He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1383 99 Heavy Balls

Chapter 1383 99 Heavy Balls
The other two, one is tall gray-white Newra, with purple claws and poisonous hands, looking quite dangerous.

The last one was a grey-black giant eagle with snow-white feathers on its back, looking heroic.

Especially the purple feathers floating like energy arrogance on his head.

"these are?!"

The five Pokémon that appeared at the same time, even five never-before-seen Pokémon, surprised Dr. Yamanashi and Hikaru.

Of course, among them, the enchanting big Nura, Xiao Zhi had seen once before.

"How could they be?!"

Even Mingyao, who was a trainer, was amazed.

These five Pokémon are the riding Pokémon that he had helped him when he was still in the Xicui area, and they were responsible for five functions.

The evolution of the horned deer, the horned deer is responsible for galloping through the grass and fields.

The evolution of the circle bear, the moon bear has a strange sense of smell, is very sensitive to the treasures under the soil, and can be responsible for treasure hunting and digging.

The dark-tailed blackfish evolved from the savage bass, with the soul of the dead of the same family attached to its body, and it will never tire when sailing on the water.

Big Nura, with sharp claws, is responsible for helping Mingyao to climb the steep rock face.

As for the warrior eagle, it naturally assisted itself in flying.

But these five Pokémon are strictly speaking, not their own handheld Pokémon.

As long as you blow the Flute of God's Harmony, these five Pokémon will appear in an instant to help you complete the ride to the world.
Well, although this is a very strange thing in itself, Ming Yao never thought about how these five Pokémon suddenly appeared beside him.

"Does that mean, it's actually been on me all the time?"

Mingyao secretly said in surprise, so now that he has traveled through the world, these five Pokémon turned into actual handheld Pokémon and appeared in the Poké Ball.

Look at the appearance. The strange-horned deer in front of him, the Moon Moon Bear, etc., are obviously familiar to him.

"Unbelievable, it turns out that these Pokémon are still evolving? It's incredible!"

Dr. Yamanashi was amazed.

His research topic is about "Pokémon evolution", obviously these five Pokémon are of great significance to him.

Why did they evolve smoothly in ancient times, but now they have never appeared again?
There are so many mysteries hidden in this boy!

After recovering the five mounted Pokémon, everyone returned to the research institute.

Ming Yao's interest doesn't seem to be particularly high. Rather than riding a Pokémon, he wants to find Arceus and ask him what the situation is now.

"So, how did you fall out of the time-space vortex?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask.

Ming Yao's origins are almost known. Although it is incredible, it is barely understandable.

So how did he come into this world?

There's no such thing as amnesia, right?
"I still remember this, I should have come to this world because of Wang Luo"

Ming Yao said in a deep voice, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

"Wang Luo?"

Several people looked at each other, still hearing this name for the first time.

"Yes, Wang Luo is a traveling merchant who has provided me with a lot of help."

"Only at the end, he suddenly showed his ambitious side, trying to use the power of Arceus to recreate the whole world."

Xiao Zhi was speechless for a while, it seems that no matter what era or space, there are always such careerists.

"I was defeated by me and disappeared. Until one day, when I was resting in the village, I suddenly got a message saying that I had brought 99 heavy balls to the outside of the village and needed my help."

Although the ideas were different, Ming Yao, who has always been kind, took 99 heavy balls and walked out of the village entrance.

After all, with Arceus in hand, Mingyao didn't think Wangluo could defeat him.

"Then I was attacked by Wang Luo, unconscious"

At this point, Ming Yao clenched his fists bitterly.

No wonder he brought 99 heavy balls. The ancient heavy ball is the literal meaning, a very heavy pokeball.

For the average human arm strength, throwing one meter in front of him is already the limit.

Ming Yao was carrying 99 heavy balls. Due to the exaggerated weight, he even lost his ability to roll and dodge, and was directly attacked by Wang Luo.

"I don't know anything after that. When I open my eyes again, I'm already in this world."

Ming Yao rubbed the back of his head, and could vaguely feel a meat bun. It seemed that he was smashed on the head with a stick by Wang Luo.

This guy is really ruthless!
"That is to say, it's a careerist who wants to use Arceus to change the world. It's no accident that he sent you to this world, so he must have some purpose."

Dr. Yamanashi stroked his beard and said solemnly.

And this ambitious man named "Wangluo", did he also cross over?

Perhaps Arceus of that world recognized Mingyao, so he set his sights on Arceus of this world?
In short, the appearance of this young man means that there may be major events in the next Shenao region, and even the entire world.
After some conversation, the three had a general understanding of Mingyao.

The latter also had a new plan when he knew that he could not go back at the moment.

"I plan to walk again in this Shenao area, learn about the world, and find the trace of Arceus, and ask him for a way to return."

Ming Yao said in a deep voice.

It is not to return to the Xicui area, but to regain his memory and return to his Shenao area.

"In this case, why don't you become a trainer in this world first, try to challenge the gym and the alliance conference, maybe it will help you understand the world more clearly."

Dr. Yamanashi put a brand new picture book and 6 Poké Balls in front of Mingyao's eyes.

At that time, when the Yamanashi Research Institute is the backyard of Ming Yao's research institute, maybe he can still study his five strange riding Pokémon.


Mingyao was a little hesitant at first. After all, on the other side, Captain Ma Jiamu, who looks similar to Dr. Yamanashi, is actually more like a pure tool person who completes the illustrated book.

However, the picture book is something that is necessary for oneself to understand the world, and Mingyao quickly accepted it.

Although I don't know the gym, what is the alliance meeting. But it sounds a bit interesting?
"So Mingyao, do you want to travel together next time?"

Xiao Zhi suddenly opened his mouth and started a team invitation with a smile.

A powerful ancient trainer. He is still very interested, and wants to hear more stories of Ming Yao along the way.

"Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, thank you for your invitation. But I'm still more used to traveling alone."

Mingyao looked at Xiaoguang, who was similar to "Xiaozhao", and finally looked at Xiaozhi, shook his head, and politely refused.

The ancient world was more of a single-player adventure, and even required trainers to come on the field and fight wild Pokémon hand-to-hand.

Looking at Xiaozhi's body, the nutrition of modern people does not seem to be so good. Can he really cope with the dangerous wild adventure?

(End of this chapter)

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