He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1735 My mission, successful~!

Glancing at Huoxing's back, that little pink goblin is the target he wants to protect this time, right?

With the threat of the flame vortex just now, the attack trend of the surrounding bronze mirror monsters has weakened a lot. With the ability of that Emridor, it shouldn't be easy to lose, right?

This made Da Ye couldn't help but look in front of him.

He looks quite young, not like a powerful trainer.
Noticing Daye's aggressive gaze like a hungry wolf, Huo Xing naturally knew the other party, not that he had any thoughts on his own body.

As expected, he is a fighting maniac.

And the crimson fire Ibrahimovic next to him, the temperature of the flame that was sprayed before is not low.

"In the words of the king, please be merciful~!"

The group star glanced at the lake behind him for a day, and Amrido, who was still fighting, and a group of bronze mirror monsters suddenly smiled at Daye, and then threw a Pokeball.

The red light fell, but it was a big, heavy and fat cat.

It is her trump card, Dong Shi Cat!

"Oh, is the opponent the fat Ibrahimovic of the same clan, Huo Ibrahimovic, use the jet flame!"

Daye did not hesitate, and even couldn't wait, he launched an attack directly.

Huo Yibu opened his small mouth in front of him, and the fiery flames spewed out, and even the surrounding area was rolling with heat waves, obviously the temperature was extremely high.

"Dong Shi Cat, use the wave of water!!"

Huoxing aggravated the tone of "Dong Shi Cat", she didn't like the name of Fat Ibrahimovic.

Dong Shi cat raised its forelimbs, condensed a stream of water, and threw it out against the flames.

The wave of water and the jet flame collided and bombarded head-on, but there was a huge disparity in strength, and even attribute restraint was difficult to make up.

Boom! !

In the blink of an eye, the jet of flame completely destroyed and penetrated the wave of water, and bombarded the position of Dong Shi cat with endless stamina!

Jet fire hits!


Even with the thick-fat defense, Dong Shi Cat's body was still driven backwards by the flames, and a low growl came out of his mouth.

"Tsk, as expected of the king"

This also made Huo Xing puff up his palms, and the intensity is not at the same level at all.

"Dong Shi cat, use the claws!!"

Seeing this, Huoxing planned to let Dong Shi Mao slightly improve his abilities before launching an attack.

The sharp claws rubbed against the ground and became sharp, which also caused a surge of red light to appear on Dong Shi Cat's body.

"Huoyibu, use jealous fire!"

But the next moment, Daye suddenly shouted out a move that the stars had never heard of before.

I saw Huo Yibu let out a low cry, and there were a few balls of beating flames all over the body. The front shaking of the move was somewhat similar to the ghost fire.

Boom! !
It's just that the small fireballs exploded on Dong Shi Cat's body one after another, but a strong impact burst out, blowing Dong Shi Cat a distance again.

Not only that, but just after he stopped, the whole body of Dong Shi Mao suddenly burst into flames!

"Ah, is it so unlucky to be burned?!"

Huo Xing opened his mouth and his eyes were a little confused.

This time, the previous claw sharpening was completely in vain. The strength even decreased!
"It's not bad luck, let me remind you, the move of jealousy, after Dong Shi Mao's attributes have been improved, it will inevitably make the latter enter a state of burns!"

Daye laughed and reminded casually.

But he also saw that the little girl in front of him was a cadre of the Galaxy team, but her strength was average.

This made him fight, but it got a little boring.

"Destroy this fat Ibrahimovic at one time, use Flash Charge!!"

Next, Daye didn't plan to do any fancy attacks, and was ready to completely defeat the target with force.


Hueybu let out a high-pitched cry, his golden mane fluttered, and there was a burst of powerful fire all over his body.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, all fours kicked on the ground, turned into a huge fireball, and dashed towards Dongshi Cat!
Huo Yibu's full-scale attack, let alone the Dong Shi cat whose physical attack is halved after being burned
Even the Dongshi cat in perfect condition would probably not be able to resist this impact.

But just as this huge fireball was about to hit this fat cat.

"Ahhh! I admit defeat!!"

Huoxing suddenly screamed, and quickly retracted the Dong Shi cat.

Boom boom boom! !

The target disappeared, the move failed, and Huo Yibu's flash charge broke into an exaggerated and narrow ravine on the ground.

Huo Xing could even feel the strong heat wave, slapped on his face, and his pretty face was startled again.

"Damn, did you take it back suddenly?"

The inability to complete the end of the opponent made Daye agitated for a while.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I surrender, you arrest me!"

But Huoxing's attitude was also very bad, and he raised his hands directly. With this appearance, he almost knelt down and begged for mercy.


Such a cartilaginous opponent made Da Ye very unhappy.

In other words, this cunning and eccentric woman in front of her seems to have a desire to win and lose, which is very inexplicable.
Daye could only look at Huo Yibu, indicating that the latter was staring at Huoxing, while he was looking at Emrido in the distance.

The battle on that side hasn't ended yet, and the Bronze Mirror Monster is still constantly attacking, forcing Emridor's body and movements.

Daye just wanted to send his own Pokémon to help.


At this time, Emrido suddenly flashed and disappeared in place.


This scene made Daye heave a sigh of relief.

It appears to have escaped successfully.
It would be a good strategy if Emridor could hide on his own.

"In this case, your Galaxy team's mission is considered a failure, right?"

Things seemed to come to an end, Daye turned his head and looked at Huoxing.

The corner of Huo Yibu's mouth beside him was bulging all the time, as if he had a slight movement, he would spit out a mouthful of flames mercilessly.

Huo Xing still raised his hand, completely giving up resistance.

But she blinked at Daye and said with a teasing:

"You are wrong, King Daye~ Although I was arrested, my mission has been completed~!"

Da Ye frowned, not knowing what the latter meant.

Are you making a fool of yourself?
"Then I'll explain it to you by the way~"

Huoxing stuck out his tongue and put on a cute look.

"My mission this time is not to capture Emridor, but to force Emridor out and use teleportation."

The gods in the three lakes have the same mind.

Once one of them is caught, the other two will find a way to rush to the rescue.

In this case, constantly put pressure on Emridor. The teleportation used by the latter in a limit state.

There is only one place for the teleportation point.

Looking at the explosive head in front of him, it seems that his mind has not completely turned around, but Huoxing happily continues to remind:
"Now, Amrido is estimated to have appeared at the base camp of our Galaxy team~"

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