He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1460 Tianguan Mountain

Chapter 1460 Tianguan Mountain

"Is this gone?"

"So fast when you're only a teenager?!"

"Hey boy, at least you have to play 6v6!!"

The sudden suspension of the battle made many passers-by around couldn't help shouting loudly.

But he didn't care about the unexpected eyes, and Shinji naturally ignored the voices of everyone, and was already planning to turn his head and leave.

"Hey Shinji, your Pokémon is seriously injured, you have to send it to the Elf Center immediately!"

Realizing that the direction Shinji was leaving was completely opposite to the nearest elf center, Ash couldn't help reminding him.

This guy, isn't he planning to let his Pokémon fend for itself?


Shinji just snorted and didn't turn his head.

To say that the fastest way to treat your own Pokémon is undoubtedly the release therapy.

However, these four Pokémon are of great use to themselves and cannot happen.
But since they lost a fiasco, let them taste the pain today, and strive to not be defeated so easily next time.

Well, the performance of the little flame monkey is still not good today.

"Am I expecting too much from it? Maybe it's not very useful at all."

Shinji shook his head, and after thinking about it, he decided to give this guy another chance.

"My action of biting the land shark is not light. I'd better go to the elf center to have a look. Maybe there will be some irreversible sequelae injuries."

However, after hearing Zhulan's words, although her voice was soft, it also brought a bit of strong persuasion.

"Got it, Miss Zhulan."

Shinji would still listen to the champion of the league, but he turned around and walked towards the nearest local elf center, gradually disappearing from everyone's sight.

A battle came to an abrupt end, and after a while, the surrounding crowd completely dispersed, and they continued to browse the surrounding ruins.

Shinji's impoliteness, Ash was not too annoyed.

Just look at his attitude towards Zhulan, it's not a snobbery, this guy's mind is only for the strong.

As long as you are better than him, Shinji will naturally respect you.

In order to gain the respect of the other party, it will be over when the two of them fight head-on one time in the future.

"Miss Zhulan, she's really amazing! It's much better than what you see on TV!"

Beside, Xiaoguang surrounded Zhulan, his eyes shining in admiration.

Xiaogang also has a similar expression, with a dark face with redness, a strong and beautiful woman
With such an existence, even if he does not dare to do anything extreme, there is only complete respect and worship left.

"Hehe, it's alright~!"

Zhulan replied with a smile, as if everything that happened before had nothing to do with her.

"Is this the essence of a true league champion?"

Xiao Zhi's expression was solemn, looking at this tall blond woman from a distance.

Beneath his easygoing appearance, there is an extremely terrifying power lurking.

The battle with Shinji is also very simple and rude to "block it" and "use the tiles".

No fancy tactics and no strategy required.
"Is this the realm of the strong?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sigh, this is a bit similar to watching Brother Chi before, or watching other champion fights on TV.

It seems that Pokémon's combat is just outstanding, and what the trainer has to do is simply random command.

More like a shouting tool?
It gives the impression that if my grandmother used this fierce bite of a land shark, it would also be a random killing.

Like Master Mikkori, he doesn't feel that way at all.

Despite the name, Ash has been a little skeptical about whether Michaeli really has the level of a league champion.

"Don't worry, I'm fighting with Miss Zhulan!"

But Ash was not in a hurry to fight the opponent.

It is rare to come to the Shenno area once, and he must have to fight the existence of this Shenno no.1, but not now.


Seemingly noticing Xiao Zhi's fiery gaze, Zhu Lan also turned her head slightly and cast her gaze.

The eyes of the two met and collided in the air.

Although Zhu Lan's expression was fine, she was a little more cautious in her heart.

This young man is far stronger than the mature young man just now.
The next day.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi and his party have arrived at the foot of a towering mountain range.

Tianguan Mountain, standing in the center of Shenao area, stretches all the way from north to south, forming a continuous mountain range spanning hundreds of kilometers.

At this moment, they are located in the northern part of Tianguan Mountain, and the top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round.

At the foot of the mountain, looking at the towering peaks in the distance, several people could see the white-capped snow-capped peaks, which looked unusually cold.

However, at the foot of the mountain at a lower altitude, there is a normal four-season climate, which is not much different from the ordinary mountain terrain.

"Hey, Miss Zhulan has already left. Today's whole day is boring."

Standing in front of the entrance of a cave at the foot of Tianguan Mountain, Xiaogang said with a gloomy expression.

Zhulan's destination is Shenhe Town, and their destination is Jiayuan City.

Although both have to pass through Tianguan Mountain and reach the eastern area of ​​Shenao area.

But the location of God and the town is more north, only a narrow mountain road can lead to it.

Jiayuan City wanted to walk a distance south in the cave, so she could only temporarily part with Miss Zhulan and say goodbye.

"Tianguan Mountain?"

But Xiao Zhi was in good spirits.

Tianguan Mountain is the most famous place in the Shenao area, and it has extraordinary significance to the local area. It is said that there will be special phenomena in many places.

As the three officially entered the cave of Tianguan Mountain, they found that it was not as damp and dark as a normal cave.

Instead, the space is spacious, with bright lights hanging from the rock wall.

Everything in the cave is clearly visible.

"Oh, our road is the very famous Baidai-Jiayuan Tunnel. As long as you walk along this bright main road, you can see Jiayuan City."

Xiaogang explained with a travel guide.

Of course, there are large and small branch paths on both sides of the cave, shady corners, leading to the depths of the location. These are completely undeveloped natural areas.


Even faintly, you can hear the sound of wild Pokémon in the depths.

"People and nature here are in good harmony."

Xiaogang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Yuejian Mountain next to his hometown was also used to develop natural resources, and the entire cave mountain road was covered with lights.

As a result, the ecosystem of the local wild elves was completely disrupted, causing great damage.

But Tianguan Mountain is different, there are only traces of human activities on the main road.

And a little further away, they have not set foot in, and they are in a just right place without interfering with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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