He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1482 Evolution, Emperor Nabo!

Chapter 1482 Evolution, Emperor Nabo!
"These two people, cooperate very tacitly!"

Seeing that Xiaogang and the two had an advantage from the very beginning, Xiaoguang couldn't help but admire.

The cooperation between Yong Kira and the bad frog is unexpectedly smooth.

This made Xiaogang's eyes fall on Mai'er next to him, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Big sister is better than big sister, Loli Xiaogang suddenly turned black, shook her head quickly, and frantically dispersed the idea.

Damn, almost off track, deviant.

"Prince Bo, use metal claws!!"

Ah Thun didn't understand this, and launched an attack in full swing.

"Bad frogs, use split tiles!!"

Facing the silver light on Prince Bo's wings and claws, he is completely immune to the poison, which makes the bad frog change his strategy.

Bang Bang! !
A muffled sound exploded, and after the two were deadlocked for a while, in the end, Prince Bo's strength was superior, and he smashed the latter out.

"Little flame monkey, use the flame wheel!!"

Shinji on the other side snorted coldly and commanded.

The previous loss of power also caused the momentum of the little flame monkey to plummet at this moment, and even Shinji's commanding voice made his shoulders tremble, and a trace of fear appeared in his heart.

Chi Chi!
But the body still condensed flames, turned into a flame roller and flew out.

"Yong Kira, use phantom light!"

Yong Kira waved the spoon, and the invisible power of thought froze the little flame monkey in mid-air again.

However, this time, the little flame monkey was still holding a handful of sand.


The sand was thrown out violently, which made Yong Kira, who was concentrating and widening his eyes to concentrate his thoughts, was blinded by the sand and dust, and the power of the phantom light also loosened up.

slap! !
The little flame monkey seized the opportunity, and the flame wheel bombarded out, rushing directly to Yong Kira's chest, causing a good amount of damage.

"Now, bad frog, use poison attack!!"

But the powerful attack also created a gap for himself, which allowed the bad frog to find an opportunity, and the poisonous arm was covered with dangerous venom, and then stabbed the little flame monkey's abdomen fiercely.

Whoosh! !
In a muffled sound, the little flame monkey was picked up and flew out again.


When the latter got up from the ground again, the whole body had become trembling and messy, and there were scars everywhere, obviously it was already in the state of a candle in the wind.

Even the eyes were half-pressed, and purple bubbles appeared on the tip of the nose.
This is entering a state of poisoning, which makes it worse!

"At this time, don't you use your power?"

Shinji glanced at the body of the little flame monkey, a look of anticipation flashed in his eyes, but his voice became more and more cold.


The little flame monkey straightened up its bruised body and let out a low growl. The flames on its buttocks began to spurt, trying to fully mobilize the power in its body.

This made everyone's eyes focus on the little flame monkey, waiting quietly.

Vaguely, I can really feel a majestic force that is constantly rising.


Just the next moment, with the emergence of purple bubbles, the poisoned state took away the last point of the little flame monkey's physical strength.

The latter closed his eyes and fell to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

"What, what, what, I thought it was a big trick! You have to pay a fine!!"

This made Ah Tung yell out angrily, but he didn't notice that Shinji's expression had become frosty.

"Then it's up to us now, Prince Bo, to use metal claws!"

But the excited Ah Hun still showed no fear in one-on-two, and even took the initiative to attack.

Prince Bo waved his metal claws and dashed towards the target.

"Use split tiles!"

Bang Bang! !
Then it collided with the bad frog's tile-splitting thrust again. Although it was still suppressing the opponent's situation, this time the opponent was assisted by Yong Kira.

"Use phantom light!!"

Mai'er commanded, playing two to one with no mercy at all.

The diffused light of thought power enveloped Prince Bo, which made the latter's expression instantly painful.

The strength is weakened, and it seems that it will be suppressed by the bad foreign frog and forced to retreat.
"Don't give up! Show your strength!!"

Ah Tung shouted loudly, the painting style was completely different from Shinji's command.


This also made Prince Bo's will instantly firmer. While being attacked by the split tile and the phantom light, he suddenly let out a low roar, and his whole body was covered with dazzling white light.

In the light, its stature quickly became bigger and collided.

As the white light completely dissipated, Prince Bo also showed a new attitude!
About the height of an adult, the heavy body looks like a neat black dress, with sharp blue claws at the edges.

The golden trident horn on the top of the head is like a crown, proud and powerful.

Emperor Nabo!

"Hahaha! It has evolved, it seems that God is on our side!!"

This made Ah Tung ecstatic, and immediately launched an attack:

"Emperor Nabo, use metal claws!!"

This time, Emperor Nabo's metal claw move has not only improved its own strength, but even the steel attribute acquired after evolution has made this move even more powerful.

Bang Bang! !
The bad frog's tile-splitting move was simply difficult to contend with, and was actually smashed and flew out.

Buzz.! !
The phantom light that followed, this time Emperor Naboo forcibly supported it.

"Right now, use the water cannon!!"

The mouth opened, and the sturdy water current rushed out, directly knocking Yong Kira out in the distance.

The latter was originally a crispy Pokémon, but with a water cannon, it fell to the ground on the spot.

And the huge advantage in level also makes the next single challenge fight without any suspense.

Even Emperor Nabo's metal claws have evolved into steel wings that are even more powerful, splitting the bad frog that collided with once again, and the winner is completely determined.

"Damn, this kid is so strong."

This made Mai'er, who was defeated in the battle, show a sullen look and stomped her feet angrily. Although Ah Xun was a little older than her, she still called him "boy".

And there is no reason to suddenly evolve in the process, you are the one who should be fined the most! !
"Ah Tun is so powerful, he actually beats two with one!"

Seeing this, Xiao Guang from the outside of the field was also so amazed.

He immediately lifted Pogaman in his arms, trying to let the latter see the mighty Emperor Naboo.


However, Bogaman remained indifferent, arrogantly leaning over his little head.

This made Xiaoguang have no choice but to laugh bitterly. It seems that only Sister Plantina's emperor Nabo can move Pogaman.
(End of this chapter)

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