Chapter 1368 Farewell
This journey was a successful conclusion. Lucario and Aaron made their final goodbyes. His elf egg finally hatched and Ash and his party were ready to leave.

"By the way, Dream, I wonder if you will lose your hair recently?"

Before leaving, Xiao Zhi suddenly thought of something, turned his head and asked Dream Road.


The latter just tilted his head, not knowing what Xiao Zhi wanted to ask.

"Oh yes, a good friend of mine needs one of your eyelashes."

Xiaozhi didn't forget Xiaolan, he quickly informed him, and asked for one of the latter's eyelashes.


After hesitating for a while, the dream suddenly flew up and blinked in mid-air.

The next moment, a small eyelashes with a strange glow slowly fell into Xiao Zhi's hands.

This time, Xiao Zhi and the others have helped him a lot. A single eyelash is still a dream come true.

Don't look at it as if everything was caused by the arrival of Xiao Zhi and several others.

But in fact, Aaron forced the use of his own power to release the peace ability of the tree of the beginning of the world, which had certain side effects.

Negative energy has been quietly accumulating, and sooner or later it will burst out.

But today, through the three people's waveguide enhancements, this time the dream can be considered to completely eliminate this negative energy.

Unless another Aaron comes out next time and suddenly forces the use of the tree of the beginning of the world, the latter is the most perfect working state now.

Saying goodbye to Dream, several people officially embarked on the road back to Oludolan.


Leo Lu, on the other hand, imitated Lucario's appearance of jumping back and forth between the mountains, and stretched his body and limbs very freely.

In the elf egg, it is completely suffocated.

"This Leoru is really strong."

Looking at the latter's flexible and jumping appearance, Xiao Zhi at the back couldn't help but sigh.

This is just born, whether it is the wave missile condensed by the power of the waveguide, or the normal body movement, it can be said that it exceeds the average Pokémon.

After a little training, it is already a very good combat power.

"The next trip to the Shenno area will allow Leo Lu to take an adventure together."

Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

He remembered that the Royal Masked Man once mentioned that he was the dead egg he picked up while traveling in the Shenao area. It seems to be the origin of Pokémon like Leoru?
The crowd returned to Oludolan.

After a day off, Qi Duo was the first to part with the two.

She is going to go to new places non-stop for adventure.

After a night of rest, Ash and Lucario, whose weak bodies had probably recovered, went to see Queen Irene together and told them about the journey, the secret of the tree of the beginning of the world, and the great deeds of Aaron. .

"So it is. It turns out that the legendary tree of primordial has such a huge power."

Queen Irene exclaimed again and again.

She stood by the balcony, looking at the tree of the beginning of the world, which was shrouded in thick fog in the distance.

No wonder they are adjacent to Orudoran, but they have rarely been there to explore.

This power that can affect the world war is not something that a small castle can control.

"I understand. Next, I will try to focus on Oludolan, so that tourists who come here try not to explore there."

Queen Irene said solemnly.

Well, but if the average trainer wants to go there, they should be unable to defeat even the three legendary god-pillar giants guarding the door. Perhaps it is the best choice to keep it as it is?

"So this is Ash just hatching Leo Lu, so cute."

Queen Irene looked at Leo Lu, who was full of energy beside Xiao Zhi, and couldn't help bending over and rubbing the latter's head, sighing with emotion:

"Speaking of which, my elder brother also had a Leorio back then, but it should have evolved into Lucario now."

"Your brother?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned, so does Queen Irene still have a brother?
That should be, King.?

"Nope~ My brother is a person who doesn't like to be restrained. He gave up the throne very early and left Oludolan. He will only come back on certain days every year."

Speaking of her brother, Irene seemed to have become a little girl, her tone became a lot lighter, and she obviously admired her brother very much.

"Yeah, my brother looks a lot like Aaron-sama~! Lucario will be surprised to see it. But for the past few years, he must have lived in the Shinno area, right?"

Queen Irene suddenly said with a smile.

If she looks like the ancient Queen Lynn, then his brother looks like Aaron instead.

Not only does he often wear the same hero costume as Yalang, he even uses the power of the waveguide!

This was the first waveguide messenger that Irene had actually seen.

"If Lucario hadn't woken up suddenly, I might have asked the elder brother to come back and see if I can teach you the power of the waveguide in person, but it seems that the current Ash doesn't need it anymore."

Queen Irene said with a smile, looked at Lucario next to her, and asked softly:

"So Lucario, what are you going to do next?"


Lucario closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then opened his eyes, and the sound of telepathy sounded in the minds of the two of them.

"I will protect the city of Oludolan like Lord Yalang. Maybe I will go out to see the scenery outside, but this is always my home."

He was saved by Aaron at the cost of his life.

From now on, only living a serious and cheerful life is the best proof of what Aaron has done!
Although Lucario at this moment is also a bit old, in terms of mentality, he is the same as Leo Lu next to him, like a newly hatched newborn, full of vigor.

This scene also made Xiao Zhi and Queen Irene look at each other and smiled.

"Then Lu Gui, I'll leave my practice to you."

Xiao Zhi also opened his mouth.

After finishing this journey, he will also leave here and go to a new area.

In the third stage of the cultivation of the power of waveguide, I am afraid that there is no time to receive guidance here.

"Leave it to me, Xiaozhi. If you have any questions about the power of the waveguide, or Leoru, you can contact me at any time!"

The corners of Lucario's mouth twitched, and he extended his fist to Ash.

Well, he was talking about video calls, of course. Oludolan is not a backward country without electrical appliances. There is no difference in technology from outside cities.

"I get it, Director Lu!"

Satoshi naturally also showed a smile, raised his fist and collided with Lucario.

There are light blue energy ripples around the palms of the two, which are intertwined and connected to each other.
(End of this chapter)

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