He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1485 The power of fetters, fierce fire!

Chapter 1485 The power of fetters, fierce fire!
At this moment, the electric shock beast waved its arms, and the radar-like tentacles on its head burst out and accumulated electric current.

Now, as long as the little flame monkey breaks the ground and comes out, it will release a powerful electric shock!

After all, the latter was once Shinji's Pokémon, and he was very familiar with the fighting style of the Little Flame Monkey.


Seeing that the ground in front of him began to loosen, the Electric Shock Beast immediately waved his arms and blasted the electric shock in that direction!

"Pachiritz, use it and watch me!!"

However, at this time, Xiaoguang in the rear suddenly commanded.

At the moment, Patch Liz, who was in the backcourt, hooked his little finger, and with a peculiar energy, he actually blasted the [-] volts that were originally straight, as if attracted by some magnet.

Immediately, the current reversed direction, and the bombardment landed on Pachileitz.

The power storage characteristics are completely ineffective.


Seeing that his move succeeded, Xiaoguang smiled proudly.

Several of her Pokémon were all trained by Plantina.

For Pachiritz, Plantina focused on training the latter's support and cover capabilities, so Xiaoguang chose to let it appear in battle at this moment.

Only the [Lightning Rod] feature can forcefully absorb all the electric shocks from other directions to its own position.

But with the look at me move, no matter what move it is at this moment, it can be forced to be pulled by the "lightning rod".

Whoosh! !
This also allowed the little flame monkey to seize the opportunity to attack, the body that broke out of the ground jumped high, and the fist slammed into the chin of the electric shock beast, knocking it back a few meters!
The effect is outstanding!

"Hey! Don't forget me! Emperor Nabo, use steel wings!!"

But Ah Hun on the other side was the commander of the babble.

Emperor Nebo waved his steel wings and rushed towards the little flame monkey who was about to land.

At this moment, the latter is deeply surrounded by the enemy and is in a complete gap.

Bang Bang! !
There was a dull sound, and the little flame monkey was directly split by the steel wings and flew out.


Xiaoguang's complexion suddenly tightened, seeing as what I could use was a long-range energy move.

It is still difficult to change the attack trajectory with such a direct melee melee move.


The original state was not good, but at this moment, he suffered a full steel wing move, which made the little flame monkey enter the state of the candle in the wind again.

Looking at the little flame monkey struggling to get up from the ground, looking like he was trying to prove something, Shinji became irritable for no reason.

"Little Flame Monkey, no matter what power you have in your body, it will be released at once now!"

Listening to Xiao Zhi's voice from the rear, the little flame monkey tried to stand upright, and the flames at the tail started to burn again.

"Electric Beast, use [-] volts!"

"Emperor Nabo, use the water cannon!!"

However, the two people on the opposite side did not give Little Flame Monkey a chance, and both launched an attack.

Seeing the violent electric shock and water jets coming, and seeing the little flame monkey still tensing his face, trying to release his strength, Xiaoguang bit his lower lip and commanded:

"Pachiritz, use it and watch me!!"

Patch Liz twitched his fingers, and in an instant, he led two attacks to his position at the same time.

[-] volts is naturally completely ineffective. In fact, the only trick that Patch Liz needs to deal with is the water cannon.

Boom boom boom!

The violent current bombarded the front door of Patch Liz, and the strong force directly blew it out.

When the latter figure fell, although he did not lose his ability to fight at one time, his little face became tired, and it was obvious that he had almost reached his limit.

But this also bought enough time for Little Flame Monkey.

"Enough Xiaoguang, leave it to me next."

At this time, Xiao Zhi took a step forward, and his raised palm was aimed at the back of the little flame monkey.

The latter is still trying to draw the power in his body.
It's just that this power is simply not something that it can control now.

It seems that there is a tightly closed gate at the exit, completely suppressing the violent firepower inside, unable to come out.


It's just the next moment, the little flame monkey, who tightened his body, suddenly felt that the pressure in his mind suddenly weakened a lot.

Looking down at his body, he only felt that at this moment, both his willpower and his physical fitness seemed to have been greatly improved.

It's a feeling that can lead to obsession.

And the uncontrollable violent force in his body seems to be able to master it skillfully and clearly?
The source of this feeling.
The little flame monkey turned back and looked at Xiao Zhi who was smiling at him.

The latter raised his arm, and a white light flickered faintly in the palm of his hand.

"Little Flame Monkey, I'll temporarily lend you my strength. Now go all out to attack!"

Xiao Zhi shouted in a low voice, this is the power of his bond.

Linking with Pokémon can greatly enhance the power of the latter and all the energy qualities of the spiritual power.


Hearing Xiao Zhi's voice, Little Flame Monkey's eyes instantly became firm, which was an unprecedented feeling.

Everyone still didn't know what happened, and the light in Xiaozhi's palm could not be seen.
But there is a faint feeling, as if at this moment, Xiao Zhi and Little Flame Monkey have completely become the same individual?

Boom! !

In the next moment, as the little flame monkey clenched its fists, not only did it become extremely crimson, but even the flames at the tail of the buttocks also skyrocketed in an instant!

There is a two-meter-high flame heat wave, which is much higher than the body of the little flame monkey, giving people an extremely exaggerated sense of sight.

And a fiery and turbulent momentum also permeated the arena.

"This is the characteristic of fierce fire?!"

"No, how can the fire characteristics be so outrageous?!"

Around the arena, there were discussions one after another.

As the signature feature of Yu Sanjia, fierce fire is not necessarily triggered by residual blood. It can only enter this state by relying on strong will. But it is definitely not so exaggerated.

"Hey hey hey!! How can there be such a powerful fire characteristic! This is a fine!!"

Ah Tung patted Shinji on the shoulder suddenly and said in disbelief.

And Shinji's face became extremely dark in an instant.

It's that power!
When the little flame monkey was in a desperate situation, the mutant fire power that erupted!

Why have I tried countless times, but I haven't been able to stimulate this power, and the guy in front of me took over for less than 10 minutes, and successfully attracted this power?

The crimson little flame monkey, bathed in red light, is no longer as timid and cowardly as it used to be, but just looks to this side with high fighting spirit.
It is not even robbed of mind by this power, and can use this power perfectly.

(End of this chapter)

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