He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1438 On behalf of the gym!

Chapter 1438 Baidai Gym!

The next morning.

Xiao Zhi was still slumbering, and in the dimness, he only wondered why the sound of insects around him seemed to be a lot noisy today, like a symphony, one after another, without any obstruction.

Through the eyelids, it seems that the light above is still very strong, and the sun shines directly on his body.



From time to time there is a feeling of something stepping on my face.

"Pikachu, don't step on me"

Xiaozhi said in a daze, just feeling the feet stepping on his face, not some soft mouse hind legs.

It was the insect-like hard-shelled legs that made him wake up.

"Hey, didn't I sleep in bed with Teacher Gang?"

Opening his eyes, Xiao Zhi found that he was lying directly on a pile of barren grassy clearings, and walking past his face was a very common bug Pokémon in the Shenno area - Master Yuan.


Aware that the human was awake, the wild Enchantress immediately fled into the nearby bushes and disappeared.

This also made Xiao Zhi completely awake, and his eyes widened.

At this moment, the luxurious foreign mansion villa around it has long since disappeared. It is a completely empty lawn space, and the sun is falling straight down, making it seem a bit barren.

Xiaogang, who was sleeping beside him, was holding a pile of weed leaves and was coy.

"Miss Yami, don't be like this, Xiaosheng is not such a casual person."

He was still muttering something, his face flushed, as if he had had a sweet dream.

A few meters away, Xiaoguang and Yami were also lying upright among the weeds.

"Hey!! Wake up soon!!"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly roared loudly, waking up several people.

The sleepy-eyed people opened their eyes, and only after realizing their situation did they notice their current situation.

"Not only that old housekeeper is a ghost, but the whole building is also a haunted house?!"

Ya Mi's complexion turned pale in an instant. She slept in the weeds for a night, causing the four of them to feel aches and pains, and their clothes and expressions were also very messy, like four homeless savages.

No wonder not many people can find this mansion.

Ya Mi and Xiaoguang helped each other to get up, the surroundings were completely empty jungle, and there was nothing unusual at all.

Because the scene was too weird, the four of them didn't have time to sort out their clothes, grabbed their luggage, and hurriedly left this spooky place
"Come back, Huayan Monster."

Xiaozhi took back the Flower Rock Monster that had been in town all night, but he didn't expect that even the latter didn't see any flaws.

However, while running, he noticed that there was a beating Rotom on the screen of his picture book, which made Ash certain that what happened last night was not a dream.

Patho City.

The location of the mansion was not too far from the exit of the EMI Forest. After a while, Xiao Zhi and a few others ran out and officially entered the EMI city.

This city is also a city with a long history. Many ancient historical relics and strange Pokémon statues have been seen in a hurry, and the overall atmosphere is more heavy and stable.

Four savage-like people suddenly ran into the city, causing many locals to stop and watch.

When they finally arrived at the safe place, Xiao Zhi and the others were relieved, and hurried to the local Elf Center, ready to wash and clean up.

"By the way, my previous Mori yokan!"

It was only then that Yami remembered the Morino Yokan that she had packed and kept, and the dining box was carefully kept in her backpack.

It's just that when I open it again now, there's nothing left but a bunch of weeds inside.

"Wait a minute, that means the food I ate last night. Are all weeds?"

Xiaozhi looked startled, looked at the mirror next to the street, and searched between his teeth, and sure enough, some weed leaves were still there.

Even touching his stomach, he felt a hungry feeling.

This caused several people to be in a trance and wonder about this experience.

And Ya Mi finally knew that she had asked the person who had arrived at the Forest Mansion why the other person's face was so strange, as if he was possessed by a demon.

To know that there are four of them now, the fear is naturally greatly reduced.

And that guy was living alone in the mansion at the time
Just thinking about it makes me chill!
After packing up and taking a shower, it was almost noon.

After lunch, the people who regained their vitality met at the Spirit Center.

Ya Mi, who was wearing a long green dress, brought auspicious eggs, packed her luggage, and was ready to say goodbye to a few people.

"Miss Yami! Xiaosheng will always remember your beautiful face. I hope we can meet again in the future. Ugh!"

Xiaogang just grabbed Yami's palm to say goodbye emotionally, and the bad frog flew out a poisonous blow again, hitting Xiaogang's backyard flowers directly.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xiao Zhi seemed to see that under the poisonous attack, Xiao Gang stepped up and tightened his buttock muscles.
After that, he was completely defeated by the poison attack, completely paralyzed and fell down.


This blow also caused the bad frog to look blankly at his venom arm when he took back the poison blow.

Is his own power declining, or is the other party resistant?

"Haha. Then a few of you will reappear~"

Ya Mi chuckled politely, waved to a few people, and left with auspicious eggs.

With such a period of experience, it is estimated that she will not enter any forest or a mansion villa for a long time.

"Then it's our turn."

Xiao Zhi then turned his head and looked at Xiao Guang, and instantly came to a consensus.

Hit the Patho Gym first!
There seem to be many places worth visiting in this city. It has a rich history, but if the gymnasium is not solved first, it will not be fun enough to play.

"The second gym?!"

Xiaoguang also clenched her fists, and the experience of the previous black gold gym also gave her enough mood.

It was still early, so the two of them walked side by side in the direction of Baidai Gym.

The bad frog followed behind, carrying Xiaogang's paralyzed thigh, dragging the latter to keep up with the pace.

Half an hour later, after wandering around this quaint city, several people came to a building.

Xiaogang also recovered his health and looked forward in awe.

The flat and spacious round egg-shaped building is the standard shape of many modern gymnasiums.

Then according to the attributes that each gym owner is good at, on the basis of this building, add your own special decoration.

For example, in this EMI Gym, which is good at grass attributes, the walls and top of the building are covered with dense crawler vegetation, which is lush and lush, so that people can recognize the representative attributes here at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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