He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1403 An upright snitch report

Chapter 1403 An upright snitch report

"This is, a curse?!"

Scoop Tai instantly recognized this move.

Curse is a ghost-type move. For Pokémon with this attribute, it means literally, sacrificing one's own physical strength to curse the target.

But for non-ghost-type Pokémon, it will sacrifice its own speed and instead increase its attack and defense.

But what surprised him even more was that this Tutai Turtle really blocked this sword dance double-edged headbutt with his fleshly body? !

What a powerful defense!

However, Shinji's expression did not change, and he was still shivering from the cold, and said:

"Use Ultimate Drain!"

The huge back injury brought by the double-edged head hammer, the war hammer dragon only felt pain in the whole body, which also allowed the Tutai turtle to seize the opportunity.

Whoosh whoosh.!

I saw that the three rock thorns on its back suddenly extended outwards into three green vines of energy, directly entangling the war hammer dragon that was holding its head at almost zero distance.

As the green vines shrink.


The red light that extracts energy also lights up on the body of the Warmaul Dragon, quickly harvesting the latter's physical strength.

The effect is outstanding!

Not only that, but the body of the Tutai Turtle also glowed with a healing green light, constantly recovering the previous damage.
"Hurry up and break free, use tile splitting!"

"Don't give it a chance, use the mallet!!"

Taipa and Shinji shouted in tandem.

The War Hammer Dragon had just recovered, and was about to break free of the vines, but the Tutai Turtle took the initiative to retract the entangled vines.

However, these three green lights did not fully retract, but merged together in mid-air, turning into a giant energy hammer flashing green light.

It even took a step forward and smashed it abruptly on the famously hard skull of the Warmaul Dragon.

Boom! ! !

With a violent explosion, and even the sound of cracking bones could be heard faintly, the pupils of this warmaul dragon gradually began to turn white.

In the end, his body leaned forward feebly and slammed down in front of the Tutai Turtle.

Victory and defeat.

"This juvenile Tutai Turtle has been bred very well. It has fully utilized the Tutai Turtle's own abilities to the extreme."

"Indeed, it's a ruthless character."

Ash and Plantina are commenting sharply from the air.

Needless to say, Plantina is an extremely powerful trainer with an extremely amazing vision.

As a native of the Shenno area, she is already familiar with the three families like the Tutai turtle and can no longer be familiar with them.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi, after experiencing the adventure in the Fangyuan area and even in the development area, his strength has improved to a higher level, and he has barely reached the level of being able to talk to the big masters.

Of course, Xiao Zhi didn't understand what Plantina said about "the ability of the turtle itself". After all, it was the first time he saw this kind of Pokémon.

However, Ash can still answer with "indeed".

It didn't reveal anything, it's not a big problem.

On the field, the next battle will be much easier.

After killing the most powerful Pokémon, Shinji relied on this God-killing Turtle to kill the high-level Longlongyan at the beginning very smoothly, and the Gym Challenge officially ended.

Xiaoguang: "."

So, is this what a gym challenge looks like?
She has already started to think about concentrating on the glamour contest, which doesn't seem to be a field she should touch.

"My dear, I have used all my strength, and I still can't take advantage of you. This is the proof of defeating the Black Gold Gym - the Coal Badge!"

Afterwards, Koota handed Shinji a gray-brown badge that looked like coal.

"Not bad, Shinji, so you are so good! Maybe I will lose to you next time."

At this time, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang also walked down from the watching seats in the back, the former said with a smile.


Shinji just glanced at Xiaozhi and didn't answer.

Then he turned his head, nodded towards Piao Tai, and left the Black Gold Gym alone, looking very withdrawn.

"It's still the same."

This made Xiao Zhi couldn't help but complain, but after seeing Shinji for the second time, he has become more or less accustomed to the latter's eccentric character.

And Piao Tai noticed another layer of meaning in Xiao Zhi's previous words.

It means that Shinji, who is so powerful, was defeated by him before.

"This guy is indeed a ruthless character in the legend that even the champion doesn't dare to be careless!"

Looking at Xiao Zhi's sunny youth, if he didn't know the inside story, no one would have guessed that this guy would be so powerful!
"Hehe, are you two here to challenge the gym too? But my Pokémon are not in good shape now, so I can challenge again at 2 pm tomorrow."

So she tried her best to put on a kind expression and said.

"2pm? Are there any other challengers ahead in the morning?"

This made Mengxin Xiaoguang couldn't help but ask.

"Because I am still in charge of the black gold mine, I need to supervise the work there in the morning, and I will return to the gym in the afternoon."

Piao Tai was talking, and his face suddenly changed.

Because he noticed that Xiao Zhi had taken out the illustrated book, jumped out of the typepad interface, and was continuously clicking the screen, as if he was recording something.

Generally speaking, if the gym owner has other part-time jobs, there is no prohibition in the express regulations of the Pokémon League.

This is a well-established rule. Many museum owners are outside the gym and have additional part-time income.

However, the government seems to have never encouraged this kind of behavior.


This made Pea shake too violently. Could it be because of his part-time job, so it should be recorded on the record? !

"Hehe, I don't know what you are recording?"

So Pea too forcefully squeezed out a smile and asked Xiao Zhidao.

"Oh, I'm just writing some innocuous gym experiences, you don't need to worry about me, Xiaoguang will be the first challenge tomorrow."

Xiaozhi pointed to Xiaoguang next to him and said casually.

By the way, I looked up and down the clothes and attire, and bowed my head again to record something in the illustrated book.

This is the task that Damaranch gave him, not only to check whether the gym owner is qualified or not, but also to write a few hundred words of gym experience.

Xiao Zhi has always been bad at writing such things.
Simply write down what Taipa said and did, and make up the number of words.

"Like taking on challengers with high-level rumbling rocks and warmaul dragons."

"Wear the clothes of a coal worker, and go to the mine during the day before returning to the gym after finishing work."

Well, these words should be fine.


But Xiao Zhi's reaction surprised Piao Tai even more. Few trainers can write about this kind of thing in the gym.
So, are you secretly writing your own little report?

No, this is already an open and aboveboard snitch!
"Cough cough. I thought about it, the gym should really be put first."

So Piao Tai's face became straight, and he said:

"Then at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will be here waiting for the arrival of the two of them to challenge!"

(End of this chapter)

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