He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1401 Exaggerated Fire Characteristics

Chapter 1401 Exaggerated Fire Characteristics

"This guy is still so mean?!"

"It's disgusting!!"

Satoshi and Hikaru were sitting in the spectator seats behind Shinji, and they could still hear some of the latter's voice, and their faces couldn't help but look a little more angry.

However, Xiaoguang's face was still a little nervous.

What the hell, does it turn out that the gym challenge is going to be a battle with an existence like Longlongyan?

Even if Pogaman, whose attributes are quadrupled, goes up to fight, it feels like a waste! !


Even Plantina in the soul world was silent for a while after reading it.

No matter how powerful a trainer comes, it is difficult to make up for the level gap with a commander, right?

Are the challenges of gymnasiums in this world so difficult?

Maybe Xiaoguang's training plan needs to be changed.

However, when Xiao Zhi's sullen expression reached Piao Tai's eyes, it shocked the latter.

Why does the Inspector seem angry?
Is it too much to use Longlongyan to bully others?
Wait a minute. Seems to be true?

It's okay to do your best to deal with a powerful inspector.
If you do your best to treat ordinary trainers, you are completely unqualified gym owners!

Thinking of this, Piao Tai broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly switched back to Longlongyan.

boom! !

This time, what the scoop released was a big rock snake that looked very dangerous.

But the level of this big rock snake is not high, and it basically belongs to the existence of training for novice trainers. It is necessary to understand attribute restraint and add some small skills to pass.


Seeing that the other party suddenly changed the Poké Ball, the well-informed Shinji could see at a glance that the level of this big rock snake was far less powerful than the previous Longlongyan.

So the Poke Balls he was about to take out were also changed in order and replaced with a new Poke Ball.

The red light flashed, but it was the little flame monkey that was defeated by Leo Lu before.

This time, he re-challenged the alliance meeting in his hometown. For the eight gymnasiums, Shinji tried not to use his original high-level Pokémon.

"Big Rock Snake, use Dragon's Breath!!"

At the beginning, the big rock snake opened its mouth wide and spit out a shock of cyan dragon energy.

"Little flame monkey, use the flame wheel!!"

However, Shinji did not choose to dodge, and the little flame monkey in front of him jumped up in mid-air, curled his body, covered with the spinning flames and turned into a ball of spinning fireballs and rushed towards the attack!

bang bang chi.! !
The flame wheel and the dragon's breath collided head-on, and no one overwhelmed anyone. After a while, the little flame monkey smashed the dragon's breath, but it also fell back.

"Use Rockfall!!"

The big rock snake let out a long cry, and countless rocks suddenly condensed in the air. The roar fell, and the small figure of the little flame monkey was completely engulfed.

"Little flame monkey, use digging!"

Unable to dodge on the field, Shinji simply set the target off the field.

The little flame monkey's movements are sensitive, and there is a rapid digging of the soil under his feet, and he sneaks into the ground after a while.


And the countless rock collapses that fell in the air were completely emptied.


Even the little flame monkey seized the opportunity and broke out of the ground, afraid of hitting the big rock snake with one paw.

"This is what we're waiting for. Big Rock Snake, use Dangerous Charge!!"

Piao Tai suddenly brightened his eyes.

The next moment, the whole body of the big rock snake was covered with a dazzling golden light of energy, and it rushed forward to meet the attack of the little flame monkey.

Boom! !
With an overwhelming advantage, the sacrifice-to-body collision directly broke the digging move, and even knocked the little flame monkey out.

One blow is already a candle in the wind!
It's not an order of magnitude move at all!

The Yusan Clan, who have not yet grown up, is as disparate in strength as the Big Rock Snake in size at the moment.

Even the characteristic of this big rock snake is a hard head, and it will not have any anti-injury effect.

"Once again, the big rock snake, use the sacrifice charge!!"

Mrs. Scoop didn't give any chance and attacked again.

The body of the big rock snake was once again covered with dazzling golden light, and it was pushed like a broken bamboo, as if it could shatter everything.


However, in the face of such a terrifying blow, Shinji had no plans to replace him at all, and looked coldly at the approaching Big Rock Snake.

This made Xiaoguang in the spectator seat even reluctantly closed his eyes.


However, the next moment, the little flame monkey suddenly screamed in place, clenched his fists, and an unusual raging flame ignited on the surface of his body.

"Is it finally here?"

Seeing this, the corner of Shinji's mouth twitched, and he immediately commanded:
"Little flame monkey, use the full flame wheel!"

The little flame monkey jumped up and again condensed swirling flames around him.

Bang chi chi.!

However, the power of the flames this time was more than ten times stronger, and it was even continuing to scatter fierce and monstrous flames outwards.

In the end, the flame wheel rushed out and collided with the sacrifice of the big rock snake!
Boom boom! !

The collision between one big and one small two disparate bodies was a terrifying scene, and even caused a violent explosion in the center of the arena.

As the energy poured out all around, the two figures also retreated from both ends of the arena.



The little flame monkey and the big rock snake fell to the ground at the same time, unable to fight.

"Tsk, can't you master this power yet? It's far from it, Little Flame Monkey."

Seeing this, Shinji could only frown, and put the defeated Little Flame Monkey back into the ball with a cold expression.

"This is.?"

But this scene made Xiaoguang in the stands shocked. Why did they die all of a sudden? "This is the characteristic of the little flame monkey, fierce fire. Generally, when the three families reach the limit of physical strength, it is possible to enter this state, thereby greatly improving their attribute energy."

Plantina opened her mouth to explain, then paused again, and said:

"It's just that the increase in this little flame monkey seems a bit exaggerated.?"

But she didn't know what the fire characteristics of this world were like, was it a special case, or was it all like this?

"Miss, the fire in this world is not so exaggerated. It's just that the amplifying effect of this little flame monkey's fire is a little unreasonable."

Xiao Zhi next to him was explaining to Plantina, and he didn't forget to add:
"Well, it's almost catching up with the enhancement effect of Yu Sanjia's characteristics after I used the power of bondage."

Xiaoguang & Plantina: "?"

Wait a minute, do you have other superpowers besides the power of the waveguide? !
However, Ash really appreciates the little flame monkey, a Pokémon, for its flexible movements and firm perseverance.
"I also want to conquer a little flame monkey!"

Xiao Zhi secretly thought in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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