He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1408 The missing soul

Chapter 1408 The missing soul

"Oh, Xiaozhi, I just want to tell you about the flower rock monster."

However, when Xiao Zhi called to the Damu Research Institute, Dr. Damu took the initiative to mention the flower rock monster.

"I don't know why recently, this flower rock monster always has a soul, and the soul basically doesn't come out of the keystone. I wonder if its soul is missing some?"

Dr. Damu said suspiciously.

These days, he has been studying this weird ancient Pokémon.

According to legend, the ancient Huayan monster was sealed with 108 souls because of evildoing, and each soul represented an independent personality.
And once the flower rock monster loses any of its souls, it will spare no effort to find it back, so that it will fall into a state of rage.

This makes every time Dr. Damu passes by this keystone, there will always be a chill behind him.

It seems that this flower rock monster has been waiting for his sudden death one day, so that the missing soul can be replenished in place.

"Are you missing a soul?"

Xiaozhi took the Pokeball from the teleportation device, which was sent from thousands of miles away.

The Huayan Monster looked pretty normal before, and he cooperated well with him at the Caiyou Conference.

"Is it because I came to the Shinno area?"

Xiao Zhi thought to himself, maybe he came to the hometown of the Huayan Monster, which caused the latter to become restless.

The controlled Rocket Team is also because they are contaminated with the breath of Huayan monsters, so the abandoned souls here will riot?

Xiaozhi thought about it randomly, and finally shook his head, grabbing the pokeball of the flower rock monster and hurried to the black gold mine.

Is it not, try it and you will know.

Wait until Xiao Zhi returns to the black gold mine where everyone gathers.

However, he saw two rumble stones covered with solid stones, holding Musashi and Kojiro firmly on the ground with their four arms.


Piao Tai's head-covered dragon even sat on Miaomiao's body and suppressed it.

It looks like the situation is under control.

"It's up to you, Huayan Monster!!"

Seeing this, Ash threw the Poké Ball he just got with his backhand.


The red light flashed, and a gray-brown stone pier landed in front of the Rockets trio, and there were several cracked rock crevices on the surface of the stone pier.

After a while, the purple-black ghost fog flew out from the crack and expanded, turned into the shape of a large cake phantom, and began to slowly rotate.

Among them, the green soul fluorescent light turned into a tragic and dangerous expression at the corners of the mouth, and there were even many circular light spots of different sizes, which spun ghostly around the edge together with the ghost image.

"Jie Jie~!!"

After sensing the breath of Team Rocket's trio, the ghost figure of the flower rock monster turned faster, as if it had found something.

This made his body seem to have obtained a great suction force for a while, and he forcibly pulled out the souls attached to the three people of Musashi Kojiro.


But they saw three faint green rays of light, as if they had finally found their way home, they soon swam into the swirling shadow of the flower rock monster together.

Like the green light spots around it, it also blends into one.

"Is it really the missing soul of the Huayan Monster?!"

Xiao Zhi was shocked, the flower rock monster has been brought to the Fangyuan area for many years, right?
And looking at the appearance of the flower rock monster, it seems that the breath is much stronger?

"Huh? Did something happen?"

"Damn, you rumble stone, you dare to press me!!"

After the soul of the Huayan Monster was pulled away, the Rockets trio also regained consciousness and cursed at the Pokémon that was pressing on them.

Wasn't it just when he was digging for treasure, he accidentally kicked down a stone and then lost consciousness.
The scoop checked it too carefully before taking the Pokémon back.

Since the Rockets trio were working diligently this time, they didn't feel bad about it. Xiao Zhi's focus was on his own flower rock monster.

After the farce was over, Piao Tai found a small stone pier from the deepest part of the mine.

It seems that this is the new home that these few remnant souls temporarily stored after they could not find the body of the Huayan monster.

"No wonder this place was haunted a long time ago. It turned out to be related to Hai Zijin."

Knowing the whole story, Piao Tai couldn't help but sighed.

The cooperation between the Black Gold Mine and Hai Zijin was something that happened before he took over this area.

However, after the haunting incident is completely resolved, it is a good thing that the deep area of ​​the black gold mine can be mined at will.

"Then let's go back and continue the unfinished gym challenge!"

This also gave Pea Tai a better understanding of the young man in front of him.

It doesn't seem to be the iron-masked inspector he thought at first.

An hour later, everyone returned to the Black Gold Gym again.

After watching several Gym Challenges in a row, there were twists and turns, which made Xiao Zhi can't wait.

"Then please!!"

Scoop, the owner of the pavilion, took the lead in throwing the Poké Ball.

The red light flashed, and it was Ronglongyan who had fought against Shinji before, with an extremely heavy weight and a sturdy physique.

Treating Xiaozhi, Piao Taike was not as soft-handed as Xiaoguang.

"Long Longyan? Since that's the case, then it's decided to be you!!"

On this side, Ash also threw a Poké Ball.

The red light flashed, it was the Yu Sanjia grass seedling turtle that had just been subdued not long ago. In the simple and honest eyes, there was no fear of the high-level Longlongyan.

"Grass seedling turtle?"

This opponent made Lai Tai a little stunned.

Don't you mean the monster that makes the champion Dudu a headache?
How to use a novice Pokemon, the level does not seem to be high.

At least it was the flower rock monster I saw just now. Even if it was separated by a few meters, Tai Piao could feel a strong sense of oppression from the former.

Or is this a blatant sarcasm?

"Sister Plantina, why does Xiao Zhi use the grass seedling turtle?"

Even Xiaoguang in the stands looked confused.


Plantina did not answer.

However, the grass attribute is four times the restraint on Longlongyan, even if there is a huge disparity in level, the grass seedling turtle may not have the possibility of winning.

"Longlongyan, use scrolling!!"

The battle officially started, and Scoop, who was a little angry, took the lead in launching the attack.

Rumble! !

Long Longyan hugged his body, rolled wildly on the ground, and rushed straight in with great momentum.

"Grass seedling turtle, run!"

Xiao Zhi quickly commanded.

The grass seedling turtle immediately started running with its short limbs.

Don't look at the race of the tortoise, but the tortoise's movements are surprisingly flexible, completely avoiding the aggressive rolling in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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