He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1398 Do you want to try...Challenge the gym?

Chapter 1398 Do you want to try to challenge the gym?

On the stage, the final of this gorgeous contest officially started.

"Sure enough, Weng, block me no matter what move it is~!!"

Musashi crossed his hips, looking very confident.

In a certain auditorium, Kojiro and Miaomiao were shouting loudly for the former, and even waving a banner below, attracting strange glances from many audiences around.

"Haha, as expected, Weng, he is always so trustworthy! He entered the finals so smoothly."

"But the opponent is this meow"

However, Miaomiao's eyes fell on the curly-tailed cat in front of Xiaowang.

Its eyes widened to the maximum, staring at the latter, saliva leaving the corners of its mouth.

Speaking of which, the cats in the Shinno area are really cute.
It seems that it is necessary to apply to the boss of Sakagi, and first catch all the cats in the Shenao area!

On the stage, Weng kept the gesture of bowing, and the blue jelly body sometimes flashed with crimson light, but was covered with colorful luster.

This is the power of double return and mirror reflection, respectively resisting special attack and physical attack moves.

There is even a mysterious guardian, which firmly prevents all the opponent's moves.

"Sure enough, it's very troublesome. Sure enough, Weng is a Pokémon."

Xiaowang wiped the sweat from his forehead, this guy's fighting style is completely bug-level.

But it's not impossible to deal with.
"Curlock cat, use a provocative trick!!"

I saw the curly-tailed cat with half-squinted eyes, slightly hooked its paws, and put on a provocative expression.

Provoking this move will force the opponent to use an offensive move.


However, as expected, Weng still maintained his defensive action, and he didn't seem to move at all.

Instead, the blood bar on Xiaowang's side began to drop.

"Hey little girl, such a move is absolutely useless to my Weng!!"

Although he didn't know what happened, Musashi still laughed proudly and sneered.

This made Xiao Wang frown.

It's because the mirror launch and double-bong are still strictly offensive moves.

Or is it simply that the opponent's level is too high, completely ignoring the provocation of the curly-tailed cat?

"In that case, use the grinding claw!!"

Xiao Wang quickly recovered his senses and commanded.

However, the curly-tailed cat stretched out its sharp claws, and it was polished against the ground. This made its attack power not increasing, and its momentum continued to become dangerous.

"Hey, hey, sure enough, Weng, hurry up and do something!!"

Musashi hurriedly urged, and acted as a hands-off shopkeeper.


However, looking at the rising red light on the other party's body, Weng also panicked completely.

It is a complete patience Pokémon, and if the opponent does not attack, it has no way to do it.

"Nice coping strategy.!"

This made Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up under the stage.

Since you will be counter-injured when you hit it, then you should continuously increase your strength and wait until your strength reaches the limit, and strive to decide the winner at one time!
If this curly-tailed cat also knows the weakening moves, it can also throw them all up, reducing Guen Weng's physical defense.

The ability of the capuchin cat continued to improve, and the blood bar on Musashi's side began to decline.

Until the sharpening claws of the capricorn cat were raised to the limit, the sharp claws slid through the air at will, making a penetrating cutting sound, which was terrifying.

"Hey, sure enough, Weng, you should be able to stop it."

This gave Musashi hidden a bad feeling.


Even if it was really Weng, he was not sure in his heart, and his expression became panic.

"Capricorn, use shadow claws!!"

After the increase, the curly-tailed cat naturally used the attribute restraint move, leaping up, and the two claws were covered with the extremely exaggerated shadow and sharp claws phantom, completely turned into two pairs of giant claws!

Even before the attack, the capuchin cat landed on the ground under Guen Weng's feet, and slammed upwards.

The Shadow Claw, which was full of strength, just swung the ground up with a single blow, which made Weng lose his center of gravity for a while, and the stones under his feet were thrown up messily.

"Right now, use the full power of the Shadow Claw!!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Wang commanded decisively.

"Meow Li!!"

The curly-tailed cat was about to use the power of the shadow claw to the extreme, and it tore down the face of Guen Weng!

The latter's double return could not be displayed well for a while, and the crimson light had just flickered, and a strong tearing claw attack had already fallen.

Among them, there is an extremely terrifying ghost breath, and it bombards wildly.

Whoosh! !
This made Weng stalemate for less than ten seconds, and his entire body suddenly flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

The effect is outstanding! !

And as the smoke dissipated, Weng at one end of the stage was completely unable to fight, and fell down there quite simply.

Victory and defeat.

It is indeed very buggy to use Guen Weng to participate in the gorgeous competition, but the premise is that the other party has not found a way to crack it.


But this scene made Xiao Wang's face even more solemn, and he was secretly grateful.

Fortunately, she also prepared a hand and disrupted Guen Weng's movements in advance.

The double return that the opponent hastily propped up can block the full-strength curly-tailed cat, and even the shadow claws with attribute restraint for 10 seconds.
If you let the other party hold up a perfect double return, it is really possible to block this full blow.

"Appeared, to celebrate the victory of the gorgeous competition, it is Xiaowang from Xuefeng City!!"

The host Lilian said loudly.

Seeing that Xiaowang is still a rookie who only participated in the gorgeous competition this year.
But judging from this performance, with her eyesight over the years, she is undoubtedly a powerful player in this year's grand festivities.

Taking over the delicate blue ribbon, Xiao Wang bowed to all the audience under the stage, enjoying the glory of being a champion.


In the lounge, Xiaoguang also watched Xiaowang's award ceremony through the TV screen.

With a bit of envy in the expression
"I'm sorry Pogaman. If I were a little stronger, I would be able to stand on it with you!"

Xiaoguang touched the head of Bogaman next to him and said with emotion.

Immediately, she clenched her fists and said firmly in her heart:
"So Sister Plantina, arrange for me any special training next, I want to become stronger as soon as possible!"

After thinking for a while, Plantina also gave an answer.

"If you want to become stronger as soon as possible. Why don't you try to challenge the gym and the Alliance Conference?"

"Challenge gym?"

Xiaoguang didn't expect this answer, and his expression was a little stunned.

When she said getting stronger, she meant getting stronger in the gorgeous competition, not a challenge gym!
(End of this chapter)

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