He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1428 Leo Lu vs Dong Shi Mao!

Chapter 1428 Leo Lu vs Dong Shi Mao!
"Di Di. Dong Shi Cat, a normal-type Pokémon, is the evolution of the capuchin cat. It loves vanity. It wraps its tail around its body to make itself look bigger, and uses its huge body to suppress and wrap the opponent. Likes sleeping in other Pokémon's nests."

The Pokédex reminded that the Pokémon in front of him looked very bad.


Dong Shi Mao even raised his front limbs in Xiao Zhi's direction, threateningly.

Although this is the aisle on the second floor, the lobby of the wind power plant is next to it, and the activity space is still empty.

"Do you want to fight? Pikachu, it's up to you!!"

Xiao Zhi raised his hand and pointed without showing weakness.

This made Dong Shi Mao's eyes look down. Is the opponent this little yellow mouse? She can eat three in one bite.


However, Pikachu has wisely retreated to the back, and very wisely refused to participate in the war.

Eating too much at noon, now is not the time to fight.

"Oh~ little brother, it seems that your level is not enough, you can't even control your own Pokémon~"

Seeing this, Huoxing snickered while covering his mouth.

Xiaozhi: "."

Sure enough, it's still too indulgent, and Pikachu's food will be halved in the future.

"Since that's the case, it's decided to be you!!"

Xiaozhi simply threw a Pokeball again to face the Dongshi cat.

The red light flashed, but Leo Lu, who was small in stature and very flexible in movement, appeared.

As soon as it came out, it completely ignored the body, weight and power of this Dongshi cat, and just raised his palm full of fighting intent, ready to fight.

"Leo Lu? This is a very rare Pokémon."

Huo Xing was secretly suspicious, but their Galaxy team had a more lofty ideal burden, and they would not do such a thing as forcibly competing for other people's Pokémon.

"Then teach it a lesson! Dong Shi cat, use the high-five surprise attack~!"

Huo Xing suddenly changed his face and took the lead in launching the attack.

As a senior cadre of the Galaxy team, they are not good people.

"Leo Lu, use quick defense!"

Seeing the opponent rushing fast, Sharp Claw was about to slap a stiff slap in front of him, Leo Lu took the lead and made a block action, interrupting Dong Shi Cat's high-five surprise attack.

Quick defense was originally designed to defend against such high-speed preemptive moves.

"Right now, use metal claws!!"

Taking advantage of Dong Shi Mao's "anti-stiffness" state, Leo Lu condensed metal steel claws and slashed towards the target in front of him.

But Dong Shi Mao relied on that thick fat body, but Leo Lu was thrown away.

"Hey, the level gap between us seems to be huge~"

The star laughed proudly.

"Then try this trick, Leo Lu, use the wave missile!!"

Leo Lu immediately closed his palms, and a blue energy bullet quickly condensed in his palms, and even the stars couldn't help but shrink their pupils, daring not to be careless.

How can there be such a strong power?
If Dong Shi Mao was hit with such a move, it would be uncomfortable.

Boom! !
The next moment, Leo Lu threw the wave missile out, hitting the target with precision.

"Dong Shi Cat, use the shadow clone!"

However, Dong Shi cat moved quickly, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of fat cat shadows appeared in this factory area.

Boom boom.!
The wave missile hit the air, passed through a shadow, and exploded directly on an unknown machine behind!
Generally speaking, the move of shadow clone is either a high-speed Pokémon itself.

Either it is a Pokémon with super power attributes, using the illusion effect created by super power
"That is to say, this Dongshi cat is quite fast."

Xiao Zhi secretly wondered, this does not match the appearance of Dong Shi Cat.

"Dong Shi Cat, use Mount Tai to press the roof!!"

The next moment, dozens of Dong Shi cats leaped at the same time, and the heavy body fell heavily from the air, covering the sky and looking very scary.

But for Leoru, who holds the power of the waveguide, there is only one main body, so he does not panic at all.

"Leo Lu, use the wave missile to directly attack the ground!"

However, Ash did not choose to attack the main body directly, but directed Leo Lu to aim at his feet.

Boom boom! !

The wave missile exploded on the ground, and countless smoke and dust flew up in an instant, which well protected Leo Lu's position.

Boom! !
Dong Shi cat trampled down a second late, and the move failed, but still trampled a large crack and pit on the spot, and the ground shook, which shows the great power.

Before he could catch his breath, he saw a strong wind blowing only outside the power plant, blowing the smoke and dust away.

"What the hell?"

Huo Xing took a closer look, but saw that Leo Lu was spinning his body on the spot, like a sharp sword coming out of his body, and even blowing wind and waves.

Sword dance!

This made Leo Lu's whole body covered with red light after landing, and his attack power was greatly increased!
This move, Leo Lu has completely mastered it!
"It's really underestimated. Dongshi cat, use frolic!!"

There was a bit of anger on the star's face, and he immediately used this goblin-type move that had an outstanding effect on Leo Lu.

He was greedy and increased in front of her, and he didn't take her seriously at all!
"Leo Lu, let's use hair force!!"

After the attack power was greatly improved, Xiao Zhi's confidence was also fully recovered, and he chose to attack directly.

But at one end of the factory hall, Dong Shi Cat's whole body was covered with pink light, and it rushed straight forward. The sharp claws of its forelimbs were even more ready to strike, and it was about to make a dangerous move.

On the other side, Leo Lu also rushed out, raising his palm, which was not too wide, and the golden energy in his palm flickered faintly, facing the attack of Dong Shi Cat.

Boom boom boom! !

The frolic meets the energy, and the energy of the goblin and the golden electric current collide wildly in an instant, and the cat's paw and the dog's paw also collide without any obstacle!

It's just that Dong Shi Cat was obviously better. With a sharp meow, the playful energy exploded, and it smashed Leo Lu directly into the air.

Seeing this scene, Huoxing couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth and said:
"Hehe, is my Dongshi cat stronger~"


However, Xiao Zhi showed a meaningful smile, and his raised fingers suddenly pressed down.

"Right now, use wave missiles!!"

Leo Lu, who was retreating in mid-air, adjusted his body, quickly condensed a wave missile in his palm, and threw it out.

The wave missile has a "must hit" effect. Even if the body has no center of gravity, the hit rate is still extremely impressive.

The powerful and majestic power of the waveguide, this is the big killer of Leo Lu, not the sword dance that provides the increase of physical attack "What?!"

Under Huoxing's wide-eyed gaze, the Bo missile was bombarding Dong Shi Mao's body.

Boom! !
The energy of the waveguide burst suddenly, and the momentum was huge. The effect was outstanding! !
(End of this chapter)

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