He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1359 The legendary giant!

Chapter 1359 The legendary giant!

Whoosh rumbling.!

Violent tremors and explosions, but saw that a huge rock drill suddenly broke out from the ground underfoot.

In the end, the rotation state was lifted, and it crashed to the ground, with an extremely terrifying weight.

A gray-brown rock monster with a strange pattern of imprints on his face, an angular rock body, and several orange-red rocks
Rock God Pillar, Regilock!

"What the hell, why did the rock god pillar appear here?!"

Xiao Zhi blurted out exclaimed.

Just finished Mr. Kamidai's Three Gods Pillar vs. Pyramid Challenge, at this moment Ash is very familiar with this kind of Pokémon.

Is this also the habitat of the Three Gods Pillars?

But not only the three divine pillars, but also the dragon divine pillar and the rock divine pillar in his hands are all in a state of being sealed and sleeping. But the rock divine pillar in front of him seems to be very excited?

Although the latter had no expression on his face, the constantly beating dot matrix marks, the elongated cry with its own reverberation, and the open rock arms clearly indicated that the latter was in a state of anger.

Involuntarily, the rock god pillar waved his arm and threw a huge rock directly at the crowd.


Lucario naturally took the lead, slicing the bone stick with his palm to form, and slashing the flying rock into two halves with a single blow.

With a kick of his footsteps, Lucario charged up again with the waveguide bone stick, without holding back.


Seeing this, the Rock God Pillar let out a low voice, and it was actually spinning at a high speed on the spot.

Bang Bang! !
The strong rotating force directly tore Lucario's bone rod to shreds, and even bounced the latter back.

Seeing that his rock moves couldn't work, the rock god raised his arm in front of him, and the dots flashed frantically, and a violent electric current began to condense in front of him.

"Be careful, it's an electromagnetic gun!!"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly reminded from behind.

After fighting with the three gods, he was quite familiar with these three types of Pokémon.


However, Lucario's movements were extremely flexible. When he flipped backwards, his hands were palms together, and a blue energy bomb quickly condensed in his palms.

On the occasion of the complete landing, the moves have already been accumulated, and they are thrown out.

Wave missiles! !

The speed of the wave missile was extremely fast, and when the electromagnetic gun of the rock god pillar had not been fully launched, the wave missile had already bombarded the latter's face.

It was entwined with the violent current energy, and immediately caused a huge explosion!

Boom boom boom! !

The effect is outstanding! !
This terrifying blow even blew the huge figure of the Rock God Pillar backwards, and bombarded the rock wall next to it, creating a large crack.

"Come on!"

At this time, the sound of telepathy also sounded in the minds of the two of them at the same time.

I don't know why he was raided by the rock god pillar, which also reminded Lucario of Aaron's dissuasion, prohibiting himself from entering the original tree.
But at this moment, they have come to the foot of the mountain, which makes Lucario even more eager to know what happened in the deepest part.

Seeing this, Ash and Lucario looked at each other, and naturally ran into the cave.

"Hey, wait a minute, my drone."

At the entrance of the cave, Qi Duo at the back was trying to shout something.

In her operation panel, two of the drones that were released before entered the cave, but they were all attacked by unknown objects at the moment, and the communication signal was completely lost.

The final picture shows the existence of a jelly-like red energy group that directly devours the drone.

"Chito, great discovery! Great discovery!!"

At this time, the restless sound of the companion also came from the earphone.

The drone that had previously lost contact had already sent back the material inspection report of some rocks in this mountain range.

"These ores seem to be alive! They are ore life forms!! This is a great discovery in history!!"

Although it is an ordinary ore, there are organic structural components, which makes Banksy stand up excitedly.

"Mineral lifeform?"

It looks like Regilock, and its body is made of rocks, but it is a living Pokémon.

Or the big rock snake, the small fist stone. These are all mineral life forms.

But these are all Pokémon you can see and touch.

Qi Duo subconsciously looked at the surrounding rock walls with a strange expression, meaning that the rocks here are all alive?

She subconsciously slowed down, and when she raised her head again, she found that Lucario and Ash in front of her had completely disappeared.

And the Regilock in the rear did not completely lose the fighting ability.

After slowing down a bit, he started chasing in the direction of the cave. The momentum was huge, and the ground was shaking again and again.

This made Qi Duo can only forcibly put away her doubts and hurriedly ran forward.

Pfft.! !
However, at this time, a sound of bubbling bubbles came from above, which made Qi Duo subconsciously raise his head.

But I saw that there was no strange solid stone pillar above it, but it suddenly melted into a red translucent bubble and fell from the ceiling.

The sticky red bubbles gathered into a mass, like a slime without a fixed shape.


But the next moment, it seemed to have life, and it turned into a large flat net and covered it in the direction of Qi Duo.

"Big Nura, use the Claws of Death!!"

Although Qi Duo was surprised, she still quickly commanded. She is a hot adventurer, and this kind of scene will not make her unable to walk.


With a slender physique, the big Newra laughed immediately, waved her venom-stained claws, and jumped up.

However, the move swiped through the red bubble, and it actually penetrated straight through.


The latter was confused, and when he regained his senses, he saw that the big bubble did not stop at all, and even accelerated a little bit, rushing towards Qi Duo at the back.

She didn't have the skills of Xiao Zhi, so she didn't have time to dodge.


The next moment, the whole person was entangled by this big red bubble. No matter how hard he struggled, the cover and contraction of the bubble could not be stopped at all.

After a while, it was completely engulfed and disappeared into nothingness.


Seeing that his trainer was suddenly "eaten", this made the big Newra bewildered and didn't know what to do.

And this group of dangerous red bubbles didn't pay any attention to themselves at all, and floated forward on their own.
The other end, the front position.

"Hey, what about Kito?"

After running for a long distance, Xiao Zhi realized that the person following him was gone.

It's just that at this moment, there is no time for him to turn around and look for it.


"Regis Quirrell!!"

In front, two long-pitched low growls with their own reverberation came at the same time.

On one side is a strange man of steel, and on the other side is a hard ice crystal lingering in a cold fog.
The Steel God Pillar and the Ice God Pillar are blocking the way ahead at the same time!

(End of this chapter)

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