He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 164 The Mysterious Garden of Frog Seeds

Chapter 164 The Mysterious Garden of Frog Seeds

Yuhong City, Pokémon Center.

Xiao Zhi and his party have been here for five days.

After solving the strange radio wave incident taken by Sulip and Sully, now the Pokémon in the Pokémon Center has returned to its original state, and Pikachu has also recovered and is full of vitality.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, Xiaoxia also subdued an unclaimed, somewhat slow response Duck, and formed a Duo Duo with the dumb beast she subdued on the San Annu at that time.

She has now faintly changed from a water-type trainer to a dumb-type trainer.

When everyone was bored playing the NS game console, Xiao Zhi received news from Li Jia that the special phenomenon about the seeds of the wonderful frog will appear tonight, and she also asked Xiao Zhi to take pictures.

This phenomenon was named by Lijia, The Mysterious Garden of Frog Seeds.

Xiao Zhi naturally agreed. After all, this information was given by Lijia, not to mention that he also used two new skills, Grass Slide and Mist Burst.

Late at night, nearly early morning.

Xiao Zhi released the wonderful frog seeds early, and now the latter was walking back and forth on the floor anxiously, without the calmness of the past.

It is also wrestling with whether to choose evolution.

"It's okay, Wonder Frog Seed, you are my partner whether you enter or not evolve."


Ash and Pikachu comforted by the side.

Although Ash prefers it to choose the path of evolution, the final choice must be the seed of the wonderful frog, and he will not interfere.


A breeze blew through the night, and there seemed to be something more in everyone's nose, sweet and fragrant.


The Frog Seed was the first to react, jumping directly over the window sill in the center of the Pokémon, and ran in one direction.

"We'll follow."

Xiaozhi and his party looked at each other, and the secret message came, and they quickly chased in the direction of the wonderful frog seeds.

After chasing for nearly 10 minutes, everyone had already reached the edge of Yuhong City. Seeing that the frog seed still did not stop, the group could only leave the city and enter a forest on the outskirts of the city.

Not to mention, the fragrance is getting stronger and stronger, as if there are flowers all around.


Seeing Frog Seeds jumping over a bush, and just as Xiao Zhi was about to catch up, several brown thorns were suddenly slapped on both sides. In a few blinks, the path was blocked, and a thorn wall was erected in place.

"Good guy, you still have self-awareness?"

"Is this still not allowing outsiders to enter?"

Xiao Zhi wiped his nose, without any intention of being blocked, he waved his finger:

"Pikachu, use Iai Slash!!"

Chopping down trees naturally requires professional skills in chopping trees.


Pikachu stepped on the wall of thorns and took a few steps into the air, and then a sharp edge lit up on the side of his tail, and his body rotated three times and then slashed down!


The seemingly tough wall of thorns was directly cut with a large crack from top to bottom, like cutting tofu, and it was cut to the ground.

Although Pikachu's steel tail is much more powerful than Iai Slash, if it is facing plant objects, Iai Slash seems to have an extra layer of buff.


Seeing that the surrounding thorns and rattans began to wriggle as if they were about to close again, Xiao Zhi hurriedly pulled his two friends over.

After crossing several thorny walls, everyone came to a small high slope, and looking down, his wonderful frog seeds were there.

"Get down."

Hearing the sound of rustling around, Xiaogang quickly pressed the heads of the two of them, crawling and hiding on the reverse slope, only showing one head to look down.

Soon, the seeds of wonderful frogs continued to come out from the depths of the jungle, and the densely packed garlic king bastards surrounded a high platform.




About a few, there were nearly thirty or so, chanting slogans, as if they were eager for seeds.


Before everyone could react, they only heard a heavy roar coming from their ears. Even the ground that was more than fifty meters away from them was shaking slightly.

Xiaozhi took a closer look, and it was actually a third-order form of the wonderful frog flower, slowly walking to the high platform where everyone's hearts hold the moon.

"so big."

The three of them couldn't help but said in unison.

This wonderful frog flower is more than twice the size of the normal one, especially the plantain petals on the back, which are particularly plump and lush. It is obviously an old-fashioned Yusan family, and the strong fragrance is there distributed.

The strong aura coming from his body also smeared everyone's faces.



Seeing the appearance of the main lord, all the wonderful frog seeds collectively climaxed, and the crazy seeds and seeds recited.


And the giant frog roared again, and the dark green pollen shook out from the banana flower on its back, turning it into pure green energy and swaying on the many frog seeds in front of it.

Then a strange scene happened. The seeds of the wonderful frogs burst into white light one after another. In the white light, their shapes were also changing quietly.

"This is. Evolution?"

The three of Xiaozhi's eyes widened, and the light of evolution flashed in their eyes.

The phenomenon of group evolution, the last time they had seen it in the Ba Da Butterfly Group on the outskirts of Golden City, but seeing it again today, they still couldn't stop the sighs and surprises in their eyes.


Soon, the first frog grass evolved and made its first call.



Then came the sound of one after another, which seemed to reflect each other. Looking closely, the seeds of these wonderful frogs had grown to one-third of their previous size, and the garlic seeds on their backs had also bloomed into a small bud, revealing a small bud. There are still very young red petals inside.

The wonderful frog seeds have completed the evolution!

Only then did Xiaozhi know that the so-called secret garden was referring to the collective evolution ceremony of the seeds of the wonderful frog.

"No, Ash, look there."

Xiaogang suddenly narrowed his eyes and reminded.

Following the latter's dark fingers, Xiao Zhi saw a strange species among the many frog grasses, a frog seed that did not evolve.

The evolution's exclusive white light still flashed on the garlic on its back, but it was firmly suppressed by it.

Ash recognized at a glance that it was his own Frog Seed!

Soon, the surrounding frog grass also discovered this heresy, hit its eyes on it, and made a demonstration-like cry.




In the face of dozens of their own evolution, the wonderful frog seeds did not have the slightest timidity, but raised their heads and roared, full of momentum, and even overshadowed their limelight.

"My dear, it is my Pokémon, not the ordinary Muggle Frog Seed."

Xiao Zhi secretly said proudly.

This also attracted the attention of the giant frog flower. I saw it snorted lowly, and the surrounding frog grass understood, and they all gave way to let this rude frog seed face it directly.


Seeing the main lord, although the momentum is very different, the seed of the wonderful frog did not show weakness, and directly shouted.


This action undoubtedly angered the giant frog flower, and its raised eyes became serious in an instant.
Not evolving in this ritual is a provocation to it! !

Neither of the two bastards will accept the other, and the battle is about to break out!
"Didi. The overlord, Miaowahua, is 2.5 times larger than the average Miaowahua. The body is covered with a special energy aura, and its strength is far superior to the average Muggle Miaowahua."

The picture book in Ash's pocket suddenly beeped.

(End of this chapter)

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