He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1513 Boring Inspector

Chapter 1513 Boring Inspector
The thick smoke did not dissipate, and the entire stadium suddenly became quiet.

The onlookers, even Xiaoguang and Ali held their breaths, staring at the fog-shrouded arena in front of them, waiting for the result of the final game.


In the end, it was Ash's Leo Lu who was in a hurry, jumped to the edge of the center of the arena, and slammed a flat palm toward the center.


The wind pressure aroused by the palm of the hand instantly dissipated the explosion smoke in the center of the arena.

Vacuum wave!
But as the smoke completely dissipated, it was seen that Prince Bo and Lucario did not continue to stand on the field.

Instead, he leaned forward and fell to the floor.

His eyes were rolling, obviously he had already entered a state where he could not fight.

"Prince Bo!"


The two trainers hurried up and carefully checked their Pokémon status.

Xiaoguang gently lifted Prince Bo's head and leaned on his thigh. After the evolution of Prince Bo, she can't fully hug him now.

"You did it perfectly, Prince Bo."

Rubbing the latter's head, Xiaoguang said softly.


Prince Bo opened his eyes, struggled to get up, and looked at Lucario who fell on the other side.

At least it wasn't a defeat to this Lucario.
After seeing it clearly, Prince Bo was relieved and completely fell on Xiaoguang's soft thigh.

Well, although I can't be held in a soft embrace in the future, it seems to be very comfortable here.
"Both sides in this game lost their ability to fight at the same time, so it's a draw!"

The uncle of the fighter finally pronounced the verdict loudly, bringing the curtain to a close for this battle.


"Xiaoguang, this is for you."

Ali handed Xiaoguang a brown badge. The badge was dotted with irregularly sized dots, like a stone path.

Stone Paving Badge, this is the badge held by the Veil Gym.

"Hey, isn't this an informal fight, and I didn't beat you."

Xiaoguang hesitated, not knowing whether to take it or not.

"I am the master of the gymnasium, I think you are qualified to get it, then you are qualified!"

Ah Li waved his hand indifferently, and shoved the paving stone badge into Xiaoguang's hand.

Judging from the expression on this expression, and the tone of being the gym owner, it was obvious that although he did not completely win today, he also completely regained his confidence in becoming the gym owner.

Seeing Xiaoguang staring blankly at the badge, Ali continued to comfort:

"This kind of thing doesn't matter, as long as you don't let the annoying Pokémon inspector know where it came from, no one else will care about this kind of thing~!"

Next to Xiao Zhi, who was just about to come over to congratulate him, he froze in place.

Then he looked at Ali.

This girl, it seems that not only came out of the lost Yuyu. She even seems to have become arrogant and bold?

"Eh Xiaozhi."

This made Xiaoguang, who knew the details, also turned his head and looked at Xiaozhi with a look of helplessness.

She has no obsession with "I must defeat you to accept the badge". Since she got it from the museum owner, she naturally wants to accept it.

So this badge, can she really accept it? "Take it, Xiaoguang."

Xiao Zhi did not openly reveal his identity, and getting the badge was not linked to "defeating the gym owner".

The badge just represents the challenger and has been recognized by the gym owner.

For example, many experienced gym owners are not something that ordinary trainers can deal with. But as long as they meet the expectations of the former, they can naturally get badges.

It was Ali's description of "Pokémon Inspector", which was somewhat impolite.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi decisively walked in front of Ali and said solemnly:
"Miss A Li, then tomorrow is my time to challenge the gym!"

Originally, he was still thinking about the monitoring challenge of the Curtain Gym, so he just skipped it.

After all, Li is only a newcomer to the gym, and Xiaoguang's battle has already been fully seen.

Although it is not as strong and tactical as the old gym owner, it is not weak. At least being a gym owner is more than enough.

"Looks like that guy Shinji really did it by chance."

Xiaozhi thought to himself, with the power of that duck-billed fire dragon, defeating this Lucario in three rounds basically means that Ali had no command and gave the opponent a blow for nothing.

And at this moment, Li has stepped out of the psychological shadow, and may become stronger in the future, and the future can be expected.

But now it seems a bit overkill to press down a little bit, which is also a good thing. "Ah?! Do you want to challenge the gym too?!"

But hearing these words, Ali's expression instantly collapsed.

Yesterday, she was in the breeding house, and she saw the promotional video of the battle zone.

The guy who defeated Mr. Lei Si bloodily in the hands of Xiao Zhi, this guy is definitely worse than Shinji.

"Damn, I also said that there will be a Pokémon inspector soon, who will come to check that the gym owner is dereliction of duty. I see these boring inspectors, first of all, they must screen the challengers well, and prohibit too powerful training. Come and fry fish!"

This made Ali couldn't help clenching his fists and exclaimed loudly.

She knew that there would be an inspector coming to inspect the gym qualifications recently, but she obviously didn't know that the inspector was right in front of her at the moment.

This made several people look at each other, and they looked weird, and they couldn't help but laugh.

However, Xiao Zhi, as a trainer who has traveled to many regions, feels the same.

Challenge the gym, participate in the alliance conference, challenge the four kings and champions
The official trainer path consists of these three stages in total, but it is obviously not suitable for the various trainers with different levels.

Especially for him, or an old trainer like Shinji, the general gym challenge is actually meaningless.

So the current Xiao Zhi, did not even continue to challenge the gym like before.

"It makes sense. It seems that after the trip is completed, this problem can be reflected together."

Thinking of this, Ash touched his chin.

As for the way out for the official alliance, that's not up to him.

But what about Ali's battle?
"Then let's have a 1v1 tomorrow too, it's my Leo Lu, playing against your Lucario!"

So Xiao Zhi said bluntly.

Now this gym mechanism is undoubtedly the most difficult for a newcomer like Ali.
If you want to be a victim of the mechanism, then forgive her for shelling the inspector.

As for the Pokémon killed by Shinji, Ash lost interest, but he still had the idea of ​​fighting the opponent's ace Lucario.

(End of this chapter)

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