He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1387: 3 Degrees

Chapter 1387: Three Brackets
"If you are planning to capture Pokémon, the curly-eared rabbit in the back mountain is a good choice."

Seeing that the two were planning to leave and find a new target, the old grandmother reminded again.

"That curly-eared rabbit has strong bouncing power and is very lively. It is a very qualified child who has been staying here all the time, but he is a little inferior."

"A curly-eared rabbit?"

Hearing that, Xiaoguang clenched her fists, the Curly-eared Rabbit is a very cute Pokémon, and she wanted to take one before she became a trainer.

Following the grandmother's guidance, the two walked towards the depths of the jungle, and gradually they could see a bare hill.


Sure enough, I could see a little brown rabbit lying on a high rock platform, sleeping soundly.

Its lower body is covered with dense cream-colored hair, and one of its two slender ears is fully extended on its head, while the other is retracted into spherical ear cups.

"Di Di. Curly-eared rabbits, with normal attributes, have very flexible ears that are always curled into small balls. They can attack opponents like two hands. Once they stretch their ears forcibly, they can easily shatter large stones."

Xiao Zhi's picture book automatically recognized and reminded.

It seems that the key is the pair of flexible ears.

Just when Xiaozhi wanted to help Xiaoguang formulate a tactic, the latter had already crossed his hips and stood carelessly in front of this curly-eared rabbit.

"Curly-eared rabbit, I want to subdue you and take you to the gorgeous contest!"

Xiaoguang got straight to the point, and his voice became a little louder, emboldening himself.

After seeing the actions of Xiaozhi and the grass seedling turtle before, she also plans to rely on her own strength to subdue this curly-eared rabbit dignifiedly.


The latter was awakened by the sound and opened his eyes sleepily.

The eyes first fell on the human girl in front of him, and the menacing blue penguin, and finally moved to the back subconsciously.

It was another human teenager with a lazy yellow electric rat on his shoulders.

In the next instant, the curly-eared rabbit was fully awake, and both ears were stretched out at the same time as if congested.

I saw Pikachu in its eyes, which was originally an ordinary appearance, but now it seems to be wearing a beauty filter. No matter how you look at it, it looks dreamy and handsome, like the most noble and charming prince.

Even Pikachu's small black eyes were infinitely enlarged at this moment, becoming more profound, with large glasses with dots of beautiful pupils.

The plump body also looks very attractive

This made this wild curly-eared rabbit instantly look at it with love. It bounced several times quickly on the small dirt slope, nimbly passed Bogaman and Xiaoguang, and landed directly in front of Xiaozhi.

Immediately after that, his body bounced like a spring, and he directly overturned Pikachu on Ash's shoulder, and pushed him to the ground.

"What the hell?!"

Xiao Zhi's heart froze, did this curly-eared rabbit see who the strongest Pokémon here is, so he chose to attack first? !

What a sharp fighting instinct!

Such a big enemy can't slack off.

"Pikachu, use [-] volts to break free!!"

Xiao Zhi quickly commanded.


However, Pikachu, who was pressed down by the curly-eared rabbit, just turned red, and returned to Xiao Zhi with a difficult expression.

Electricity. Still can't come out of electricity.

"This is, is it in love?"

Compared with Xiao Zhi who simply thinks about problems through battle, Xiao Guang thinks from the perspective of a girl, and quickly understands the intention of this curly-eared rabbit.

This is another bold show of love to Pikachu!

Just rabbits and mice, really?

But now it's obviously my stage, how come it has become Xiaozhi's operation time again, which makes Xiaoguang have some headaches.

"Boga, Boga!!"

The always arrogant Bogaman saw that he was directly ignored by the curly-eared rabbit, and immediately walked to the two people who were hugging each other angrily.

He patted the shoulder of the curly-eared rabbit above Pikachu, indicating that it came first.

If you want to knock it down, knock it down first, Bogaman.


However, the curly-eared rabbit who was interrupted at work was not very good-tempered. The moment he turned his head, the original nympho expression also became angry.

One of the curled up ears instantly bounced out at lightning speed, turning into an afterimage that could not be captured.

Whoosh! !
Before Pogaman could see it clearly, his nose was hit hard, most of his face was red, and he even burst into tears.

"Boga Boga!!"

The angry Bogaman shouted angrily, and was about to join the battlefield.

"Wait a minute."

Xiao Zhi hurriedly grabbed Pogaman's little wings, smiled and said to the hard-working curly-eared rabbit:
"That Pikachu will play later, why don't you fight this Bogaman first?"

It's outrageous, Pikachu, who can easily break free, seems to be powerless at this moment, and he doesn't even struggle.


Realizing that Ash is the trainer of this Pikachu, the curly-eared rabbit's expression is a little better.

Then he turned his head to look at the bald round penguin next to him, and then his eyes fell on Xiaoguang behind him, and he looked at it for a while.


The next moment, the curly-eared rabbit seemed to have an idea, jumped away from Pikachu, and ran to Xiaoguang's position.


And Pikachu, who was lying on the ground, was still confused, how could he seem to be empty above him?

As for the behavior of this curly-eared rabbit, it is also very simple and rude.

He directly patted a blank pokeball on Xiaoguang's waist, and he was sucked in with a "whoosh" sound.


It didn't even shake, and it immediately prompted that the capture was successful.

Xiaoguang: "???"

Just when she didn't know what was going on, with another "bang", the curly-eared rabbit jumped out of the pokeball again.


Then there were several flexible bounces, and with a "flying body and heavy pressure" starting style, Pikachu was pressed down again, and it was pretentious.

This made Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang look at each other, completely unaware of what happened.

But if it goes on like this, it could be fatal
Xiaoguang quickly picked up the curly-eared rabbit, and Xiaozhi also picked up the somewhat weak Pikachu, and quickly separated a mouse and a rabbit.

"Anyway, no matter what, I'll give you good advice in the future, Curly-eared Rabbit!"

Xiaoguang put the curly-eared rabbit on a high rock platform and said softly.


Coming to Japan for a long time, this curly-eared rabbit did not choose to score four, but nodded shyly towards Xiaoguang, looking like a cute little girl.

Although the process was a bit weird, she finally got her second Pokémon, and Xiaoguang only felt that the future was bright!
(End of this chapter)

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