He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1372 Fallen Ancient Teenager

Chapter 1372 Fallen Ancient Teenager

Shenno area.

The direction north of Futaba Town is also Route 201 in this area.

bang bang bang.!

At this moment, a girl is riding a bicycle, speeding across the field lawn, but it does not seem to be particularly stable, as if it will overturn at any time.

She was wearing a short dress, a slim black dress with a pink hem, and a small red scarf around her smooth neck.

Wearing a white round hat, a long black and blue hair is scattered down, and two strands of hair are tied on both sides of the forehead.

With a beautiful face, big eyes, bright eyes, looking forward, he looks full of energy.

"I'm finally going to be a trainer~!!"

Along the way, Xiaoguang was still happily humming a little tune, looking around curiously.

Although this place is right at the door of her house, she has been here often before. But this is her first time to travel alone, which is naturally a new experience.

"Next, I'm going to Mansa Town, and I'm looking for someone named Dr. Yamanashi to get my initial Pokémon."

Arriving at the fork in Road 201, Xiaoguang leaned slightly, with her slender and fair thighs supporting the ground.

To the west is the direction to the shore of Xinqi Lake, which seems to be a very famous lake in their Shenao area, but no one has gone there recently.

To the east was her destination, Zhensha Town, in the opposite direction.

Just when Xiaoguang was going to go to Zhensha Town without stopping, a thunderstorm suddenly fell from the sky. The deafening movement made Xiaoguang's complexion change, and he almost fell off the bicycle.

"what the hell"

She raised her head and looked at the sky. It was a clear day, how could there be a sudden thunderstorm? !

"Wait a minute, what is that.?!"

Xiaoguang suddenly noticed that in one of the directions, there was a strange energy vortex in the otherwise unremarkable sky.

She didn't know the size of the vortex even though it was too far away, she could only see that a mass of black and purple energy was constantly twisting and spinning, forming a faint crack.

And looking at the location, it should be on the shore of Xinqi Lake?

bang bang bang.! !
Intrigued, Xiaoguang immediately turned the car around and headed towards the position by the Xinqi Lake.

Heart Qi Lake.

It is one of the three most famous large lakes in the Shenno area. It is said that some people have seen the rare red tyrannosaurus and even the legendary Pokémon haunt here.

When Xiaoguang came to Xinqi Lake, he found that there was already a person standing on the shore of the lake.

He is tall and tall, estimated to be about 1.8 meters tall, wearing a straight vest uniform, and holding a brown briefcase in his hand.

A head of white hair, growing all the way to the position of the cheeks, looks like an elderly man.

When the latter noticed that an outsider was approaching, when he turned his head, Xiaoguang found that he still had a gray-white mustache under his nose.

He has a square face with a Chinese character, slanted eyebrows, and is not angry and self-threatening, giving people a very serious and cold feeling.


This face alone made Xiaoguang's face startled, and he straightened his back subconsciously, not daring to be careless.

But in comparison, the sky at this moment is even more strange
At an unknown distance above Xinqi Lake, a black-purple vortex slowly revolved, and a very ancient and desolate aura wafted from it.

"What the hell, is this making a movie?!"

Xiaoguang, as a beginner, had never seen such a big scene before, her eyes widened.

call out.!!
The next moment, a small black dot fell from the vortex crack, more like being thrown out?

"That's a human?!"

The white-haired man looked horrified, why would a human come out of it? !
He is Dr. Yamanashi from Masa Town. Since yesterday he detected some strange data on the shore of Xinqi Lake at the research institute, he came to see it for himself today.

I didn't expect such a horrific scene to happen.

Falling from this height, even if the lakeside of Xinqi is below, this human being will fall into meat sauce.

Before he could think about it, Dr. Yamanashi hurriedly threw a Pokeball.

The red light flashed, but it was a black-brown giant eagle Pokémon with sharp eyes and strong yellow claws.

The most eye-catching is the position on the top of the head, where a very handsome and cool crown feather extends, and the end is dark red, like an undercut.

"Please Muke Ying, use a flash of electric light to save that person!"


This fancy-looking bird immediately flew with its wings and turned into an arrow of white light, quickly approaching the human being who fell out of the energy vortex.

From a distance, finally, when he was about to fall into the lake, this was worthy of saving this human being.

Muke Ying made a handsome roundabout flight, and after a while, he returned to the shore position with the human in his mouth, and placed it gently on the lawn.

"What a handsome Mukehawk."

This caused Xiaoguang next to him to temporarily stop his bicycle and get closer to watch.

She had only seen this kind of Pokémon on TV before.

But this human being rescued by Mu Keying is very strange.

He looks about the same age as himself, he is a handsome boy but his clothes are very strange.

She was wearing a dark blue kimono, with her trousers wrapped tightly around her calf, and a pair of yellow straw sandals on her feet, which was obviously not a modern dress.

This dress reminded Xiaoguang of the characters in costume dramas on TV.

"Ancient people?"

She looked suspicious.

At this moment, this "ancient boy" was completely unconscious on the shore floor and lost consciousness.


Dr. Yamanashi lowered his body and placed his ear against the latter's chest. He was still jumping, so it wasn't a big problem for the time being.

When he stood up again, the strange energy vortex in the sky had completely disappeared.

"Looks like something is wrong."

Dr. Yamanashi frowned. Although the energy vortex was strange, the key at this moment should be this comatose teenager.

Seeing him wink, Muke Ying next to him understood, grabbed the ancient young man between the bird's claws as if he was holding a big meat stick, and fluttered his wings to fly.

"Girl, you."

Seeing the other party's gaze, Xiaoguang hurriedly replied:
"Oh! I'm Xiaoguang from Futaba Town!"

For some reason, this old man always gave himself the feeling that he had done something wrong, as if he was about to be punished. He clearly didn't do anything.

"Futaba Town? Well, if I'm not mistaken, you are the rookie trainer who will go to True Sand Town to collect the initial Pokémon this time, right?"

"Uh? How do you know?!"

Xiaoguang's face was startled, and subconsciously took out a postcard from his pocket, on which was painted the patterns of the three original imperial families in the Shenno region.

It is also her identity proof. As a certificate, she can receive her initial Pokémon at the Yamanashi Research Institute.

"As expected. I am Yamanashi from the Yamanashi Research Institute!"

Dr. Yamanashi said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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