He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1465 1 magnet, 1 steel

Chapter 1465 A magnet, a piece of steel

"This is.."

For the first time, a surprised look appeared in Chi Ri's eyes.

If he heard correctly just now, it seems that this electric mouse stepped on the void, as if it touched some air wall, and rebounded back with force?
Why can it be in the air, but also make the action like walking on the ground?
"Hmph, haven't you seen my Pikachu fight?"

Xiao Zhi smiled smugly and immediately commanded.

"Pikachu, let him see your abilities!"


Pikachu understood, and while leaping and running among the surrounding rocks, the height gradually increased to an absurd level, and finally he completely broke off the ground and ran in mid-air.

The footsteps stepped in the air, making a muffled sound, and jumping up with strength, the scene is very curious.

At this moment, the surrounding peculiar magnetic field terrain, coupled with the magnetic current released by the big north nose before, allows Pikachu to successfully use the unique skills of the thundercloud line to realize the battle in the air.

With every step in the air, Pikachu's toes flashed faint lightning patterns.

As the speed gradually increased, it turned into an incapable afterimage, constantly surrounding the two self-exploding magnets.

This bizarre scene, even the well-informed Chi Ri, was the first time he saw it, and he was surprised.

"Use [-] Volts!!"

However, Pikachu didn't have a very good move to restrain his opponent. He could only forcefully stimulate a strong current and shoot out.

"Exploding Magneto, use specular reflection!"

However, the self-exploding magnetite flew up against the current, covering its entire body with pink-purple light, fully enduring the current.

Boom! !

The next moment, [-] Volts exploded from the self-exploding Magneto with twice the power, turning into a lightning laser and attacking Pikachu!

However, Pikachu was under the thundercloud line at the moment, and his speed was astonishingly fast. He stepped on the void thunder line and avoided this attack very easily.

"Facing the north nose, use the cannon light cannon to kill that Leoru first!"

Aware of the difficulty of this electric rat, Chihi immediately targeted the low-level Leoru.


However, there seemed to be something wrong with the big north-facing nose. The body was shaking a little in the air, and the light cannon that was barely fired at the end flew out in a random direction.

It was far from the location of Leo Road, but it exploded at the position of a rock wall ceiling, causing countless rubble to fall.

Chi Ri frowned and turned his head.

Only then did he realize that his big north-facing nose, the red magnet in the center of his face like a nose, was crooked at some point.

"Is it the steel tail at the beginning?"

Chi Ri's heart sank, remembering something.

"Have you finally responded?"

Xiao Zhi raised the corners of his mouth, obviously on purpose.

At first, the opponent used an iron wall to forcibly block his Pikachu's iron tail
The latter understood, and took advantage of the situation to directly chop the iron tail on the magnet nose of the big north nose.

Although it was the first time that Xiao Zhi met a Pokémon like Dachao Beibi, he knew Chao Beibi in the previous stage.

There was a battle in the Kanaz Gym in the Fangyuan area.

The nose magnet with the nose facing north always points to the north. Similarly, this is also the key to smooth control of the body and accurate release of moves.

Once the nose is knocked crookedly, the north-facing nose will naturally completely lose control of the direction and target.
"I guessed right, so is the big north nose!"

The strategy succeeded, Xiao Zhi's momentum was high, and he immediately commanded:
"Right now, Leo Lu, use Fa Jin!!"

Although Leo Lu's level is not high, his speed is very fast. He jumped up and his palms were already attached to the body surface of the big north nose.


The next moment, the paralyzing electric light burst out from the palm of the hand, and the explosion impact directly knocked back the big north nose by several meters.
Four times the restraint, the effect is remarkable!

"Don't give it a chance, use wave missiles!!"

Xiao Zhi's strength is unforgiving, and he starts to attack frantically.

Leo Lu also lowered his center of gravity, and quickly condensed a blue energy bomb in his palm, and threw it out!
"Exploding Magneto, use specular reflection!"

Chi Ri responded quickly. He didn't expect that a young boy who happened to meet in the cave could be so difficult to deal with.

However, when the self-exploding Magneto was once again covered with the reflected energy film and blocked in front, Pikachu had already raised his tail high, and the electric light energy at the tip quickly condensed and turned into a lightning ball.

"Use the electric ball!"

As Ash's voice fell, Pikachu threw an electric ball at the same time.

In terms of speed, Pikachu is the best.


The latter double reflected a lightning laser, but at this moment, there was no other means to block the attack from behind.

Boom! !
The next moment, the wave missile exploded directly on the body of the self-exploding magnetite!
The effect is outstanding!

Although it does not have the effect of the previous quadruple restraint, it still has a very good damage.

"Good chance, Pikachu, use the grid!!"

Seeing the self-exploding Magneto fall backwards, Ash immediately commanded.

In this battle, Pikachu's attributes were too disadvantaged, and instead he became Riolu's assistant.

Zizi poof.!

The electric ball thrown by Pikachu's backhand spread out in mid-air, turning into a dense lightning net.

Covering it down, Da Chaobei and the self-exploding magnetic monster were actually networked together.

The two have a magnet body on one side, and a steel body on the other side close together at the moment.

Sizzle! !

The bodies were completely absorbed together, and the heavy and bloated bodies were glued to each other, making a mess in mid-air.

"Right now, use wave missiles!!"

As Riolu fired a powerful wave missile again, it exploded on the two of them.

Boom! !
The terrifying impact of the waveguide force not only forcibly separated the self-exploding magnetic monster from the body of Dachao Beibi, but even knocked the two out and embedded them on the rock wall behind!

In the end, his figure crooked, and he fell down from the rock wall.

Both can't fight!

"Uncle, your two Pokémon don't seem to be very good."

Xiao Zhi did not forget to speak out, with a somewhat mocking tone.


These words made Chi Ri's face turn dark, but he didn't expect to be defeated so easily.

Obviously he has an absolute advantage, but in front of this young man, he doesn't have much energy to fight back.

"Who is this boy?"

Chi Ri put away the defeated Magneto and Da Chao Beibi, and looked at Xiao Zhi solemnly.

After some fights, it even gave him the feeling that he was fighting against a master like the King of the Alliance.?

(End of this chapter)

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