He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1493 Tank skunk, old star

Chapter 1493 Tank skunk, old star

"Bronze mirror monster, use strange!"

Zhen Xing's heart was ruthless, and he was about to repeat his old tricks, and once again used the strange light to cover his escape.


It's just that before his voice was finished, a strong wind came from his ears, followed by an afterimage flashing across his pupils.

Charem stomped on the ground, as if he had already jumped in front of him with one step.

boom! !

Immediately after, a powerful white light fist smashed into the face of the bronze mirror monster, directly knocking the latter out.

Sonic punch! !
Even after the Bronze Mirror Monster flew out and fell heavily to the ground, several talents of the Galaxy team came to their senses, turned their heads blankly, and looked at the Bronze Mirror Monster who was already unable to fight with a single blow, with a moving expression.

"Hey, it's so fast"

Charem's extremely fast sonic punch made Ash and the three of them onlookers couldn't help but say in unison.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the Pokémon of the Alliance King, the speed is so fast
"Is it the power of the waveguide?"

Compared with the speed of Xiaogang and Xiaoguang's simple admiration, Xiaozhi saw other things.

The moment Charem jumped out, the light blue light that was unique to the power of the waveguide faintly covered the surface of Charem's body, increasing the latter's speed by a step.

It can be said that the speed of Sonic Fist was only equivalent to the "flash of lightning" speed level, but now it is almost reaching the level of "divine speed".

"It turns out that the power of the waveguide can also be used in melee combat"

Xiao Zhi secretly remembered it.

It seems that the power of the waveguide can not only be released in the form of energy, but can also act on oneself to strengthen one's physical fitness.

Charem looks quite skilled. Was it taught by the waveguide messenger named "Ya Xuan"?

Seeing that his Pokémon was instantly killed, Zhen Xing's expression changed drastically, and his back was sweating.

This guy in front of him is definitely not an existence that he can touch porcelain!
And even if he can defeat the Four Heavenly Kings, but with the speed of this Charem, now he only needs to raise his hand to touch the ball a little, trying to release his ace Poison Skull Frog.

At that moment, the whole person will be directly shot out, right?

"Hand over your things. This is the last chance. I don't mind beating you all on the ground here, and then go get it with my own hands."

Wu Song pushed his glasses and spoke again.

In the blink of an eye, the battle situation has been completely grasped.

This also opened the eyes of the three of Xiaozhi next to him.

Not only the battle, but also this force, completely shocking the opponent's domineering!
"Although his body is much thinner than my teacher, his aura is much stronger."

This made Xiaogang couldn't help but sigh.

The teacher in his mouth naturally refers to Master Shiba.


Wu Song's fearless appearance, completely ignoring him, made Zhen Xing extremely embarrassed and angry.

It's just that at this moment he can't help at all, can only hand over what he has?

"Lord Chiri was very disappointed with me last time, if this mission still fails."

Zhen Xing gritted his teeth, still doing the final tangle in his heart.

However, just when the two groups of people were still stiff, a huge black shadow suddenly fell from the sky.

Boom.! !
The figure was still very heavy, and when it landed on the ground, it made a dull sound.

Before everyone could look closely to see what it was, they saw this purple beast-type Pokémon suddenly spread out a cloud of black-purple smoke from its body.


With a sound like a fart, the dense fog of poisonous gas suddenly spread around, and even rolled up smoke and dust on the ground.

It was only after a little exposure to the mist that Xiao Zhi's group's complexion turned dark, and they only felt an astonishing stench coming towards them, giving people a feeling of wanting to retching.

"Cough cough! What does this taste like!"

"It stinks!"

Several people immediately covered their noses and their faces turned blue.

Even Wu Song did the same, he quickly pinched his nose, his expression somewhat messy.

Through the sunglasses, you can see the source of the foul-smelling gas, which is a tank skunk.


At this moment, this tank skunk is puffing out its butt and outputting extremely freely, making the stench around it more and more intense, even reaching the level of irritating eyes.

This made Charem unable to move for a while, and his expression was uncomfortable.
Pokémon's five senses are more sensitive than humans, and in this case, they will suffer more damage.

bang bang bang.!

A helicopter, I don't know when, has come to a position about ten meters above everyone's heads, and the sound of the propeller turning is very loud.

In the gray stench, Zhenxing had already put on a poisonous gas mask, grabbed the helicopter ladder rope hanging down from above, and walked away as he rose.

Boarding the helicopter alone, Zhen Xing took off his mask with disgust, and threw it directly out, then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hehe~ is this your attitude towards your savior~?"

But at the moment, there is still one person standing in the plane.

This is a woman with long purple hair, her hair is tied up into two balls that stand up and down.

The face with makeup is quite gorgeous, and the body is also wearing the tight uniform of the Galaxy team, in two colors of silver and black, which completely outlines the tall and slender figure.

Galaxy team cadre - Suixing.

And the tank skunk that released the gas bomb was Suixing's ace Pokémon.

Although it is not enough to face the Alliance King, as long as the tank skunk finds a chance to release the gas bomb, even the Alliance Champion will retreat by three points.

"Hmph, I didn't ask you to save me"

Although he was rescued by one hand, Zhen Xing's expression was still arrogant, and he sat there with his arms crossed.

Wu Song's behavior towards him before was undoubtedly very humiliating, which made him angry now.

As for the other soldiers of the Galaxy team, they were completely abandoned by Zhenxing.

A completely brainwashed soldier, even if he is caught and tortured, will not get any information about the Galaxy team.

"Oh, yes. What if it's the leader?"

Suixing glanced at Zhenxing and said softly.

The word "leader" suddenly made Zhen Xing stand up abruptly, and his expression became tense.

"Hmph, the leader has long guessed that you will not complete the task so smoothly, so he specially arranged for me to meet you in the back."

Suixing shook his head leisurely, and continued:
"What you have to consider now is whether I will tell the old man that you almost wet your pants in front of a heavenly king~"

Sure enough, these words also made Zhen Xing's expression completely collapse, and a pleading flashed across his arrogant face.

(End of this chapter)

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