Chapter 1456 Fighting
The search was fruitless, and everyone had no choice but to return to the museum.

Without the definite criminal evidence of the Galaxy team, even if Zhulan, who is the league champion, can't do anything.

After expressing his apology, Ash and the others are leaving the city.

"Anyway, let's send the reward first, maybe it wasn't stolen by the Galaxy team."

The museum curator waved his hand and commanded his hand.

Is there a possibility that the Galaxy plane was just passing by?

However, within two days of posting the reward, an old couple came to reveal the list, and they really gave a real diamond jewel.

Although the bounty is very painful, it is a good thing.

The overjoyed director of the museum sent it to the research institute in Shenhe Town overnight, at least throwing this hot potato out first.

It doesn't matter to him what happened next.

Of course, these are all for later.

The next day, early in the morning.

The three of Xiaozhi and Zhulan are temporarily together, traveling to the east of Baidai City.

Xiaozhi and the others are going to Jiayuan City, where a grand and gorgeous convention is about to be held, which is Xiaoguang's goal.

Similarly, there are gymnasiums in the city, which are also the places they must go.

And Zhulan is going to a place where God and the town.

The historical research institute there is the place where the Diamond Jewel was originally sent for research.

Faintly aware that something was wrong with the Galaxy team, Zhulan planned to go to the research institute to inquire about the connection between the Vajra Orb and Dialga, so as to speculate the purpose of the Galaxy team.

At the beginning of the road, both sides were on the way, Xiaogang invited Zhulan to travel with him, and the latter readily agreed.

"Xiaogang, your craftsmanship is really perfect~"

Especially after tasting Xiaogang's kitchen skills, Zhulan praised it even more.

The praise from the league champion immediately made Xiaogang blushed, as shy as a shy little boy.

At this moment, everyone is on a suburban ruin in the east of EMI City.

It seems to be a barren wild ruins, usually not many people care about it.

However, due to the recent incident with the Diamond Jewel, there has also been a certain degree of heat here. At the moment, there are many tourists and news media around the ruins that have been destroyed.

The four of Xiaozhi naturally took a stroll along the way.

At this time, a familiar figure caught Xiao Zhi's attention.

A blue-purple sports jacket and trousers, lilac short hair, and a stern and old face.

At this moment, he was standing in front of a ruined stone slab, staring blankly.

The content of the engraving on the slate is what Xiao Zhi knows, it is Dialga and Palkia who were outside the EMI Museum before.

"What a coincidence, Shinji, are you joining in the fun to see the ruins?"

The two had contacted a few times, and Xiao Zhi immediately took the initiative to say hello.


Hearing the familiar voice, Shinji turned his head coldly and glanced at a few people.

Especially Xiao Zhi's appearance made him frown.

This guy is strong!

This is what Shinji can be sure of, he wants to defeat Ash, but now he is not fully sure.

But today in addition to Xiao Zhi's trio, there seems to be one more person
"Miss Zhulan?!"

Shinji's pupils suddenly shrank, and he found Zhulan following behind.

He was dressed in a black robe and coat, with long golden hair flowing down his gorgeous and mature appearance, which made many news media around him also found the target and surrounded him one after another.

"Miss Zhulan! I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"As expected of a powerful and beautiful existence, dazzling in front of the camera!"

"Please allow me to do an exclusive interview!"

Facing the surrounding media, Zhulan just waved her hand casually, but did not agree.

Shinji also stared at several people with a deep expression.

Why does the league champion stay with Xiao Zhi?
looks familiar
"I've seen Zhulan's battle on TV before. If that's the case, let's take a look at how far I am from the league champion!"

Shinji's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly made a decision.

A few days ago, he had just watched the battle between Zhulan and the Heavenly King Wusong on TV. At this moment, he saw the target, and he couldn't help but feel restless.

Thinking of this, Shinji walked directly behind Zhulan and said solemnly:

"Miss Zhulan, please, please come to a 6v6 battle with me!!"

Hearing the sound behind her, Zhulan was slightly startled and turned her head.

"Hey! Where's the kid, can you challenge the champion at will?"

"I don't know how high the sky is!"

"If you want to fight with Miss Zhulan, you have to pass me first!"

Shinji's sudden attack also made the surrounding tourists and media agitated and scolded.

However, Zhu Lan's expression softened a lot.

Compared to dealing with media interviews and fighting, it seems to be easier.

It just so happened that I didn't fight Ash, so let's try Shinji, who is the same age as him.

It seems that the two still know each other?
"Shinji, are you okay? Miss Zhulan is very strong!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but wonder.

Well, although he hasn't seen Zhulan fight yet.

However, Shinji, who has always been calm, suddenly declared war with enthusiasm like a hairy boy, which he did not expect.

However, Shinji ignored Ash at all and just stared at the only target in front of him.

"If that's the case, then I agree."

Soon, Zhulan nodded lightly, but it didn't disappoint.

This also made the surrounding tourists and media immediately excited.

Rebuke, rebuke, I didn't expect to be able to see or photograph the wild fight of the league champion today, this wave is not a loss!
"Thank you Miss Zhulan for your advice!"

Shinji first nodded politely, calmed the beating in his heart, and then walked to an open and flat ground outside the ruins. The battle here should not affect the ancient ruins nearby.

The people around also retreated, leaving the battlefield completely to the two of them.

"Is Shinji against Miss Zhulan?"

Xiao Zhi is a passerby who is watching, his eyes are hot.

Shinji is not a simple trainer, on the contrary, he is quite an experienced person.

Putting it in the usual league conference, maybe there is an existence that can win the conference championship?

I can't fight Zhulan for the time being. Just look at Miss Zhulan's strength first!

In the same way, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang next to him were watching with great interest.

"Even though it's a vacation, I still ask you!"

Zhu Lan faced each other from a distance, and without thinking much, threw a Poke Ball at random.

The red light flashed, but it was a dark blue shark dragon beast.

The huge body standing upright is nearly 2 meters high, the whole body is covered with thick and hard shark skin, and there are white spikes at the joints.

(End of this chapter)

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