He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1458 Shinji vs Zhulan!

Chapter 1458 Shinji vs Zhulan!
Ma Yanla's arm shook, and her figure instantly turned into a double image and spread out in parallel, unable to distinguish the true from the false.


The tile-splitting move of the fierce bite of the land shark slammed forward, but only penetrated one of the afterimages, and the move failed.

This is a gap period for the other party, Shinji raised his mouth, and immediately commanded:
"Right now, use Frozen Fist!!"


Ma Laura's shadow clone instantly merged into the main body, the white hook claws clenched their fists, covered with ice-cold energy, and immediately bombarded the back of the fierce bite land shark.

Frozen Fist!
Bang Bang! !
At the critical moment, the biting land shark turned around and once again blocked the blow with the inverted fin on its arm.

It was just icy energy that quickly froze half of the arm that bit the land shark fiercely, and the ice layer continued to spread towards the body.

"Bite hard!!"

However, with a low roar from the bite land shark, his arm violently slammed, directly breaking the ice on the inverted fin.

At the end of the other arm, a dangerous white light was still flashing, and it attacked the nearby Maroona.

Whoosh! !
The tile-splitting hit, and Ma Yunla was directly picked up and flew out!

The effect is outstanding!


After landing, Majula was completely unconscious, unable to fight completely.

It was another neat and tidy spike, and it was a huge disparity in strength.

"What a powerful piece of tile work."

A drop of sweat fell on Xiao Zhi's forehead. This blow splits tiles. Even if it doesn't have the effect of quadrupling Marula, it is estimated that the winner will be determined by one blow, right?

Shinji silently took Mara back and quickly replaced it with a third Pokémon.

The red light flashed, this time it was a large brown bear, with a rough body, sharp claws on the four limbs of the bear paws, and a fierce expression.

"Ring roar!!"

As soon as the circle bear appeared, he roared excitedly at the opponent, obviously not having any timidity because of the opponent's level.

At least in size, the two are evenly matched.

"Is it the power type this time?"

Zhulan's expression did not change, the two in front seemed to be each other's testing something and had some plans.

It's just that in the face of the absolute strength gap, any bells and whistles are useless.

"Circle Bear, use infuriating bombs!!"

The battle started again. Although it was a circle bear that was attacked by things, an orange-yellow energy bomb was condensed between the bear's paws as soon as it appeared, and then threw it out.

"Block it, use tile splitting!"

Zhulan was using the exact same move.

I saw the thorny arm that bit the land shark slammed forward and fell down, actually directly smashing this menacing energy bomb from the middle, and the energy wind burst violently.

"Right now, use the arm strike!!"

I don't know when, the circle bear has already rushed to the front of the strong bite Lu Shark.

The raised sturdy bear paw was covered with white light, and fell heavily on the latter's neck!

Bang Bang!!
There was a heavy muffled sound, and the arm thumping move hit the front!

The tyrannical force even smashed Lie Lu Shark's body down in an instant, and his body sank.

"Use split tiles!"

However, the scene of being pressed down on the head by the circle bear only lasted for a short while, and the violent bite of the shark was already violent.

With the terrifying force of the arm beating on his body, Lie Bite Lu Shark abruptly got up again.

The end of the other arm, which can still move freely, has been covered with a dazzling white light at the thorn, and it slammed upwards.

The split tile directly attacked the lower body of the circle bear, and then flew all the way up three ways, and finally strongly pressed against the latter's neck and chin.

Bang Bang! !
There was another explosion, as if the chin bones of the circle bear were cracked.

Even the heavy and huge body of the circle bear was directly picked up by the fierce bite Lu Shark and flew out, and fell heavily behind.

The effect is outstanding!

"lock up"

When the smoke dissipated, the circle bear turned its eyes again, unable to fight completely.

"Another one-hit kill!"

"That ring bear looks like it should be very durable. Why is there no trick!?"

"What a powerful bite Lu shark!"

The passers-by around were talking a lot about it. The one that bit Lu Shark fiercely just now can be classified as a handsome and famous scene.


Even Xiao Zhi couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He also planned to see if Miss Zhulan would show off her ultimate ability with Lie Bite Lu Shark, so that she would be able to take precautions in future battles.

As a result, the three Pokémon have now passed.

No bells and whistles, no tactical tactics
It is simply the crushing of the strength level, which makes people feel like they are facing a big enemy and cannot deal with it.


Shinji's expression became even more solemn.

Is the league champion really that strong?

Originally, he was still thinking about what strategy to use, but only half of it had passed, which made Shinji feel a great sense of powerlessness.

Was it the same state of mind when your brother fought against the leader of the Pyramid?
"Keep fighting, Shinji, and try to replace one of Miss Zhulan's Pokémon!"

The restless voice next to him broke the entanglement in Shinji's heart.

When he looked up, he saw Xiao Zhi was shouting at the top of his voice.

The content of the conversation. It sounds like cheering, and it sounds like sarcasm.

"Hmph, I don't need your cheer."

Shinji snorted coldly, and the fighting intent rose again.

Even if you can't beat the opponent in front of you today, you can at least accumulate valuable experience
"Come out! Tutai Turtle!!"

This time, Shinji sent his ace Pokémon directly.


The red light solidified, and the heavy body of the Tutai Turtle fell to the ground, making a deep muffled sound.

"This Tutai turtle is not badly cultivated."

Zhulan looked at the Pokémon in front of her and praised softly.

Despite his indifference, he used to say cruel words like "useless guy"
Before there was no Pokémon defection incident, she couldn't evaluate Shinji's actions as wrong.

But I have to say that every Pokémon of this boy has been cultivated very well.

In particular, this Tutai turtle seems to be a veteran who has fought countless times.

"Tutai turtle, use sharp stones to attack!!"

This time, Shinji didn't hold back the slightest bit, and when he came up, he attacked with all his strength.

swoosh! !swoosh!

The Tutai Turtle let out a low roar, and its forelimbs stomped on the ground. In an instant, several sharp rock spurs rose from the ground, spreading all the way to the fierce bite land shark!

Zhulan responded calmly.

"Fly up, use Dragon's Dive!"

The fierce bite land shark immediately kicked the ground, jumped, and flew into the mid-air more than ten meters high.

Immediately, the wings and tails came together, and the whole body was covered with blue energy arrogance, turning into a larger blue dragon phantom, swooping all the way from the sky!

Dragon's Dive!

(End of this chapter)

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