He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1449 Supervision Standards

Chapter 1449 Supervision Standards
Of course, the Giant Vines were defeated, but the battle wasn't quite over.

"Please, Ye Yibu!"

Vegetable Seed flipped his hand and dispatched Ye Yibu, who had left the field before.

It's just that at this moment, whether the latter is moving at high speed or in the state of sword dance, it has disappeared.

Compared with Battle Hammer Dragon One, his aura was suddenly much weaker.


Of course, there is still a faint current flowing through the Warmaul Dragon, which is the counter-injury damage of the double-edged head hammer.

The damage of the double-edged head hammer is the percentage of the damage caused by this blow.

The more blood you fight, the more severe your self-injury will be.

And knocking such a giant vine with a thick bloodskin into it with a single blow caused the Warmaul Dragon to suffer a lot of damage.


However, the momentum was not inferior, and with a roar, Ye Yibu's chlorophyll properties were first broken.

"I haven't lost yet. Ye Yibu, use high-speed movement!!"

Vegetable Seed didn't give up completely, with a half-blooded Warmaul Dragon and a Grass Turtle in the back row, she still had a chance to win!


Ye Yibu started to run, using high-speed movement to speed up.

It's just that the entire field has been destroyed into a ruined arena with layers of cracks, which makes Ye Yibu's running somewhat hindered, and the high-speed movement is very reluctant.

"Increase the speed. In that case, Warmaul Dragon, we use rock grinding!!"

With a smile in his eyes, Xiao Zhi also commanded.

Rock grinding, this is the specialty of the fossil pterosaur, and like high-speed movement, it can also greatly increase its speed.

At this moment, there are ruins of cracked and gravel everywhere, and it is easy to polish the warmaul dragon.

Klang! !
I saw it rolling directly in the gravel pile, and when it stood up again, its whole body became smoother and shinier.

Even the speed has been greatly improved!
"Damn, there's no speed advantage at all like this."

Vegetable seeds are secretly having headaches, and they are completely at a disadvantage.

Now she finally felt the feeling of being pressed and beaten.
Can only say that it is no wonder that the other party can become a Pokémon Inspector?
"Ye Yibu, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

The battle continued, and the vegetable seeds could only bite the bullet and attack.

Ye Yibu is good at physical attack, and the flying blade is the only long-range grass attribute move he masters.

Swoosh! !
However, the War Hammer Dragon just turned around and swept its thick tail vigorously, directly smashing all the Flying Leaf Knife into stubborn leaves.

It's not even a move.

"In that case, Ye Yibu, use the weather ball!!"

Vegetable seeds pondered, intending to copy the previous operation of Xiaozhi.

The flying weather ball, under the sunlight, instantly turned into a flame of the burner, turned into a flame energy bomb, and bombarded it out!

And with the cover of this move, Ye Yibu can also prepare the Sunlight Blade in the back.

After all, the attribute restraint is there, if you can slash a Sunlight Blade head-on, it is still possible to decide the winner at one time!

However, as the warmaul dragon sprinted, he saw that it did not dodge or dodge at all, allowing the flame energy bomb to burst violently at its chest position.

It has a 1/2 resistance effect to fire attribute moves, which makes Warmaul Dragon bear it frontally.

And the bonus effect of rock grinding also makes Warmaul Dragon's movements more aggressive.

"Use flame fist!!"

The flaming fist protruded out, directly tearing Ye Yibu's newly formed sunlight blade into energy fragments.

Even the Sunlight Blade of Sword Dance Giant Vines can block it, not to mention Ye Yibu's Sunlight Blade, which is the norm at the moment. It's as easy as tearing apart a toy.

Then the war hammer dragon quickly posted it, and the flames on the raised fist were still high.

Boom! !
The last punch hit Ye Yibu hard, and everyone heard a clear explosion in their ears.

The effect is outstanding!

In a sunny day, the power is even more frightening, and it may even be a one-time winner.

"Warmaul Dragon, use jet flame!!"

But Xiao Zhi didn't intend to let it go, following the trajectory of Ye Yibu flying backwards, and instructing the War Hammer Dragon to spew out a beam of fiery fire again!
Although it doesn't have much power, the dual effect of Sunny Day + Attribute Restraint still deals a good amount of damage!
Boom boom boom! !

The flames burned violently in that position, completely engulfing Ye Yibu's figure, setting off countless smoke, dust and sand.

And as the dust and smoke dissipated, Ye Yibu also completely fell there, unable to fight.

"Not an opponent at all"

This scene also caused Cai Zi to burst into a wry smile.

Obviously, the War Hammer Dragon is at an absolute disadvantage, but it is still so strong that it can penetrate two.

"Roar Roar Roar!!"

Even after the battle was over, the Warmaul Dragon was still roaring and roaring in place, showing the mighty aura of an ancient fossil Pokémon, which is moving!
"Well done, Warmaul Dragon!"

Ash stepped forward and patted Warmaul Dragon on the back.

The head-covered dragon that originally only reached his waist, now directly came to a huge object that was close to two meters, so that Xiao Zhi could only touch the waist of the latter.


The War Hammer Dragon turned his head and bit on Xiao Zhi's head directly, and he was about to lift the latter up.

"Cough cough.!"

It wasn't until the vegetable seeds approached that Xiao Zhi's face turned serious, and he coughed to let the War Hammer Dragon put himself down.

Well, it's still the real drama, so be serious.

"I lost, as expected of the Inspector, it really is very powerful."

Vegetable Seed conceded with a bit of conviction.

At first, when I looked at Xiao Zhi's age, some doubts arose in my heart. Now, the misunderstanding has been resolved.

"So, what was the result?"

So their Patho Gym has passed the Pokémon Alliance's inspection and review?

Victory or defeat should not be the only criterion.

Cai Zhong looked at Xiao Zhi nervously and solemnly, waiting quietly for the latter's answer.

"Uh, uh"

Xiao Zhi touched his chin and thought secretly in his heart.

Well, in general it's no big deal.

Damaranch gave himself the right to pass the gym, and Ash asked himself that the review standards for them were still very low.

As long as it doesn't get rotten, the outrageous level of giving the badge directly at the door will basically allow the gym to pass the inspection.

Eh, it shouldn't be so rotten, right?

The former Hualan Taoist Hall only surrendered the badge after seeing that it was obvious that they could not beat it. This is outrageous enough.

But this kind of look that as long as you don't make a sound, the other party's heart kicks in his throat, and he is extremely nervous and hesitant.
Don't say it, it's pretty good?

Xiaogang: "."

As the same gym owner in the past, if it is now his position in the vegetable garden, it is estimated that he will be tortured to death by Xiaozhi's silence
But it's not a big problem, now he's just a passing bystander.

It's really interesting to see this scene now!
(End of this chapter)

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