He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1717 Wild Fight is invincible!

"Damn, that woman!"

Falling vertically from a high altitude, the fierce airflow rubbed the skin on his face, and Hunter G's heart was beating wildly.

If I were a normal person and fell like this without any safety measures, I would be so scared that it would be difficult to even breathe.

However, Hunter G has also seen strong winds and waves. One hand firmly grasped the big net that held Suicune, and the other hand barely took out a Poke Ball from his waist and pressed the open button.

A red light flashed, and a strange bird with a sharp beak made of silver metal appeared above his head.

Armored Bird!
This was the only flying Pokémon that Hunter G carried, and he quickly grabbed the latter's lower limbs with his big hands.

"Gu Wu.?!"

The armored bird that suddenly appeared high in the sky was also startled, and hurriedly flapped its metal wings to maintain flight.

It's just the huge pulling force from below that made the armored bird's stature follow suit.

After all, the Hunter G below is almost the weight of two normal humans, and there is also an equally heavy Suicune, and it is difficult to support flight with a single armored bird.

The speed of the fall can only be said to have slowed down a little, but it still fell from the air quickly.

"Damn, can't you fly?!"

Hunter G scolded lowly, now he can only use Suijun in the net as a meat pad
Boom! !

Suddenly, there was a chaotic sound of water jets in my ears, but I saw that Ajin was riding his jet-type giant flying fish, and it had come to the vicinity of Hunter G, and the speed was extremely fast.

"What the hell?!"

The giant-finned flying fish with more than ten iron cannon fish directly adhered to it, this scene also startled Hunter G.

The corner of Ah Jin's mouth twitched, and now the top priority is to save Suijun, and even with him, he can only rescue the villain above.

He was happy to see this man fall directly.

"Giant-finned flying fish, use the tide spinner!!"

Following Ah Jin's command, the giant-finned flying fish raised its head, and the water flow released continued to rotate and enlarge, gradually forming a funnel-shaped vortex about five meters wide, and moved to the place where the two fell.

Two sounds of falling water came one after another, Hunter G and Suicune fell into the vortex one after another.

Although the figure is spinning and turning with the water flow, the rate of falling is slowing down rapidly.

When the tidal whirl is completely close to the ground, it has even completely neutralized the previous falling force.

Suicune and Hunter G finally landed on the outskirts of a lawn without any risk, and did not suffer any harm.

"Ajin, this guy really has a hand."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi also quickly patted Latias on the neck, signaling to fly down.

This is Ah Jin's home court, but he doesn't want to steal Ah Jin's limelight, he just needs to help.


Soon, Ah Jin, who was chasing, also landed steadily from the belly of the giant-finned flying fish, grabbed the billiard cue in one hand, and came to Hunter G.

"Little devil, although you saved my life, I will not be soft-hearted."

However, Hunter G turned his face in an instant, regardless of the drop of water still dripping from his chin, and launched an attack directly:
"Armed Bird, use Air Slash!! Kill him!!"

Seeing that another kid is about to come down, now we have to kill one first!
This face-turning and ruthless look hit Ajin's arms, and his expression also became excited.

"Exactly, I'm afraid you'll be whitewashed on the spot, the giant-finned flying fish, we also use air slash!!"

Ajin raised his hand and also launched a frontal attack.

shhhhhh! !

The next moment, the armored bird and the giant-winged flying fish flapped their wings again and again in mid-air, and blue and white air slashes flew out from the ends of the wings, colliding and bombing repeatedly in the center.

Countless sharp blade slashes, constantly cutting and exploding in the air, are all powerful.

This armored bird is one of Hunter G's ace cards, with a very high level, and it is difficult to break through the moves for a while.

Ah Jin grinned at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly put away the previous billiard cue to his waist, and assumed a posture of hitting a billiard putter.

At this moment, a Poké Ball was quietly parked on the lawn.

With a swipe of the club, the Poke Ball also flew forward like a billiard ball.

Even under Ah Jin's superb billiards skills, the Poke Ball swept through a strange arc in the air and actually went around behind the armored bird.

With the opening of the elf ball, Ajin's 6v full body, carefully cultivated fire rock mouse suddenly jumped out.

"Right now, use the ghost fire!!"

The Fire Rock Rat arched its back, the flames burst into flames, and several strange pink fireballs swirled around the body.

Whoops! !
Unpredictable, the ghost fire burst on the armored bird, causing the latter to enter a state of burns, and the power instantly dropped to the bottom.

"Then kill it all at once, use Freezing Light!!"

Seeing this, Ajin spoke again.

This time, he's not just commanding the giant-finned flying fish
In the next moment, the giant-finned flying fish, along with the entire 18 iron cannon fish under it, all opened their mouths, and icy blue electric light flew out meanderingly.

Sizzle! !

Sizzle! !

A total of 19 frozen rays hit the armored bird at the same time!
In just a breath, it was completely frozen into a lump of ice, and it fell to the ground like a dead object, completely losing the ability to fight.


This pair made Xiao Zhi speechless.

Outrageous, even if it was him, it would be difficult to block the 19 frozen rays aimed at the same time, right?

Although the level of a single iron gunfish is not high, at the same time, the power of 18+1 frozen light is already incomparable.

And the fancy billiard skills.

This guy, A Jin, is completely invincible in the field battle situation.

Of course, in the official game, this giant-finned flying fish with a family will definitely be banned.

"Damn. kid."

Falling into a disadvantage, Hunter G's expression changed.

Although he had long heard that Ah Jin was strong, he did not expect that the opponent would be able to kill his main teammates in an instant.

The fighting style is so ridiculous!

And there is an 18+1 giant-finned flying fish staring at the front, and behind, the faintly creepy Fire Rock Rat is also guarding, and Hunter G's palm is already on his waist.

The main force must be dispatched, otherwise, let alone take Suijun away today, he may not be able to leave.


It's just that when he was about to take out the Poké Ball that had shocked Warcraft before, although his hand had already touched it, no matter how hard his fingers were, he couldn't press it down.

It was as if the body no longer belonged to him, and he was completely unable to move at all.

"Is that the kid?!"

Out of the corner of Hunter G's eye, it landed on Xiao Zhi who was watching the play behind Ah Jin.

No, it was the white-purple flying dragon beside him, with a strange blue light of thought power flashing in its eyes at this moment

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