He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1684 vs. Steel God Pillar, Regis Qilu!

Chapter 1684 vs. Steel God Pillar, Regis Qilu!

Obviously, with the blessing of perseverance at this moment, the power of the circle bear has reached its peak.

"Circle Bear, use the arm hammer!!"

"Regisquill, use the arm strike!!"

The next moment, the two spoke in unison and issued the same command.

I saw two Pokémon standing at both ends, rushing towards the center of the arena at the same time.

The steel god pillar and the arms of the circle bear were dyed with a flash of white light, and then slammed into each other!

Bang Bang! !
The moves collided, and an unusually harsh explosion sounded, accompanied by countless sparks splashing.

Bang Bang!

Bang Bang! !
Then there were several consecutive arm smashing bombardments. Both of them were riveting and smashed to each other. Every blow could make a thunderous explosion, and the scene was grand.

"Bear Roar!!"

In the end, after the roar of the circling bear, the full-strength arm thumping move actually knocked the Steel God Pillar back out.

This time, it was the Circle Bears who had the upper hand!

"Tsk, is that the only way?"

But Shinji frowned in dissatisfaction.

Obviously, the strength of the perseverance characteristic has been improved, but it is only slightly better. Is the power in front of me really that exaggerated?

"The circle bear can still evolve."

For no reason, Shinji glanced at a figure on the stand, and the reminder that Ash gave him last time appeared in his mind.

It seems that the circle bear must be evolved again, so that the power can really climb to the top!

"Is the strength good, but if you want to defeat me, it's still a little short."

The generation of God's eyes brightened, and he said:

"Then try this trick, Regis Kiru, use the iron hoof light!!"

The next moment, the Steel God Pillar burst out with dazzling metallic silver light, and then this exaggerated energy was concentrated in the position in front of him.

A powerful metal laser, ready to go
"Circle Bear, use rock climbing!"

At this moment, Shinji suddenly spoke up.

The circle bear understood and slammed the ground in front of him with a punch.

The ground at the foot of the Steel God Pillar suddenly began to tremble, and then it continued to rise and stack up.

Boom boom boom! !

In the next moment, the iron hoof light was completely released, turning into an extremely thick laser ray and flying out.

The appearance is somewhat similar to the cannon, but the power is not the same as the enhanced version of the cannon!
It's just that the Steel God Pillar didn't stand firm, which made this move lose its head. It staggered from the side of the circle bear, and blasted an exaggerated crack in the wall behind.

"Rock climbing, is there such a way to use it.?!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi's eyes brightened.

He always thought climbing was all about hitting the target.

I didn't expect this cumbersome move to be like tying a knot, just for distraction

And on the field, changing rapidly, Shinji launched the final onslaught:

"Take advantage of this time, circle the bear and use the arm hammer!"

At this moment, the Steel God Pillar has finished using the iron hoof light, and a layer of arc streamer is flowing all over the body.
This move is similar to Brave Bird's Onslaught, with unparalleled power, but with a strong counter-injury effect.

"Bear roar!!"

Ring Bear let out a violent bear roar, and his muscular arms were covered with white light, and he was about to smash into the steel pillar.

"Hmph, it's just a back injury, not a stiffening effect."

The gods snorted coldly and launched a counterattack directly:
"Regis Quirrell, use Heavy Charge!"

After the words fell, Regis Qilu was in a state of counter-injury, and a silver-white metal streamer burst out from his body again, and then rushed to the target with all his strength!

In the blink of an eye, the two moves collided without hindrance.

Bang Bang Bang! !

Accompanied by a violent explosion, the circle bear slammed a heavy hammer and slammed it on the door of the body of the steel god pillar!
The effect is outstanding!

But in the same way, the head of the Steel God Pillar, which was wrapped in silver light, was also firmly pushing against the chest of the circle bear.

The next moment, an astonishing energy explosion erupted on the spot, smoke lingered, and the two figures flew out at the same time, and fell heavily on the field.

"The winner is decided!?"

Not only the two trainers, but everyone in the stands stood up, trying to see the result of the game as soon as possible.

In such a top-level battle, the scenes of each battle are extremely exaggerated, making it hard to breathe.

And as the smoke cleared, everything on the field became clear.


The circle bear has fallen to the ground, his eyes are spinning, and he has completely lost consciousness.

But this side of the Steel God Pillar is also not feeling well. The steel body is swaying at the moment, and the surface is covered with heavy blow scars.

The dot matrix marks on his face also flickered again and again, as if he would fall down at any time.

"Circle Bear is incapacitated, Regis Chiru wins!"

Shendou then ran back to the arena, and loudly declared that the battle was too exaggerated, so he could only hide behind the edge for a while.

"Tsk, come back."

Shinji's face darkened and he retracted the circle bear.

The second defeat made his complexion finally change.

Originally planned to defeat the man in front of him with a two-on-one strategy, but it seems that today this plan is going to fail.

"Come back, Regis Kiryu."

But soon, the gods also withdrew the steel pillar with a solemn expression.

It was only a matter of time before his Regis Quill was about to fall.
The strategy of this young man in front of him has actually been infinitely approaching success.

The only thing I didn't take into account was the extremely thick bloodskin attribute of the legendary Pokémon.

If it were a normal Pokémon, it might be hard to stop Shinji's onslaught.

"When did Shinji become so powerful?"

In the audience, Lei Si was a little dumbfounded.

You must know that the last time he fought against the generation of gods, it was not like this at all.

It was a complete push-and-pull game, and each of his six Pokémon didn't even go through three rounds in the hands of the Age of God.

But now, Shinji's battle has completely come to the same level as Mr. Koujiro.

Even if the strength is not much, it has been made up for by Shinji with his own command.

"Well, if it's Shinji, it should be no less than an alliance king."

Beside him, Xiao Zhi made his final judgment.

He has met and even challenged a lot of alliance kings, and their strengths are uneven.

But with Shinji's current strength, it is barely enough to become the king of the alliance. This is beyond Ash's initial judgment of Shinji's strength.

Before, at most, Xiao Zhi only regarded Shinji as the pinnacle of an elite trainer, or the level of a half-step king.

And these Pokémon like Shinji seem to be able to continue to evolve, right?
This guy is still in the final stage of growth!

(End of this chapter)

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