!!"

Fire Monkey came on stage, his round body directly raised two big fists, and raised his arms to greet the applause of the audience, as if he was now a champion.

"It's up to you, third brother!"


Xiao Zhi and Huo Bao Monkey clenched their fists, and immediately had the same mind.

What only makes it puzzled is, wasn't it the second younger brother yesterday, why did he become the third younger brother today?

The Fire Monkey and Armor climbed into the ring, and the trainer could only give instructions outside the ring rope.


As the host knocked on the gong of the competition, the Fire Monkey couldn't restrain its irritable nature, and rushed out on the spot like a wild flaming horse running away.


The petite body smiled without rushing, and the body took a half-step back, and then his head was tilted, allowing the fist of the fire monkey sandbag to pass by his head.

"Good chance, wrist strength, use the shoulder throw!" Nei Yi couldn't help but instructed with a smile.

At first glance, this fiery monkey's movements are like an untrained layman, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

The wrist force's eyes showed a smart look, and the body took the initiative to lean up and close to the body of the fire monkey, then one hand grabbed its wrist, the other hand pulled down its fur body, and then the body suddenly exerted force, back up.


He only heard a low shout, and the arm force directly threw the Firestorm Monkey out with this force, with great strength.

The latter's chubby figure flew straight out, and didn't bounce back to the ground until it hit the horizontal rope of the ring, rubbed his head, and felt a little dizzy.

"Third brother, be calm, we are bound!"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly ran to the other side of the ring and said encouragingly.


The Firestorm Monkey, who was thrown over his shoulder once, quickly calmed down, stood up, and swept the movements of the dwarf in front of him with sharp eyes, trying to find any flaws.

But Neiichi didn't give it a chance to think, this time he attacked:

"Wrist strength, kick with the bottom plate!"

The wrist force suddenly rushed, buttocks hit the ground, a ground sliding shovel shoveled on the toes of the fire monkey, the latter could only hold one toe in pain, screaming in pain, and could only jump on the ground.

"While now, use the shoulder throw again!"

This wrist is obviously well-trained, and the speed is not low. It actually sticks up again while the Huobao monkey is in a panic, and the small body is placed on the back of the Huobao monkey's round body.

Then he did the same, and threw it out again.

"So strong."

Xiao Zhi was secretly surprised, as expected of a character from a martial arts family.

Fortunately, the fire monkey has thick skin and thick flesh, and still maintains its combat effectiveness under two skills.

Seeing the opponent's second shovel hit immediately, Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up and he thought of a solution.

He is a trainer, not a fighter, so naturally he has to deal with everything with the trainer's idea.

"Fire Monkey, jump up!"


Hearing that, Huo Feng Monkey's thighs exerted force and jumped in place, and the powerful jumping force made the arm force that shoveled past be startled.

The Fire Monkey that jumped up did not land on the ground at the moment, but stepped on the top of the black pillar on the edge of the ring, raised two fists, and roared loudly.

"This trick is"

Nei Yi was a little surprised, he seemed to have seen this trick somewhere.

Xiao Zhi pressed his hat, his eyes lit up with flames, and then roared loudly:
"Take it, Fire Monkey, use the cross to hack!!"

I saw the Firestorm Monkey leaping high again from the black pillar, with his hands crossed in front of his chest, and his arms exuded an amazing white light.

Then it fell down and flew towards the wrist!

In conjunction with the white lights hanging around, the powerful shadow made the arm force just look at the blow so quickly approaching.

"Kang Keng!!"

The Firestorm Monkey hit the cross and fell heavily, directly on the neck of the wrist, and the powerful force flew it out of the ring almost instantly.

The wrist strength was instantly killed by one move!

"Appeared, it is the famous stunt of the royal masked man, the extremely evil leap and smash!!"

The host recognized it instantly, and this move was very similar to the stunt of the flaming roaring tiger in both movement and momentum.

In other words, it was simply copied by Ash and Fire Monkey.

It's just that the power is a little less, and there are no fancy black flames around.

"Xiao Zhi will advance to the next round!!"

(End of this chapter)

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