He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1679 Divine Fight

Chapter 1679 Divine Fight
Everyone sat in Lei Si's van and drove all the way to the outskirts of Xuefeng City.

Suddenly, a huge pyramid airship flew over the city, and many residents along the way were curiously looking out.

Da da da! !

Even Lei Si was still driving when there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps beside him, catching up with the vehicle.

Xiaozhi looked out the car window and found that it was Miss Xiaosong who he had just seen yesterday.

At this moment, the latter is riding a Duduli, and the extremely fast speed can even keep pace with the vehicle, raising a burst of crazy dust backwards.

"Sister Xiaosong!"

Xiaowang hurriedly rolled down the car window and greeted him in surprise.

"Xiao Wang, you"

Xiaosong was stunned for a moment, and then motioned Duduli under his crotch to keep the same speed and move head-to-head.

As the gym owner of Xuefeng City, she discovered this strange phenomenon, so she naturally wanted to investigate it in person.

After hearing that it was a battle against Pyramid, Xiaosong's expression softened a lot, which didn't seem to be a bad thing.

Ten minutes later, everyone arrived at the area in the northwest of Xuefeng City, which was still an open and barren snow field.

In the distance, the huge pyramid airship can be seen slowly descending.

The propeller aircraft that originally extended from the edge is also slowly retracting, forming the four sharp corners of the pyramid.

A pyramid with a height of tens of meters, the whole body shimmers with a luster like dark metal, and it looks extremely magnificent.

"It's totally a helicarrier"

Xiaoguang in the car couldn't help but exclaimed.

Speaking of which, such a huge and high-tech aircraft is generally a means of transportation for evil villain organizations, right?
"It's really handsome."

Although Xiao Zhi has entered the battle pyramid before, this is the first time he sees the pyramid flying directly.

He remembered that when he went inside, there were very real ruins and wall corridors inside the pyramid, it was like walking in a real pyramid.

Could it be that Mr. Kamidai transformed a real pyramid into a huge flying machine?
Seeing that Shinji's expression was more serious and cold than usual, Xiaozhi smiled and patted the latter's shoulder.

"It's okay, Shinji, I've played against Pyramid once, and it's only a small difficulty of [-] million."


However, these words made Shinji's face even darker.

He had heard from Lei Si before that Xiao Zhi dominated the entire battle development area, including the battle pyramid.

As for him, although he successfully defeated all other battle facilities at that time, Shinji did not have the confidence to challenge the final battle pyramid.

After all, he was still a rookie at the time, and it was extremely shocking to watch the scene when the generation of gods crushed the big brother he had always admired.

It was only now that Shinji finally had the courage to challenge the gods of his own.

"Hey, I really miss it, Mr. Kamidai's three powerful divine pillars are simply divine beast men! Although I was defeated in the end"

Especially when he heard Ash talking to himself next to him, Shinji's eyebrows jumped along with him.

Is this person here to cheer himself up today, or is he here to disgust himself on purpose?

Inside the Battle Pyramid.

Kamidai was standing in the command room with his arms crossed, his eyes looking straight ahead.

This command room is also made of black technology. The wall in front is translucent like glass, and the people inside can even see the outside world completely and clearly.

The walls on both sides are also flickering with various electronic screens, which are full of technology.

However, in this commanding room, there is not only Kamdai, there is a shorter boy standing behind.

"Uncle, take me to see this time too~!"

The boy was trying to beg for something.

I saw him with short dark green hair, wearing a brown-yellow mountaineering suit and long boots. He looked like he was in his early 10s. He was not even 10 years old.

Between the facial features and eyebrows, it is somewhat similar to the generation of gods.

However, it is not as serious and mature as the generation of God, with a handsome face, and even a bit of lively sunshine.

"Hey Shendou, you are not yet an adult, Xuefeng Temple or something, wait until you are an adult to explore by yourself."

In the face of his own nephew's request, Jindai was meticulous and refused directly.

"Hey, I'm almost 10 years old, or just give me the initial Pokémon and the illustrated book, and I'll be an adult on the spot!"

What else does this boy named Shendou want to fight for?

However, the generation of God is still cold-eyed and serious:

"Hey, let me remind you that the adult rule for our pyramid is 12 years old. That is to say, you still have 2 years before you can get your initial Pokémon."

"Hey isn't it 10 years old?! When did our pyramid still have this rule?!"

Shendou's complexion changed. Usually, he started traveling at the age of 10. No matter how bad the Fangyuan area was, he started traveling at the age of 11. What the hell is a 12-year-old? !
"Because this is the rule I set, and it will be enforced from this year."

However, Jindai just put his hands behind his back, not giving him the slightest chance to refute.

"Tsk, two more years?"

The unquestionable tone made the boy named Shendou a little dissatisfied.

Holding the back of his head behind him and smacking his mouth, in the end he could only put on an expression like a rotten salted fish.

This time, they moved the pyramid and even the old nest, naturally to study the Xuefeng Temple near Xuefeng City.

According to legend, in the Xuefeng Temple, the creator of the Three Pillars, the legendary Pillar King - Regichkas, lives and sleeps!

The Battle Pyramid is closely related to the Three God Pillars, and naturally there is a great desire to explore the God Pillar King behind it.

"Tsk, am I going to be alone in the pyramid?"

Shendou sat helplessly on the bench next to him.

The generation of God is his uncle, he has always been strict, and his decision will not be changed. This time he can only stand by in the pyramid.

"Master, someone has requested a video call!"

At this time, a man walked in at the door, also dressed as a mountain climber, with a turban on his head, looking at the apprentice of the pyramid.

"Come in."

The generation of God nodded, and the figure of Lei Si appeared on a screen next to him at the next moment.

"Mr. Koujiro, I've made an appointment before, and I came to see you on purpose."

The gods recognized the latter and said hello casually:
"Oh, a trainer from the Shenno area, I have an impression"

Then his eyes slanted, and he noticed behind Leis, a boy with a peaked cap and an electric mouse on his shoulders.

Jindai's expression suddenly became pleasantly surprised, a little less severe.

"Oh, isn't this a boy from the Kanto region, I forgot about you for the time being!"

(End of this chapter)

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