He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1443 Xiaoguang's Gym Battle!

Chapter 1443 Xiaoguang's Gym Battle!
"It worked!"

This scene also made Xiaoguang feel happy.

As mentioned in the previous illustration, Sakura is very sensitive to sunlight.

No matter how much you like the sun, but suddenly looking directly at the dazzling sunlight at the moment, will your sensitivity still exceed the standard?
"It's now, Curly Rabbit, use Frozen Fist!!"

While Sakura'er lowered her head, Xiaoguang did not miss this opportunity and took the initiative to attack.

However, when the Curly-eared Rabbit swooped down, its body suddenly reversed its direction of rotation in mid-air.

It was originally a sprinting action of the rabbit's legs, but the rabbit's head was down, posing a posture of bombarding with a headbutt.

But at this moment, the two ears of the curly-eared rabbit, which can be flexibly curled and popped out, are clenched like small fists, and there is a strong swish of ice and snow energy on them! !
Completely losing his head, this also made Sakura's only free to chop this Sunlight blade out.

But with bad luck, it didn't hit the swooping curly-eared rabbit.

Whoosh! !
The next moment, the Frozen Fist of the Curly-eared Rabbit smashed directly on Sakura's body!


The strong icy energy instantly froze the cherry blossoms into a sluggish ice sculpture of flowers.

Boom! !
As the curling rabbit ears exerted force, the ice cubes cracked violently, causing Sakura's whole body to fly upside down in countless ice chips in an instant!

The effect is outstanding!

"Nice attack!"

Xiaogang in the stands couldn't help but exclaimed.

Sakura's flower gift feature only improves the ability to fight against special defense moves, and has a certain resistance to freezing light.

But this frozen fist was a completely solid blow.


Sure enough, as Sakura fell, her eyes started to circle and she lost consciousness.

"Sakura'er loses his fighting ability, and the curly-eared rabbit wins!"

The referee's voice sounded, which also changed Cai Zi's expression slightly.

Although it can be seen that he is a novice trainer, he is extremely keen in combat.

If the Sunlight Blade continued to chop for another minute, the rabbit would never be able to dodge, and would eventually be sent flying mercilessly.
"Come back, curly-eared rabbit!"

But to her surprise, Xiaoguang took back the curly-eared rabbit and replaced it with a new pokeball.

It seems that he intends to confront himself head-to-head.

"Such an arrogant forest warrior. Please, Roseredo!!"

The second contestant of the vegetable seed is an upright humanoid plant Pokémon.

Green and white body, two-color roses at the ends of both arms, and slender green leaves behind it like a cloak.

The face is covered with a layer of green mask, and the top of the head is blooming with white roses, as if covered with thick white hair.

It really is like the vegetable seed said, an elegant recluse in the forest.

"Di. Roseredo, with grass and poison attributes, has a deceptive habit, and will use its aroma to attract prey, and a spiked whip can be stretched out of the bouquet of both hands, which contains different kinds of deadly toxins."

Xiaoguang's picture book reminded.

Immediately, she tightened her face, not daring to be careless, and sent her second Pokémon with her backhand.

The red light solidified, and the three female bees she had been looking for all day appeared in front of Xiaoguang.

"Oh, Pokémon like Three Bees are generally not used for battle."

Vegetable Seed glanced suspiciously and said.

After all, the three male bees cannot evolve in their entire lives, and their combat effectiveness is weak.

Even if they are subdued by humans, they are generally engaged in auxiliary work such as collecting honey, rather than fighting.

"But what if my three bees are female?"

Xiaoguang raised the corner of his mouth, and was not disturbed by the other party's words.

"Three bees, use the strong wind!!"

Even took the initiative to launch an attack!
Whoohoo! !

The small wings of the three bees flapped, and a strong storm spread out, blowing the entire arena.

"Roseredo, use Venom Shock!!"

But this Roseredo's level is not too low, directly ignoring the strong wind, raised a rose arm and aimed at the three bees.


The next moment, the splashing purple poisonous liquid turned into several fierce water arrows and flew towards the target!
"Dodge! Then use Insect Call!!"

The speed of the three bees is not slow, and their wings vibrate with high frequency, completely avoiding the venom shock.

It is about to send out a sharp and slender insect chirping.

"Don't give it a chance, use Poison Strike!!"

However, this Roseredo was faster, sprinting and sprinting on the lawn, and even turned into a green afterimage.

Immediately at the end of Rose's arm, a thorn of thorns about half a meter long was extended, covered with venom energy, and directly poked at the three bees.

呲咻! !
Rose Reidor's poison attack precisely hit the center of the three bees' hives, not only interrupting the insects' calls, but even dropping the latter from mid-air.

"So fast"

Xiaoguang was a little stunned, and the three bees were no match for speed.

And in terms of strength, it is not the opponent's opponent at all.


Even the three bees who were about to take off again suddenly turned blue, and a group of purple bubbles appeared on their faces.

This is a state of poisoning.

"Roseredo's characteristic is a stinger, and there is a certain probability of being poisoned by contact moves."

In her mind, Plantina quickly reminded.

Cooperate with the poison attack move, which has a probability of being poisoned. This move has a very high probability of being poisoned.

Just a face-to-face, the three bees were driven to a dead end.

"Then the only way out now is that."

Xiaoguang didn't give up completely, but her pretty face was tense and her eyes looked extremely firm.

Then she suddenly said loudly:

"It's now, three bees, evolve!!"

This command makes the opposite vegetable want to laugh
However, the inspector sat on it and watched, laughing at the challenger's behavior was an absolute black line, and he could only secretly laugh in his heart.

How can there be any truth to evolution?

However, the next moment, as the three bees took off again, after a high-pitched cry, the whole body actually burst into a dazzling strange white light.

The originally petite body also began to expand and change, gradually turning into the size of a human being in the white light.

The silhouette of the body is faintly changing towards the appearance of a woman wearing a long skirt

As the light of evolution dissipated, a rough voice sounded first.

The crisp and pleasant tone of the original three bees completely disappeared, replaced by a thick and unquestionable low voice, like a queen high above.

After the evolution of the queen bee, she is now in the shape of a human, with an unusually slender waist.

The carapace covering the lower body is like wearing a long yellow and black skirt.

But looking up from the bottom of the skirt, you can see that it is actually composed of hexagonal honeycombs.

There are a pair of slender black legs on both sides, the head is much smaller, blood-red eyes, and a hexagonal ruby ​​shimmering with strange light on the forehead.

"Really evolved?!"

The vegetable seed looked surprised, and looked at the Queen Bee for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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