He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1517 Snatching the Meteorite!

Chapter 1517 Snatching the Meteorite!

Soon, Miss Junsha arrived and walked into the Meteorite Park with a flashlight.

Xiao Zhi and the others looked at each other, and they, who like to join in the fun, naturally followed Miss Junsha and entered the park again.

It's just that it's not the time to appreciate meteorites. The surroundings are pitch black. Lei suddenly thought of something and threw a Pokeball with his backhand.

The red light flashed, but it was a snow-white human-shaped Pokémon, with a petite and slender body, like a woman wearing a white wide-sleeved kimono, lightly suspended in the air.

There are several round holes in the head, revealing the black-purple head inside, and there are a pair of protruding icicles on the forehead.

"this is?"

Xiao Zhi subconsciously took out the picture book.

"Di Di. Snow Maiden, with the attributes of ice and ghost, is the evolution of the snow boy. The body is very similar to wearing a kimono. She can use the wind and snow to create illusions to manipulate and confuse her prey and enemies. Only female snow boys can evolve into Snow Maiden. Loto~!"

After listening to Xiaozhi, I couldn't help but secretly amazed. I didn't expect that the Pokémon in the Fangyuan area also had a new evolution in the Shenno area.

Before, he only knew that Snow Boy could evolve into an ice ghost guardian.

"Snow Maiden, use the flash!"

So Lei Si raised his hand, and the Snow Demon Girl understood, her wide sleeves and arms half-covered her face, like a shy woman, and let out a low cry.

The next moment, everyone's three or four meters' radius was completely lit up.

"Mr. Leis, this Pokémon is"

Under the guidance of Snow Demon Girl's Flash Technique, everyone officially entered the Meteorite Park, and Xiao Zhi couldn't help asking along the way.

"That's right, it's the Pokémon that Shinji temporarily placed with me."

Lei Si nodded with a smile, maybe in the future Shinji will use this Pokémon to fight Ash.


Ash quickly probed up and down, while instructing Pikachu to also use the flash technique to expand the range of light again.

Just as everyone entered the meteorite park to explore.

The dark park is silent.

bang bang bang.!

However, the next moment, there was a sound of the propeller turning in the air, and the sound became louder and louder, reaching the level of deafening noise.

The strong wind was blowing down indiscriminately, flying sand and stones.


Xiao Zhi and the others raised their heads to look, and found that five or six large helicopters were already hovering over the park.

In the dark night, the aircraft case appears dark, but the golden letter "G" engraved on the surface is quite obvious in the luminous light.

"Is it the plane of the Galaxy team?!"

Miss Junsha was instantly alert.

That's right, now it's only possible that the Galaxy Team will do things. Do they have any intentions for these meteorites?

"There seems to be a lot of people down there~?"

On one of the flights, Sui Xing sat by the window and looked down with raised eyes.

"Hmph, just act."

Zhen Xing's tone was to be more rude, and the soldier next to him understood it, and immediately used the walkie-talkie to call five or six other helicopters and launched an action at the same time.

This has already sent all the transport aircraft that can be used in the Galaxy team base.


Standing in the open hatch of the helicopter, Zhenxing looked at the stars below with a fiery face.

The meteorite with the same source of energy as the key to the gun, that is to say, it also has a certain effect on the existence of Tianguan Mountain.

And these meteorites that look calm on the outside contain huge energy inside. These are the forces that the Galaxy team needs!

"Huh, what's the point of showing it here all the time, it's better to leave it to our Galaxy team to change the world!"

With a wave of Zhenxing's hand, the six helicopters in the air stabilized their heights, the chassis opened, and each of them dropped a mechanical hook vertically.

Extending all the way to the surface, under the radar, even in the dark, each of them still accurately captured a meteorite.

"Hey!! Stop it! These meteorites are the precious wealth of the Curtain City!!"

Miss Junsha immediately grabbed the demonstration speaker and shouted loudly.

It seems to be plundering the meteorites here.

Although the purpose is unknown, these meteorites are ancient ruins that have existed since the Curtain City was not built, and naturally cannot be taken away by outsiders.

However, hearing the words of this demonstration, the Galaxy team became even more energetic.


The mechanical claws opened and closed, directly grabbing the upper half of a meteorite.

Even the sharp claws clenched tightly and extended downwards, forcibly breaking the bordering clods around the meteorite, forcibly digging the meteorite out of the ground.


Then the hook claws retracted and exerted force, recovering the heavy meteorites upwards.

Even the Pokémon Alliance doesn't take it seriously, let alone the local Miss Junsha.

"Damn, I can only use Pokémon to fight!"

As soon as Miss Junsha gritted her teeth, she was the only one who came to the scene in the middle of the night, and there was no other assistance.

I don't know what happened to the Galaxy team in the past six months. They used to be serious commercial research companies, but now they suddenly do this kind of crime.

Miss Junsha's palm fell on her waist, and she was about to take out her partner, a roentgen cat to fight.

"Let's help too!"

Xiao Zhi and the others looked at each other. When encountering such a bad incident, it is natural to take a righteous shot. Several of them also took out their Poké Balls and prepared to release them to help.

"Are these mice again?"

The condescending Zhenxing swept over the people below from a distance.

Seeing that Ash and the others were about to take out the Poké Ball, he was holding a strange button device in his hand.

"Just to try the invention of the doctor!"

After speaking, Zhenxing turned on the device, and an invisible red electric light spread out like a wave, covering the entire Meteorite Park in the blink of an eye.

This made everyone below want to press their Poké Ball and let out the action of the Pokémon.

Just pressing it lightly in the usual way, the Poke Ball will expand and open, but now it is pressed continuously, and there is no response.

"Hey, why can't it be turned on?"

"Is it broken?"

Not only Xiao Zhi and Jun Sha were unable to operate, but also the passers-by who followed behind to watch the play, looking at their Poké Ball in confusion.

"Humph. It's useless. This is a special radio wave developed by our Galaxy team. It can lock the Poke Ball from the inside, and it is absolutely impossible to open it from the outside!"

Zhen Xing didn't know when, he had already fallen from the sky to the ground, and said sarcastically to everyone.

Even around, there are more than ten Galaxy soldiers.



As for the rear, the helicopter in the air was still running at high speed, constantly mining heavy local meteorites.

(End of this chapter)

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