He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1451 Bamboo Orchid

Chapter 1451 Bamboo Orchid
"Well, I've seen it.!"

Xiaoguang closed his eyes and thought.

At that time, it was her first day to travel, except when she saw a big hole suddenly opened in the sky and a living person fell.

Looking at the calm water of Xinqi Lake, amid the fog, she also saw a pink fairy Pokémon.

The three statues in front of him have no color, just dark brown rock statues, but Xiaoguang still confirmed that what he saw was one of the three.


Xiaoguang recited the name silently and remembered it in his heart.

"Emlido is the god of emotions, and you can see it, which proves that your rich emotional heart has been recognized by Emlido."

At this time, a soft sound came from behind the three of them.

The three turned their heads subconsciously, only to see a blonde woman standing behind them at some point.

Tall and tall, he was wearing a black silk robe and a pair of wide-leg black trousers on his lower body.

A long golden hair was scattered down, and a black headband was tied behind his head.
Thick blond hair fell on his forehead, covering his left eye.

But the facial features revealed are still beautiful and unusual, and the whole body exudes an intellectual and elegant temperament.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Xiaosheng can see a goddess here!!!"

Xiaogang was the first to riot, his eyes were about to pop out of his sockets, and he was about to step forward and hold the palm of the blond woman to show his love.


However, the bad frog popped the pokeball in advance, snorted lowly, and stabbed Xiaogang directly at the backyard of Xiaogang.

Whoosh! !
He only heard a screeching sound, Xiaogang twitched all over, and immediately fell to the ground, paralyzed.

"A powerful poison attack"

The blonde woman looked at the absurd scene in front of her. Although she didn't realize it, she turned her head slightly and gave her evaluation.

"Zhulan. Miss Zhulan!! Is it really you!?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, two outsiders, didn't know anything, but Xiaoguang became excited in an instant.

This blonde woman is the champion of their Shenao League and is recognized as the strongest trainer in the region! !
Before the trip, Xiaoguang often saw Zhulan appearing on TV.

However, against which powerful Heavenly King, they used overwhelming strength to defeat the former, and won the position of the league champion firmly!
Although Xiaoguang's goal is to become a top coordination trainer, it does not prevent her from admiring such a powerful, mature and attractive woman!

"League champion, Zhulan?!"

This also made Xiao Zhi finally know the origin of the blond woman in front of him, and his face froze for a moment.

In other words, is this person a no.1 existence in this area? !
"Miss Zhulan, please fight with me!!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's battle was soaring, and he immediately challenged Zhulan solemnly.

"Uh, fighting? But I'm just here for vacation today, and I don't want to fight any more."

Zhulan just showed a distressed look and did not agree immediately.

The tone of speech is also slow and leisurely, which is different from the appearance of intellectual maturity, more like a very leisurely and natural big sister?
"Xiao Zhi! Miss Zhulan is on vacation today, please don't harass her casually!"

Xiaogang on the ground did not know when he had stood up again, and stopped his best friend's rude behavior with a serious look.

Then he half-knelt in front of Zhulan, bowing his head gracefully.

"Please allow Ash's rudeness, beautiful champion."

This scene made Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang a little stunned, and their subconscious eyes moved down, landing on Xiaogang's backyard.

Usually it takes half an hour for the numbness to be relieved. Why is it all right in half a minute today?


This also made the bad frog suspiciously look at his poisonous arm.

I don't know if it was an illusion. When I stabbed myself in just now, I really felt a binding force from both sides, making it difficult for me to move forward?

The bad frog is about to attack with a second consecutive poisonous attack, completely defeating Xiaogang.


However, after subconsciously looking at the blonde woman in front of him, the purple poisonous arm raised by the bad frog froze in place for a while.

It was obvious that the other party only had a kind expression with a chuckle, but it made the bad frog feel a strange and irresistible feeling.


After a stalemate for a while, the bad frog decisively put away his poisonous attack, disguised as an ordinary frog, and sucked and spit the poison sac on his cheek.

"Bad Frogs"

Suddenly escaped, Xiaogang was also relieved, secretly startled.

In the first strike before, he deliberately tightened his buttock muscles the moment the poison attack came in.


The closed buttocks firmly guarded his back court. However, Xiaogang was not yet skilled in this move, and at most he could only hold up the first poisonous blow.

With hindsight, Xiaogang realized that the blonde beauty in front of her was the most powerful league champion in the Shenao region.

"Cough cough. It's Xiaosheng being abrupt."

He coughed, stood up from the ground, and organized his clothes to make himself look more gentle.


Although she was a tyrannical league champion, Zhulan was very easy-going and just smiled at the three of them.

The appearance of several young people traveling together made her seem to have returned to the past and became younger.

"By the way, Miss Zhulan, what do you mean when you said that Emrido is the god of emotion?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask.

The battle was rejected by the opponent, but Xiao Zhi did not continue to insist.

That's right, the opponent is a tyrannical alliance champion, and the elves that he is carrying now are estimated to be unable to win firmly.

When the next time is ready, it will not be too late to fight with it.

But what makes him curious is that he is now the special inspector of the Shenao Alliance, and the other party is the champion of the alliance. Don't you know yourself?

"In that case, let me tell you about the myths and legends of our Shenno area."

Zhulan didn't seem to know Xiao Zhi, her eyes lightly fell on the statue of Sansheng Mushroom, and her tone was long and slow.

"In the beginning, there were only chaos and fluctuations in the world. Everything was mixed up in a mess, and at the center, the original existence was born."

Her eyes were ethereal, as if she had returned to that chaotic world with her language.

"Then this ancient and chaotic life created two clones, allowing time to flow and space to expand. These two clones are the two statues you saw at the entrance of the museum."

God of Time, Dialga!
God of space, Paluccia!
The three of them were stunned, especially Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, whose expressions were messy.
The myths and legends here are completely much taller than their hometown!

(End of this chapter)

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