He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1431 Moss Rock!

Chapter 1431 Moss Rock!

After a while.

Xiao Gang weakly lay prone on the lawn, not daring to lie on his back, his butt that bloomed for the second time felt a twinge of pain even if he sat on a chair.

"My name is Yami~ I'm traveling with Lucky Egg~!"

The green-haired woman also formally introduced herself to the three of them.

Neither a coordinating trainer, nor a passionate fighter who wants to challenge the Alliance Conference.
It is a simple adventure travel all over the world, to see the novel world.

There are actually many such trainers.

"I heard that there is Mori no Yokan in the EMI forest, which is the legendary top delicacy, so I plan to search for it with Lucky Egg and taste it~!"

Different from the gentleness on the outside, Yami is still a foodie, and when he said this, he licked his lips with the lucky egg next to him.

"Forest yokan?"

Xiaozhi tilted his head, it was the first time he had heard of this name.

"I seem to have the impression that this legendary delicacy has always been circulated in the Sinnoh region, but no one knows where it can be eaten."

Xiaoguang blinked, and said uncertainly.

As a local, she had heard this rumor occasionally.

"So in this EMI Forest, there is Mori Yokan?"

The name yokan, although it seems to be a food made of mutton soup, is actually a pastry made of red beans, flour and other ingredients, and there is no actual meat.

Mori no yokan, so does it mean the yokan dessert in the EMI forest?
"That's right, according to my investigation, there is a mansion villa in EMI forest, and someone once tasted Mori yokan in this mansion!"

Yami clenched her fists and said firmly.

She met a traveler who personally ate it not long ago, so she was so sure.

But the traveler who said so seems to have some mental problems?
Is it because the food is so delicious that it even affects the brain?

"Interesting, let's try it too!"

This made Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang look at each other, obviously completely tempted.

Just this forest villa, where is it?
"According to that person, it seems to be in the northwest corner of EMI Forest, surrounded by dense jungle"

Yami said, since the purpose is the same, the four of them formed a temporary team for the time being.

"Since there are too many people, we need to start cooking!"

This made Xiaogang stand up again, rolled up his sleeves, and planned to show off his superb cooking skills in front of Yami.

Originally, if the three of them were traveling, today he planned to use an instant sandwich to deal with it.

"Xiaoguang, go and fill a pot of water around here. Xiaozhi, go and gather some wood and come back to start a fire!"

Soon, Xiaogang assigned a mission and dismissed two light bulbs.

As for him, he will naturally stay here with Yami and prepare the ingredients together.
"Xiaoguang~I'll help you fill the water too~!"

It's just that Yami and Xiaoguang quickly ran arm in arm in the same direction, looking for the forest pool, which made Xiaogang hang his head in disappointment.

"Sapling turtle, Pikachu, let's go collect firewood too!"

The battle came to an end for the time being, but Xiao Zhi led a man and a turtle towards a certain direction of the forest.


The Bad Frog placed a plate next to him, quietly accompanying Xiao Gang.

Xiaogang: "."

In other words, should I install a mechanism that can only be opened from the outside in the Poké Ball of the bad frog?

Ten minutes later, Xiaozhi had already picked up a dozen pieces of dry wood in his hands.

The same is true for the grass seedling tortoise. There are more than a dozen pieces of wood on the turtle shell, and they are bound and fixed with super-absorbent vines.


Pikachu is holding a piece of wood with two small paws, paddling steadily.

"By the way, where did you come from?"

Xiaozhi held the firewood, propped up his waist, and looked around.

Because it just rained yesterday, the wood near the camp was a bit damp, so Xiaozhi had to go further to the dense forest to find dry firewood.

The light here is a little dim, and the surroundings are dark, which looks a little scary.


This time Pikachu had something to say, with a sensitive nose, he could already smell the aroma of the food prepared by Xiaogang.

Although it has not been cooked yet, the taste cannot be concealed from its nose.

"As expected of Pikachu, it will be of great use if you work hard!"

Although Xiaozhi's words were praises, they were somewhat skewed.


But at this time, the tortoise seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly turned to look in a direction in the dense forest. It was the opposite direction from the camp.

"What's the matter, tortoise?"

Xiaozhi asked suspiciously, the front was pitch black, and there was nothing to be seen.


But soon, the tortoise's eyes were fixed, and after calling out to Xiaozhi, it actually put the firewood on the ground temporarily, and ran towards that direction.

Not knowing what was going on, Xiaozhi could only quickly follow behind with Pikachu.

After running for nearly tens of meters in a row, the trees grew densely together, and there were lush tall shrubs and grass growing underneath, making it difficult to walk through.

Above are cumbersome trees and grass leaves, which almost completely cover the sunlight and make the light dim.

"Since the tortoises are here, use the Flying Leaf Knife!! Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Xiaozhi's interest was also completely aroused, and he directed directly.

Whoosh hoo! !

Zizizi! !

The green leaf throwing knife and the golden electric current shot out at the same time, directly sweeping away everything on this road, and forcibly creating a road.

This made their actions more convenient, so they quickened their pace.

And as they ran out of the surrounding dense forest and shrubs for nearly a hundred meters, they gradually loosened and decreased.

This place seems to be the hinterland of EMI Forest, surrounded and protected by dense plants, completely hidden in the middle.

But in the center, there is an open space about ten meters wide. There are no shrubs or trees growing, but the ground is covered with a layer of dark green moss.

Obviously, no one has been here for a long time. If you step on it, you can leave a footprint of two centimeters.

And in the center of the clearing, stood a huge rock, about the size of a rumbling stone.

The top is also covered with a layer of dark green moss.
Not only that, the surface of the stone even faintly diffuses a faint green light energy.

"This is."

Xiaozhi wondered, this stone is obviously not a normal thing, it seems to have an extremely majestic and vast plant atmosphere?

So is it this big rock that guides the tortoise here?

The tortoise with a dignified expression walked up slowly.

Finally, taking a deep breath, he raised his forelegs and slowly landed on the rock.

huh huh!
The next moment, the mossy rock surface began to continuously release majestic emerald green energy, and the rich green light even completely illuminated the open space.

There is even a part of the green light energy, like flowing water, slowly flowing into the turtle's body along its forelimbs
(End of this chapter)

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