He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1370 Speechless and wrong again.

Chapter 1370 Speechless and wrong again.

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I posted it in the wrong place again. It has been corrected, do not subscribe to this chapter

I posted it in the wrong place again. It has been corrected, do not subscribe to this chapter

I posted it in the wrong place again. It has been corrected, do not subscribe to this chapter

It's all polite talk!

If the fight really started, it should be Zhulan's Lie Bite Lu Shark who hit the opponent casually.
Today's style of painting seems a bit wrong? !
Not only that Ming Yao, but also this young man named Xiao Zhi so young, has such a terrible fighting power?
This made Dr. mustard's breathing tense, but she couldn't see her granddaughter's defeat.

Boom boom boom.!
On the field, the energy of the two big moves gradually disappeared, and the two Pokémon were also thrown back by the rebound of the impact.

However, the strong bite Lu Shark only took three or four steps back, then spread his wings and stopped the backward trend.


The Warmaul Dragon retreated several meters in a row, and even had a double-edged headbutt's anti-injury arc on its body, and the ancient bloodline buff red light on its body also fluttered.

"Isn't it possible to overwhelm each other like this?"

Xiaozhi frowned and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This innate ability of the Warmaul Dragon was also learned and mastered by the latter in the backyard of Dr. Damu with the half-mega state fossil pterosaur.

Entering this state, it can almost be said that the war hammer dragon has also opened an alternative mega evolution form, and its quality in all aspects can be greatly improved.

But even so, is it still incapable of being an enemy?
But compared to Xiao Zhi, Zhu Lan's expression was even more shocked.

As far as she knows, Ash's trump card isn't this warmaul dragon, right?

Even so, he was still able to complete a 46-open situation with his ace Lie Bite Lu Shark.
If Zhulan wanted to raise her palm, she had to unleash the power of the mega evolution that fiercely bites the land shark, taking her ability to a new level.
But halfway up, the palm is put down again.

In this case, it is not enough to use all my strength.

"Then try this trick, bite the land shark fiercely, and use the hot sand earth!!"

This time, it was Zhulan's turn to take the initiative to attack, and even performed a rather rare move.

"Bite hard!!"

Bite Lu Shark swung his arms in place, but saw a lot of sand rolling on the ground beneath his feet. Like a surfing vortex, a sand wave more than two meters high was set off, covering it in the direction of the War Hammer Dragon!

The scalding hot sand, and even white smoke curled up on the surface, obviously the temperature of these sand waves is extremely amazing!

However, seeing this hot and dangerous hot sand surfing, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up and suddenly said:

"Good chance, Warmaul Dragon, use Frozen Ray!!"

This command made the eyes of the people around him a little puzzled.

In the face of such a turbulent hot sandy land, the War Hammer Dragon's serious special attack ability, let alone freezing light, is meaningless even a blizzard?

However, the Warmaul Dragon did not have the slightest doubt, and opened its mouth and shot out an ice-blue electric snake.

Facing the scalding sand, the frozen light of the Warmaul Dragon couldn't even freeze for half a minute.

Zi.! !
However, the extremely cold pulse of ice light, when it came into contact with the hot and high-temperature sand, actually made a sharp and rapid sound, as if the hot water was boiled and broke through the movement of the kettle.

The next moment, where the frozen light hit, a thick mist of water vapor rose up, covering the entire arena in the blink of an eye.

"So that's the case, planning to use the blind spot of vision to attack!"

Xiaoguang slapped his hand and understood.

Her Prince Bo also often uses White Mist moves to gain offensive opportunities.

And seeing the white fog rising, Xiao Zhi also punched out, and said:

"Right now, use Frozen Teeth!!"

With the current physical strength of the fierce bite land shark, coupled with the extreme attack ability of the war hammer dragon
A blast of frozen teeth is enough to completely defeat this fiercely biting land shark!

(End of this chapter)

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