He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1396 Invincible Sure enough Weng

Chapter 1396 Invincible Sure enough Weng
Soon, the knockout rounds of the second round of review of the Gorgeous Competition started one after another.

The eight-in-four in the first round ended neatly. The winning side had an overwhelming advantage in strength. There were even a few games where the opponent's splendid value had not yet completely dropped, and the battle was impossible. Phenomenon.

"Bogaman, use peck!!"

In the last game, Xiaoguang's Bogaman gritted his teeth and kept sprinting under the fierce wind of a brown-yellow moth Pokémon.


Finally, it jumped high, and the protruding white beak hit the abdomen of this gentleman moth. The effect was outstanding!

This was the last player to reach the semifinals.

"Not bad, this Pogaman"

Xiao Zhi in the audience nodded.

Compared to his own qualities, this Pogaman's arrogant self-esteem and firm will are even rarer.

It's a bit like his king Yan.

Entering the second round, there were only four players left, and the situation instantly became white-hot.

In the first scene, Shang Shi, who was dressed as a troubadour, met Musashi Lina, who was performing with her life.

As the two of them threw the Poké Ball, Musashi Rina kept using Guen Ong all the time, and seemed not at all afraid of other people's targeting.

On the other side, Shang Zhi was using a reddish-brown upright Cricket Pokémon with a black splayed beard and two outstretched arms like a flying mantis.

However, the pattern on the torso is similar to the strings of a violin. With the black wings that spread out like a tuxedo on the back, it looks like an elegant musician.

"This Pokémon is."

Xiao Zhi quickly took out the picture book.

"DiDi. The speaker cricket is of insect nature. When it chirps, it will rub its knife-like forearm across its chest, improvising a beautiful melody to express its feelings."

It can be said that the speaker cricket with the worm attribute is really targeting the superpower attribute.

As the two people on the electronic version raised a ring-shaped blood bar, the game officially started!
"Speaker cricket, use the secret attack key!!"

Shang Zhi is rude, and the first move is a dangerous move with attribute restraint.

I saw a speaker cricket that was just over a meter high rushing out, and the arm of the sickle was covered with purple-black light, slashing heavily.

"Sure enough, Ong, then I'll leave it to you!!"

Musashi Lina raised her palm confidently from behind and even closed her eyes.


Seeing this, Weng was shocked, his whole body instinctively glowed with a strange crimson light, raised an arm on his head, and lengthened his voice.

Bang Bang!!
I saw the key point of the speaker cricket's dark attack slashing out, and the strong force even pushed Weng to pan and retreat several meters on the stage in a row.


However, the next moment, as expected, the terrifying energy that erupted from Weng's body turned into a masculine red laser, which bombarded the speaker cricket head-on, blasting the latter out on the spot.

Double refund! !

This blow not only severely damaged the speaker cricket, but even the blood bar of Shang Zhi on the electronic screen suddenly dropped.

Not only did Weng deal an effective blow, but he even used the opponent's moves perfectly.

In comparison, the health bar on Musashi's side only dropped a little.

"Unbelievable, this is really a Weng"

"And the trainer doesn't even need a commander. There must be a very high bond between them!"

"I like it so much~!"

The three judges commented sharply, giving Ogura and Musashi a very high evaluation.

"Ahahaha~! That's it, Weng, you are always so trustworthy~!"

This made Musashi couldn't help laughing wildly behind him.

It's not a bond, it's not a voice command. It's just that this Weng is able to make self-judgment flexibly.

In the face of physical attack moves, there are double refunds, and special attack moves have mirror firing.

Although Weng himself cannot actively use any offensive moves, as long as he has these two moves, he specializes in backhand damage.

Especially under the "counterattack" mechanism of the gorgeous contest
Sure enough, Weng is an invincible existence!

"Really, it's really a tricky Pokémon, so what about this trick?"

On the opposite side, Shang Zhi gently plucked the strings and said:

"Speaker Cricket, use to sing!"

I saw that the speaker cricket began to rub the sickles on its arms crosswise, but the sound was not harsh at all, on the contrary, it seemed very clear and tactful, as if it was really playing a violin movement.

Since the attack moves will be perfectly blocked, then use the change moves.

"Sure enough! No matter what move it is, hurry up and block it for me!"

Musashi naturally has only one commander, and his tone is very confident.


The wonderful voice made him sleepy, but the roar of Musashi from behind also made the former shudder.

In desperation, this time, Weng's whole body exuded a strange green cloud.

Like a layer of mist barrier, it actually kept it awake under the sound of sleep songs.

"Is it a mysterious guardian? This is a move that completely blocks the speaker cricket!"

Xiao Zhi who was in the audience immediately recognized this move and nodded again and again.

Mysterious guardian has the effect of preventing himself from entering an abnormal state, completely ignoring singing moves.

And once again perfectly blocked the next blow, the health bar of the speaker cricket dropped again. At this moment, it has come to 1/3.

"In that case, speaker cricket, use your full-strength cross shears!"

Upon seeing this, Shang Zhi's calm appearance finally became a little flustered, and he could only command like this.

To keep waiting is suicide
Then it's better to use all your strength to hit the cross-cut scissors with outstanding effect, maybe it can kill this tortured Guen Weng in one move.


The speaker cricket was full of strength, and the sickle arm showed a cross-cutting posture in front of him, covered with a gray-green luster, and suddenly slashed towards the target!

As for the side of Musashi and Tsunade Ong.
The latter naturally pulled up the red light barrier that was doubled back.

Bang Bang! !
The cross scissors slashed strongly on Guen Weng's face, and the giant force instantly made Guen Weng back again and again, and even had to withdraw from the stage all the way.


However, in the end, Weng was indeed superior, and he forcibly blocked the blow with his extremely strong durability.

Boom! !
Immediately, the double return energy that erupted, blasted the speaker cricket out, and threw it weakly on the stage.

The outcome was already decided, and Musashi and Suren Ong made it to the final.

Seeing Guen Weng, whose expression didn't seem to be a big problem, Xiao Zhi even felt faintly.
It seems that it was doubled back, and he didn't take any damage at all, so he just returned it doubled?

(End of this chapter)

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