Chapter 1350
"Please, Lucario, tell me how to cultivate the power of the waveguide!"

Walking behind Lucario, Ash bowed solemnly and said solemnly.

For him, having a practical teacher is countless times more important than any written book!

This time Lucario turned his head slightly and glanced at Ash.

It is still the same style of clothing of Yalang, which makes his emotions faintly beating.

Lucario had already noticed last night that this human has a majestic and rich waveguide power.

But without the correct guidance, all pile up and block in the heart.

If it was in the past, Lucario would not hesitate to teach Ash how to cultivate the power of the waveguide. Just like when Aaron taught him at the beginning.

But at this moment, Lucario just wanted to see Aaron again, and didn't want to be a teacher.

"I reject!"

After a while, Lucario refused in a deep voice.

Then he closed his eyes and meditated quietly.

Next, Ash didn't give up, and simply stayed by Lucario's side all the time, trying to melt the latter's guard against the wall.

"Leave all the food to me!!"

In addition to occasionally going out with Queen Irene to take a few promotional photos, Xiao Zhi even contracted Lucario's three meals a day and was responsible for delivery.

In this way, Lucario is also half of his own teacher, and it is not a problem to be sincere.


A few days later, although Lucario remained expressionless on the surface, his face jumped tightly, but he did not refuse Xiao Zhi's meal.

Not to mention, modern food is quite delicious.

At that time, they were all very simple cooking.

It is enough to be full, where is there any pursuit of nutrition or deliciousness.

"How about, do you want to try this. This thing is delicious!"

Xiao Zhi even took the initiative to share the snacks he brought from Zhenxin Town and handed over the chocolate in his hand.


After tearing open the package and looking at the black and hard block, Lucario hesitated for a while and tried to put it in his mouth.

The chocolate enters the warm mouth and gradually melts into a dense texture.

There is a bit of bitterness in the sweetness, and the aftertaste is long.
This caused Lucario to tear open the package completely and threw a whole piece of chocolate into his mouth, and even the corners of his mouth were stained with dark chocolate sauce.

Seeing that the gourmet plan can work, Xiaozhi is overjoyed.

In any case, this Lucario had not met for the first time, and had no intention of guarding himself.

However, in the next few days, Ash's relationship with this ancient Lucario did not go any further.

Only when feeding, can he occasionally speak a few words, and Lucario usually meditates quietly without saying a word.

Queen Irene has nothing to do. Speaking of which, this Lucario can be regarded as the "ancestor" of their Orudoran, and has a very high status.

Even as the queen, it would be difficult for her to directly order Lucario to force Ash's waveguide power.

Seeing the days go by, I can't stay here forever.

"no solution anymore."

Xiaozhi's heart was ruthless, and he simply planned to quietly follow Lucario's back to see if he could steal some profound meanings.

After the first few days of self-isolation, this Lucario seems to have gradually let go of his mood. Sometimes he will walk out of the practice room and walk on the streets of the city of Orudoran.

From the outside, the city was almost no different from the Orudoran in his memory, which made Lucario deeply moved.

"Master Aaron."

It was not until dusk was approaching that Lucario, who had a melancholy face, returned to the practice room, intending to continue sitting and meditating.


As soon as he reached the door of the practice room, Lucario's eyes narrowed, and his ears suddenly stood up alertly.

Is someone following him? !
The body jumped out subconsciously, and Lucario rushed straight to the sneaky shadow hiding in the bushes beside him.

Wow wow wow.!
The black shadow in the grass immediately rolled to one side in a woeful manner, avoiding the attack in a very thrilling manner.

"So fast!"

Lucario was startled, he was completely dodged by a surprise attack without warning?
But the offensive action in his hands did not slow down in the slightest.

Da da da.!

Lucario stepped on the rock wall next to him, even ignoring gravity, hanging upside down and stepping on the ceiling.

With the last footstep, he exploded with strength in an instant, swooping towards the shadowy target.

Boom! !
The power was so great that he even took this black shadow with him, smashed through the old gate, and slammed into the practice room together.

In the empty hall, the lights shone down, and Lucario recognized the shadow coming.

It's Satoshi.

"Why are you following me?!"

Lucario frowned, the corners of his mouth bared, and his expression gradually became fierce.

He was annoying, especially when he saw the hero costume that Ash was wearing, which made Lucario's emotions that he had been suppressing for a while burst out all at once.


Without a word, Lucario made a direct attack when he let out a low shout, his fist turned into a straight push, and attacked Ash's chest.

"Wait a minute, it's all a misunderstanding"

Xiao Zhi's expression was startled, and he quickly took a few steps back.

He just planned to follow secretly, and the secret teacher was right, and he actually planned to follow the person who mastered the power of the waveguide!
But seeing the fierce attack of the opponent, Xiaozhi's pupils shrank suddenly and his spirit was highly concentrated.

This made Lucario's movements slow down for a while in his eyes.

Ash shot with lightning, bypassing the head-to-head confrontation, pinching it on the wrist that Lucario pushed.

With a single flip, the opponent's offensive will be resolved directly.


Seeing that he was actually blocked and attacked by a human being, Lucario was ashamed and annoyed, and his eyes became even more fierce.

Now that the palm is restrained, he simply hits his legs and kicks, intending to kick Xiao Zhi's jaw and teeth.


Seeing this, Xiaozhi chose to rush up directly, and before the soles of the opponent's feet rose to the highest point, his body was completely attached to it.

Immediately, taking advantage of his height, he jumped up sharply.

This caused Lucario to lose his center of gravity in an instant with his upward kick, and he rolled backwards.


After several backflips in a row, Lucario barely landed.

Looking at the human being in front of him, it seems that he is still smugly hooking at him, indicating that when he comes again

Lucario let out a low voice, this time instead of rushing to attack, his hands were condensed in front of his chest, and the power of the wave guide condensed and compressed, turning it into a dangerous and turbulent blue energy bullet.

Xiaozhi: "?!"

Wait a minute, don't talk about martial arts, isn't it pure close combat now? !

However, Lucario, who was in a hurry, didn't care about this at all, and the energy bullet in his hand was thrown straight out!

Wave missiles! !

(End of this chapter)

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