He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1355 Steel attribute, immune to poison

Chapter 1355 Steel attribute, immune to poison
the next day.

When it was close to dusk, several people had arrived in front of a lush jungle. Compared with the bare mountain rocks on their side, they seemed full of vitality.


Indistinctly, I could hear the sound of the grass moving in front of me. It seemed that there were a lot of Pokémon living in front of me.

"It's finally here!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help sighing, and let out a sigh of relief.

After walking for two days, it was all bare mountain scenery, and he didn't even see a wild Pokémon, which made him quite irritable.

There is also the power of waveguide to practice along the way.

Now Xiaozhi has entered the boring and skilled part of Stage [-]. He is not good at precision control or something, and it takes a certain amount of time to slowly improve.

After the second stage is completed, the application operations of the third stage, such as wave rubbing missiles, will only come naturally.

"Well, this is the outermost part of the tree of the beginning of the world. Last time I only went in a few hundred meters."

Qi Duo folded her hips, unpacked her luggage, and looked expectant.

It was getting late, and several people planned to camp at this junction today to rest and wait for tomorrow to explore.

Upon closer inspection, the haze that had been lingering gradually dissipated.

It was only then that Xiao Zhi discovered that the "giant tree" in front of him was the legendary tree of the beginning of the world. In fact, it was not a tree but a mountain in the shape of a giant tree.

The root position is slightly narrower, and it gradually spreads around as it goes to the top, forming a mushroom-like shape.

Taupe mountain rock surface covered with lush green vegetation.

But because the mountain is too huge and towering, from a distance, it looks more like a mushroom-shaped boulder covered with little moss.

Just looking at the periphery, Xiaozhi felt a desolate and ethereal aura.

It seems that it contains the mystery of the origin of everything, ancient and mysterious
"It feels so strange, no wonder it is called the tree of the beginning of the world."

In his impression, he had never heard of such an existence.

The legend of the tree of the beginning of the world is only passed down by word of mouth among the locals of Orudoran, and it is rarely taken outside.


Beside him, Qi Duo set up camp and opened the large tool bag that he carried with him.

shhhhhh! !

shhhhhh! !

In the operating room, several small drones flew up immediately, and the gesture was to fly into the tree of initiation in advance to explore.


However, Lucario, who had been meditating beside him, thought it was a dangerous operation, and suddenly his face turned ruthless, blocking the drone's path.

With a wary expression, his claws clenched, trying to smash these machines.

He just wanted to go into the depths and search for Aaron's answer. He didn't want to destroy the peace here.

In the past few days, Ash can be trusted, but this human woman, Lucario did not completely let go of his guard.

"Lucario, I have no ill intentions. These drones are not aggressive, and will not have any impact on the local ecological environment, or even disturb the life of Pokémon here."

Qito explained very sincerely.

She's not that kind of careerist. She's really an adventurer who simply wants to explore the world.

"At most, the drones will mine some lifeless grass, trees and stones, and bring them back as research materials."

When Xiao Zhi heard it, it seemed that there was no problem, right?

And in such a big environment, there is no evil villain like Team Rocket trying to do something bad.

It is impossible for a catastrophe to occur because of the intrusion of a few of them, right?

"It's okay, the road guide, don't be so vigilant. Eat a piece of chocolate to extinguish the fire."

Xiaozhi smiled and comforted, and handed over a chocolate.


Lucario's alert and serious eyes swept across the two of them, and then he gradually let go of his hostility and let these drones enter the tree of the beginning of the world.

He took Ash's chocolate and went to eat it.

The dense and honest taste is obviously top-notch food, but it gives him a sense of guilt that seems to be swallowing poison, but this temptation is hard to resist.

While operating the drone through the jungle, while watching the traces of chocolate on the corner of Lucario's mouth, Chito's brows were deeply wrinkled.

"Xiao Zhi, saying that dogs shouldn't eat chocolate, right?"

Some ingredients in chocolate cannot be digested by dogs, which can have unpredictable consequences for their bodies.

With Lucario's weight, if he ate five pieces of chocolate in his hand, he should have died on the spot.

"Is there such a saying. And isn't Lucario a wolf?"

Xiao Zhi replied shyly.

"There's not much difference between a wolf and a dog."

Chito frowned slightly and said.

She is a professional outdoor adventurer and is quite sensitive to these hazards.

"That shouldn't be a big problem. Lucario is a steel-type Pokémon and is immune to severe poison."

Ash's backhanded Pokémon fighting angle gives a reasonable explanation.

Well, if there is any problem, Lucario's body should be hard and cold by now.

Because yesterday Lucario ate a lot of chocolate.

Perhaps it is precisely because the race is born unable to enjoy chocolate that, as the only steel dog, Lucario is so obsessed with this forbidden taste?

Chito: "."

Like, is that true?

Putting down his backpack, Ash remembered that he still had an elf egg that was about to hatch.

There is a high probability of hatching Lucario's degenerate form - Leoru, or Mashana.

Riolu has no steel properties, and if it eats chocolate, it will cause an accident, but the evolved Lucario eats it and is fine.

In this way, it should be able to confirm his conjecture.

Xiao Zhi suddenly became excited. He seemed to have come up with a rigorous academic paper by accident!

"Research on how Steel-type Pokémon won't fall into food poisoning! 》

"However, there is only one Leo Lu, and you can try it at most once."

His expression quickly collapsed again, and he shook his head, temporarily dispelling the thought.

After dinner, Lucario sat on a high place to meditate and meditate.

Qi Duo was operating and watching the camera angle from the drone, while communicating with his companions.

"Unbelievable, Kito, this seems to be an incredible place!"

The logistics researcher named Banks exclaimed in amazement from the remote through the data screen sent back by the drone.

However, the drone is still in the outermost periphery and needs to go deeper.


Ash, on the other hand, imitated Lucario, sitting aside to meditate and hone his waveguide power.

Next, he is going to the Shenao area, and he doesn't know if Brother Chi will go with him.

If he couldn't go with him, the latter also reminded himself to find a powerful partner Pokémon who could rescue him in times of crisis.

"Then why can't this partner be me?"

Ash secretly made up his mind to raise his waveguide power to a good level before heading to the Shenno area.
At least to the extent that it can rub out wave missiles!

(End of this chapter)

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