He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1392 Category Discussion!

Chapter 1392 Category Discussion!

"There are still calculation questions?!"

Xiaoguang was dumbfounded, and I couldn't understand the race value, individual value, and power in it.

And how can there be a specific value for the damage? !
"Don't panic, give me 10 seconds"

However, in the next moment, Plantina's steady voice appeared in Xiaoguang's mind again, making the latter quickly calm down like a needle in the sea.

But at this moment, the rapid thinking of foreign souls also flowed into Xiaoguang's mind.

For a time, she only felt a string of numbers that she couldn't understand quickly flowing in front of her eyes, and there were even dense mathematical formulas, all stuffed into everything.

This series of numbers is also rapidly adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
After 10 seconds, Plantina in her soul exhaled a little, and she already had all the answers.

She didn't tell Xiaoguang about the specific formula or calculation process, so she told Xiaoguang the final answer directly.

This also made Xiaoguang in reality show the look of winning, and took a step earlier.

"I already know the answer, Mr. Clown."

This confident look made the clown subconsciously take a half step back.

Impossible, it must be installed.

However, next, Xiaoguang began to follow the information given in his mind, slowly and methodically.

"According to the premise that both parties are level 50, one side is the flaming monkey with extreme physical attack, and the other is the turtle turtle with extreme physical defense. The flaming monkey even has the bonus of life orb, and the damage that can be hit by a frozen fist. Oh, you do not There is no talk of personality correction, so I will not consider it here."

Hearing Xiaoguang's sudden and deliberate tone, this made the clown somewhat anxious to break his defense.

A lot of professional terms have been said, but you can tell the answer!
"Humph, the answer is that the fist of the flaming monkey can smash 271.36044 damage~!"

Hearing that, the clown's expression suddenly became extremely frightened.

Although he didn't know the formula, and even these terms were read randomly from the pheasant magazine, this number was not bad for the answer he knew!
Even the answer she knew was only accurate to single digits, and this little girl directly stated the answer to five decimal places.
How outrageous this is! ?
"Wait a minute, but I can still make a comeback."

The clown suddenly sneered in his heart, he actually set a trap on purpose for this topic.

Because of the flaming monkey, it cannot master the Frozen Fist!

If the goal is so outrageous that he gives a specific numerical answer, then he will use a frozen fist that he cannot grasp to refute, then the question will actually become a brain teaser, and it makes perfect sense.

But if the other party perceives the loophole that the flaming monkey cannot master the frozen fist
Then he took advantage of the situation to say that this is a hypothetical premise, this is a mathematical problem in an ideal state, and specific numbers must be stated!

No matter what the answer is, he is invincible!

However, realizing that the clown was going to say something, Xiaoguang curled the corners of his mouth and said:

"Oh, I forgot to mention, your question itself has a problem, and the flaming monkey can't learn Frozen Fist at all."

These words made the clown's expression instantly freeze and turn black.

"So my answer is: if it's ideal, it's the number I said earlier; if this question is a test of thinking ability, then the answer is 0, because the flaming monkey can't make a frozen punch."

Xiaoguang chose a more secure answer-category discussion!
These remarks also made the clown kneel down completely, and for a while he only felt weak in his limbs.

His title is impossible to divulge.

In other words, the girl in front of her was really won by hard power, and her knowledge reserve has reached the realm of a monster.

"It turned out to be really a support."

"It's boring, it's gone."

"I wish you an early bankruptcy."

When everyone around saw such a riddle, Xiaoguang was able to break out the correct decimal point number, and they all scattered, and Zhidao was playing tricks.

"It's amazing, Miss Plantina! It's actually right?!"

In the mind that no one knows, Xiaoguang is constantly praising this unknown soul.

It can be said that whether it is theoretical knowledge or thinking ability, this big sister is completely full. This is already a god of learning!

With just three questions, Xiaoguang was convinced by the light of Plantina's knowledge and completely turned into a little fan girl.

"Xiaoguang, so you are so powerful!!"

As the crowd dispersed, Xiao Zhi finally squeezed in and exclaimed outside.

Isn't he a pure rookie trainer, he can't understand what he said? !

"Hey Xiaozhi, why are you here?"

Xiaoguang's expression suffocated, and only then did he realize that Xiaozhi had gotten close to him at some point, his eyes shining, as if he was looking at something incredible.

"Xiaoguang, your knowledge may be even more powerful than my best friend - Xiaomao, incredible!"

Xiao Zhi subconsciously stepped on Xiao Mao.

This flattery can't help but make Xiaoguang blushed. Because she didn't understand what the three clowns said, she was just repeating Plantina's answer.

If you really want to say something, you should only say that your acting skills are not bad?

"Anyway, wait a minute, get the things in your hands first!"

Xiaoguang took advantage of the situation and took out the [Redemption Ticket 3] from the hand of the clown who was kneeling in despair next to him.

Immediately, he rushed back to the physical store of the Pokémon watch and exchanged the coveted Pokémon watch with the manager in the store.

"By the way, why do I feel that Xiaoguang has a strange feeling?"

Ash, who was waiting outside the store, muttered to himself in doubt.

It was a very familiar feeling but for a moment he couldn't say what it was.

at dusk.

Back at the elf center, in the public dining hall, Xiaoguang shook her slender and clean arm in front of Xiaozhi.

At this moment, there is an extra light pink smart watch on the wrist, with exquisite workmanship and a smooth screen that looks full of technology. "Dangdang~! How about it, this is the latest 13pro watch that is said to be a product that has been completely tested. The entire company has only made a few template watches~!"

Xiaoguang couldn't help showing off.

Although the marketing strategy of the other party is somewhat despicable, it has to be said that the quality of the watch is still very high, which is very popular with Xiaoguang.

Before waiting for Xiaozhi to say anything, Xiaoguang took out another Pokémon watch of the same model, which was light blue as a whole, and said with a smile:
"Xiao Zhi also has it~! I'll give you this blue watch~!"

This is the "sealing fee" that the Pokémon Watch Company gave Xiaoguang, or a "pleasure fee".

"So I have it too? Then I'll give it away. Thank you, Xiaoguang!"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then took the Pokémon watch carelessly.

Although he didn't have much thought about the latter, if it was a gift, he didn't reject it, and he would just give Xiaoguang something in return.

Following Xiaoguang's appearance, Xiaozhi put it on his other wrist, which was not wearing a mega bracelet.

One pink and one blue, at least in appearance, the design of the Pokémon watch is undoubtedly full, very delicate and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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