He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1674 Xuefeng Gym, vs Xiaosong!

Chapter 1674 Xuefeng Gym, vs Xiaosong!
"Is it thick fat?!"

Xiaoguang is not a newcomer, so he reacted quickly.

No matter how strong the defensive power is, if you hit a move with outstanding effect, it will be effective. Unless this itself is not outstanding.

Looking at the thick bristles of the long-haired pig, the inside must also be extremely thick fat, which can greatly reduce the power of fire and ice and snow moves.
"Then try this trick, long-eared rabbit, use the flying knee kick!!"

Xiaoguang is ready to decide the winner at once.

She noticed that Xiaosong hadn't acted all the time, and seemed to want to make herself more shots. Since that's the case, she simply started the big move, and attacked strongly before the opponent responded!

"Wood drink!!"

The long-eared rabbit nodded, and even stepped on an icicle next to it and jumped up.

Then he bent his knees in the air, his knees flashed an amazing orange light, and swooped down with a fierce momentum!
Knee kick!
However, at this time, Xiaosong suddenly said:

"Hairy pig, shoot with mud!"

I saw the long-haired pig, which had been motionless, suddenly raised its head slightly, revealing its mouth under the long hair.

A bundle of mud also spurted out of its mouth, and the long-eared rabbit, which was swooping down with all its strength, had no time to dodge.


The mud shot hits the Rabbit's eye area!
This move is not very powerful, but the dirty mud instantly makes the long-eared rabbit enter a state of blindness.


This also made the long-eared rabbit in mid-air confused and completely lost its target orientation.

"Long-eared rabbit, hurry up and take off the knee kick!!"

Then, in the anxious cry of Xiaoguang, the long-eared rabbit's trend did not stop, and it swooped heavily on the long-haired pig.
A meter of open space on the ice next to it.

Boom boom boom! !

The power of the Flying Knee Kick can be said to be not strong, and instantly aroused countless frost and mist, and the movement was great.


Just as the smoke and dust fell, there was also the sound of long-eared rabbits whining and screaming.

But I saw the long-eared rabbit lying in an ice pit, hugging his knees, trembling constantly
The flying knee kick didn't hit the target, but it would cause a great injury to oneself.

"Hurry up and stand up!! Long-eared rabbit!!"

But Xiaoguang was too late to feel distressed, and quickly shouted loudly.

Enduring the severe pain, the long-eared rabbit opened its eyes slightly, the blinding effect of the mud shot was still there, and it could only see part of the scene.

And when you enter your eyes, you can see a huge figure, covering and falling from right above it.

and keep zooming in in the eye
The next moment, the figure of the long-haired pig was completely trampled and stepped, and the long-eared rabbit was completely pressed under it.

Mount Taishan hits the top! !
Boom boom! !

The long-haired pig's body is thick and fat, and its weight is extremely high, which also makes the power of Taishan's top pressure extremely high, and even the surrounding ice surface cracks and bursts, causing the ground to shake.

"Okay, let's go, long-haired pig!"

After meditating in his heart for a few seconds, the corner of Xiaosong's mouth loosened, and then he spoke.


The long-haired pig gave a simple and honest low cry, and crawled away clumsily.

And in the crack of the ice pit, the long-eared rabbit had already fallen there with his eyes swirling, and his whole body seemed to be squashed, which was quite tragic.

"Ah, the long-eared rabbit will come back for a while."

Xiaoguang quickly put it back into the Poké Ball, and caressed the shell of the Poké Ball helplessly:

"You behaved well, I was too impatient"

Flying knee kick is a very dangerous move, and you must be confident enough to use this move next time.

Then Xiaoguang raised his head and looked at Xiaosong not far away.

Or that Miss Xiao Siong deliberately let the long-haired pig be beaten all the time, creating an appearance that she would not fight back, and then she let herself fall into the trap.

"Have a hand, Miss Xiaosong, you have completely fooled Xiaoguang."

In the audience, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

In particular, that mud shot was used extremely cleverly. Although the power was not high or the power was completely abandoned, it was purely used as a blinding move.

It seems that Xiaosong is very good at dealing with opponents with fighting attributes.

"So, what's next for you~?"

After winning a game, Xiaosong crossed his waist, looking forward to Xiaoguang's next attack.

She and Li of the Curtain City often practice against each other. Naturally, she is very good at fighting Pokémon, and she has a lot of coping strategies.

Looking at the thick boar in front of him, Xiaoguang's mind sank and threw a Pokeball.


This time, it was Prince Bo who appeared with his head raised and a proud gesture.

Especially the surrounding ice environment, it is very adaptable to stand on it, without any slippage and mess.

"A water-type Pokémon?"

Xiaosong blinked, Prince Bo was completely different from the sturdy long-eared rabbit, and she needed to change her attack method.

"Battle begins!"

As Xiaowang's voice fell, this time Xiaosong took the initiative to attack.

"Hairy pig, use rock collapse!!"


The long-haired pig let out a high-pitched cry, and the peculiar power spread out, and suddenly countless rocks condensed in the air above Prince Bo's head, and smashed down sparsely.

"Prince Bo, use the water jet!!"

However, Prince Bo's movements were a step faster, his body sank, and he was instantly wrapped in a coat of water.

Boom! !
Immediately, the whole body turned into a fierce water arrow and rushed out.

When the rock collapse completely fell, the jet of water had already hit the long-haired pig's meat mountain side, knocking it back two meters.

The effect is outstanding!

"Hairy pig, use frozen teeth!!"

The target is close at hand, and the wild boar fangs around the long-haired pig's mouth are instantly covered with ice picks, turning into sharper icy horns, and they are about to knock Prince Bo out in front of him.

"Prince Bo, use steel wings to block it!!"

However, Prince Bo slammed his wings, and the wings covered with silver luster made a criss-cross, blocking him.

Bang Bang!

The blunt and heavy defense instead collapsed the frozen teeth of the long-haired pig and blocked it firmly.

Even as Prince Bo turned his wings into a sword and slashed forward vigorously, he split the long-haired pig backwards.

The effect is outstanding!

It can be said that the combination of ice and ground attributes makes the long-haired pig very disadvantaged, and any move can produce a good output.

"Longhair pig, use [-] horsepower!!"

With a solemn expression, Xiaosong finally used a big move.

The next moment, the long-haired pig was dyed with a layer of brown-red light, like a wild horse galloping, and even exaggerated dust movements were raised on both sides of its feet, rushing out in an unstoppable trend!

"Prince Bo, we use water cannons!!"

In the face of such a strong attack, Xiaoguang naturally showed no weakness and chose to face it head-on!
(End of this chapter)

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