He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1414 Patch Leeds

Chapter 1414 Patch Leeds
"Huh? Why are there two statues here?"

"And the appearance, how is it so familiar?"

On the way to Huayuan Town, on a slope in the countryside, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang suddenly found two strange Pokemon statues standing in the middle of the road ahead.

The one on the left has just been seen before. It is a statue of a dragon with a head.

The other one was a beast-shaped Pokémon that landed on all fours, with its head positioned like a small oval shield.

They are all dark golden statues, the carvings are lifelike, and even the expressions of the two Pokémon are vividly depicted, more like two living creatures?
"This one should be a shield dragon, right?"

Xiaogang naturally recognized the existence that was symmetrical with the head-covered dragon, and said.

If the warmaul dragon evolved from the head dragon, it is the ultimate spear, and it is a violent attacking Pokémon that is seriously biased.

Then the city-protecting dragon evolved by the shield armored dragon has the same terrible and extreme defensive power, as if it can really protect the city, and it is impregnable.

"Shield Dragon?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned, it was the first time he heard this kind of Pokémon, so he subconsciously took out the picture book to scan.

"Di Di. Shield Ankylosaurus, rock and steel attributes, is a fossilized Pokémon characteristic of the Shenao region. It has a docile personality. Shield Ankylosaur has an excellent defense. habit."

The map suggests.

This made the two look at each other, quite puzzled.

It's just this wilderness, how come two statues of fossilized Pokémon suddenly appear?
Xiao Zhi couldn't help but go up and tap, the statue didn't echo, it was a completely solid metal texture.

"Hey!! Xiaozhi Xiaogang, it's going to run away!!"

At this time, Xiaoguang in the back suddenly shouted and chased up, and the curly-eared rabbit and Bogaman next to him were also chasing.

In front of the three, there is a white squirrel Pokémon, with a cute head and short limbs, and a yellow electric airbag on its cheeks.

The ears and back are covered with short blue hair, especially the back is a large soft tail twice the size of the entire body.


At this moment, Xiaoguang, who was chasing behind, kept a safe distance, kept pulling and chasing, and ran ahead.

He even passed by Xiao Zhi, and jumped on the head of the head-covered dragon statue very flexibly, showing a naughty and teasing look in the direction of Xiaoguang.

Pachiritz, the special electric mouse in the Shenno area, is a half relative of Pikachu.

Along the way, Xiao Guang, who only had two Pokémon, was deciding whether to expand the team. He happened to meet this wild Pachiritz, and was instantly attracted by the latter's cute appearance, and he had a desire to subdue.

It's just that this Pachiritz doesn't look soft and cute on the outside, but his personality unexpectedly likes to torture people.

He kept provoking Xiaoguang's interest, but when he was about to be subdued, he quickly jumped away to keep his distance.


Tired of playing, this Pachiritz turned his head and was about to run away.

"It's not a big problem. If it's an electric mouse, it should like Pikachu's electric shock."

Xiao Zhi waved his hand confidently and commanded:
"Pikachu, use [-] volts in place!!"

Zizizi! ! !
Pikachu understood, jumped between the grass, the current burst out from the cheek, and the dazzling electric light spread out from the body towards the surrounding in an instant.


This made Pachiritz, who was just about to escape, turn his head cutely.

The jet-black eyes stared at Pikachu's electric shock, and the dazzling golden light fell on its face. It was completely attracted.

"Is the strength still a little bit worse, Pikachu, move a little bit more, use the thunder trick!!"

Xiao Zhi stepped up his efforts, not attacking any target, but simply discharging.


Pikachu stood up straight and patted his cheeks with both hands. It was originally a hundred thousand volts flying out of electric snakes, and the scale and power instantly soared several times.

Boom! !

The next moment, the electric shock turned into an incomparably thick pillar of lightning, rising into the sky, and even faintly made the clear sky above seem to be turning dark.


Such a powerful electric shock is undoubtedly terrifying in the eyes of others around.

But for this electric mouse, Patch Liz, it seemed to smell the best scent in the world, and was completely attracted by this lightning strike, and immediately ran towards Pikachu instead.

"Good chance, Xiaoguang!"

Xiao Zhi quickly opened his mouth to remind.

The girl next to her naturally understood, and immediately instructed the curly-eared rabbit to jump out.

"Curl-eared rabbit, use bouncing!!"


Before being played by this Pachiritz like walking a dog for a long time, the lady herself was embarrassed in front of Pikachu, and the curly-eared rabbit was a little more angry.

Immediately, he jumped several meters high, and then the rabbit's legs stomped on Patch Liz's face.

This should be regarded as it cooperates with Pikachu's husband and wife, right?

Seeing that he was suddenly attacked, this Pachiritz was also angry, and immediately tightened his body like Pikachu, and clenched his short fist tightly.

Zizizi! !

The next moment, the blue electric current exploded from Patch Liz's body, turning into dense current branches, shooting in all directions.


"Is it still a blue shock?"

Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, the blue electric shock and the yellow electric shock are only a negative electric shock and a positive electric shock, there is not much difference in power.
But generally blue electric shocks are very rare.

"Don't lose to it, we use Frozen Ray!!"

Xiaoguang didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly commanded.

On the other side, an ice-blue electric current pulse flew out from the mouth of the curly-eared rabbit, which collided with the dense discharge moves.

Boom! !

After a stalemate for a while, it suddenly exploded in mid-air, and smoke lingered.

"Right now, use the stun punch!!"

With the cover of smoke, Xiao Guang decisively attacked the road.

"After the gym battle, did the battle become more decisive?"

Next to Xiaozhi nodded again and again, Xiaoguang has indeed improved a lot in terms of combat level.

boom! !

Unprepared, this wild Pachiritz was directly hit by the strong ear fist of the curly-eared rabbit and threw it out.


When he got up again, he staggered and swayed in place. This is an additional effect of the stun punch, and Pachiritz entered a state of chaos!

"Take advantage of the moment, use the second stage kick!!"

The Curly-eared Rabbit took the opportunity to trample on Patch Liz's forehead continuously, and Xiao Guang also took this opportunity to throw a Poke Ball suddenly.

The Poke Ball hit Pachiritz's body with precision and sucked it into the ball.

(End of this chapter)

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