He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1376 The first battle in the Shenao region

Chapter 1376 The first battle in the Shenao region

"Di. Meow, general attributes, like shiny things, especially gold coins, they will even use gold coins to launch treasure-gathering skills to attack enemies. They are cunning and also like spherical objects. Meow can play with balls and get carried away."

The map suggests.

These words made Miaomiao turn her head, her claws stretched out sharp claws, and her eyes were not good.

"Where did you come from, little girl, can't you just use the illustrated book to check meow?!"

Seeing the cold light on the latter's claws, Xiaoguang swallowed and took a step back.

But seeing a few people around Pikachu, who didn't look like a good person, she still summoned up the courage to ask:
"Is that Pikachu your Pokémon?"

"Nonsense, this is our rocket hunter."

"Yes, this is the Pokémon of our Team Rocket, but Pikachu has entered a period of rebellion recently, and his temper is a little bad~!"

Seeing Musashi's aggressive appearance, Kojiro quickly blocked Musashi's mouth and said kindly.

It looks like a local girl, and now the focus is on Pikachu, there is no need to provoke any passers-by.


The Rice Spoon Snake also swoops and bites, forcing Pikachu to roll around in embarrassment, avoiding the encirclement of the crowd.

Several people from the Rockets rushed in again.
Although it looked very difficult to mess with these people, but looking at the panting Pikachu, Xiao Guang still hugged Bogaman and stepped in front of Pikachu.

"Well, isn't this Pikachu your Pokémon?!"


Although Pogaman was still in a coma, he was still in a coma, but his wings and hands instinctively lifted up and patted his chest, expressing his spiritual support for his trainer.

"Little girl, originally I didn't want to talk to you! I actually delivered it to your door!"

"This little penguin has never been seen before, it looks rare."

"Then grab it with Pikachu and give it to Mr. Sakagi!"

The gazes of the Rockets suddenly became dangerous, and they eagerly pressed towards Xiaoguang's position.

Only then did the latter realize that he had encountered some kind of "Pokémon dealer".

Stealing and robbing the trainer's Pokémon for second-hand trading for profit, you can often see it in the news, but Xiaoguang didn't take it seriously. I didn't expect that she had just gone out today and encountered it.


The rice spoon snake even opened its mouth wide, and the dangerous poisonous needle was ready to go.
However, the next moment, a translucent shock wave suddenly flew from the side, and was bombarding the head of the Snake Snake.

Boom! !
The power was not too great, but it knocked Snake's head off, and all the poisonous needles were shot in the direction of Team Rocket, causing Musashi and the group to dodge in a hurry.

The Rockets trio were furious and looked at the source, only to see Ash and Leoru running from a distance.

The previous air wave was exactly Leo Lu's move - the vacuum wave, the lightning flash that belonged to the special attack, and the speed was extremely fast.


On Ash's head, a chubby gray-brown bird followed.

The feathers on the face are white, revealing a slender brown beak, and there is a black curly hair on the top of the head.

This is a house bird that Ash deliberately caught in the jungle in order to find the trace of Pikachu.

Muke's pursuit in mid-air, coupled with Leo Lu's waveguide perception ability, allowed Ash to quickly find his target in this vast jungle.

"It's okay, Pikachu!"

Ash came to Pikachu and gently picked up the weak latter, feeling very distressed.

After coming to the Shenno area, Pikachu is really in trouble.
For Pikachu, who hasn't been shriveled for a long time, this day may have been more bitter than last year's whole year?

"Are you Pikachu's trainer.?!"

Seeing the master approaching, Xiaoguang asked suspiciously, until he saw that Pikachu calmed down in Xiaozhi's arms, and then he let go of his guard.

Ash also noticed the girl next to him.

"You are. No, now you have to clean up this group of people first."

He turned his head to the opposite side, his face put away with a relaxed color
"Humph, little devil, don't think that you are very powerful now that you have defeated the league champion!"

"It's no big deal to be full of divine beasts, because those will become tributes to our Rockets!"

"Since it's right, let's show you the power of our new Rocket Team~!!"

The Rockets trio shouted with arms crossed, apparently watching Xiao Zhi's performance at the Caiyou conference, but now they are not at all cowardly.


It was just these words that made Xiaoguang, who was listening next to him, look astonished.

What the hell, how could she not understand at all!
Obviously, this boy's face is at most one year older than himself. What does it mean to defeat the league champion and wear a beast all over his body?
These adjectives, she didn't dare to think so in her dreams at night!
"Humph! Desert Naia, use a missile needle!!"

Kojiro didn't have many bbs, so he launched an attack directly.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Countless sharp white light thorns flew out from the cactus slap in Naia in the desert, which made Leolu and Mukeer, who had just subdued, to dodge.

"Use the poison tail now!!"


However, the Rice Spoon Snake did not know when it was approaching, and its dagger-like tail flashed a penetrating purple light and swept over!


Leo Lu's eyes narrowed, and he turned his head to avoid it.

Swoosh! !
However, Mu Keer's action was a step slower, and he was beaten by the poison tail in the front, and then fell heavily to the ground.


With a single blow, he lost his combat ability quite simply.


Seeing that he succeeded in a blow, Musashi immediately laughed proudly.

"Come back, Mukele!"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took back Mu Keer. He had just subdued it, and his strength was somewhat weak. And Musashi's snake was not easy.

"Desert Naia, continue to use the missile needle!!"

The Rockets on the other side were unforgiving and attacked again.

Xiaoguang next to him wanted to help, but Bogaman was also in a state of dizziness and had not recovered from the previous electric shock.

However, seeing Xiao Zhi's confident look next to him, this made Xiao Guang a little surprised.

Do you still want to play one-on-two?
This Pokémon named Leolu looks like a baby too
"Leo Lu, use the lightning flash!!"

With his face unchanged, Ash commanded loudly.

Is the first opponent in the Shenao region the Rockets? Then play a serious game now!

Leo Lu nodded, his eyes were also full of war.

Immediately, the body was covered with white light and rushed out, running fast, walking through the dense missile needles, but did not suffer any damage.

(End of this chapter)

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