He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1741 The Eve of the Galaxy Team

"Shen Ao Da Zun?"

Xiaozhi touched his head again, and there was another inexplicable word.

But it sounds like a word similar to an ancient god, right?
It means that Mr. Wang Luo, did you plan to meet the God of Time and the God of Space?
But the timing was too coincidental. As soon as the front foot teamed up with them to climb the mountain, the rear foot Galaxy team began to act.

Was it really not intentional to wait for them?


But Xiao Zhi quickly shook his head again, this time the mountaineering was their temporary intention, and it can only be said that fate was too lucky.

With the slow burning of the bonfire, the three quickly entered their sleeping bags and began to recharge their batteries.

Night, Curtain City.

Many cities in the Shenno area have built secret bases for the Galaxy team, but this time, Chiri put their headquarters in Veil City.

At the moment in the secret base of the Galaxy team, Chi Ri is standing on the high platform, giving a very provocative speech.

"Pokémon and humans in this world are not perfect. We have been suffering because we live in this imperfect world. This world must be changed and become more perfect!!"

About ten meters below the stage, there was a dense crowd of soldiers of the Galaxy team, standing in a square formation, all with blue pot covers and silver-white tight-fitting uniforms.

His face was sluggish, as if he had been completely brainwashed, and it was even difficult to distinguish between men and women.

"The action will officially start tomorrow!!"

"For our glory! And for the glory of every Galaxy team member!"

With Chiri's last shout, the soldiers of the Galaxy team below also raised their arms one after another, raising their arms and shouting in response.

"Team Galaxy, change the world!"

"Team Galaxy, change the world!"

"Team Galaxy, change the world!"

The deafening sound seemed to vibrate even the enclosed metal walls around it, echoing constantly.

If you let a passerby come in now, it is estimated that you will be frightened by such a scene.


After publishing the declaration, Chi Ri grinned and let out a cold snort.

This group of people is just like cannon fodder that he can discard.

At best, there are too many people, and it has a little effect.

clap clap!

When he turned his head, he heard a burst of applause behind him.

"As expected of the leader of the Galaxy team, he is very prestigious."

Hunter J in a purple leather trench coat has walked in, she takes off her sunglasses, and her tone is somewhat mocking.

Immediately, he glanced down from the corner of his eyes and looked at a group of sluggish cannon fodder soldiers below.

This group of people is completely brainwashed and can't be saved.
At this point, the Galaxy Team is really a cannibalistic organization.

Even the subordinates will be nibbled so cleanly
"J, how is it, have all the prey arrived?"

Chi Ri didn't exchange much greetings, and got straight to the point.

His relationship with Hunter J is just a business relationship, and he doesn't need any friendship fetters.

The whole world will be in his hands, and it will be completely changed tomorrow!
"Nature is ready."

Hunter J raised his finger, and his subordinates behind him had already pushed three trolleys, and three golden statues of gods in the lake were displayed on the platform in turn.

As Hunter J gently pushed and pulled the scale plate below, the little pink head that represented emotion returned to its original shape.


It looked around in horror, and it was able to turn its head freely above its neck, but it seemed to be completely out of control below.

Angry Emrido, the gems on his forehead flickered, and he was about to release a powerful shock of supernatural power!


However, Hunter J moved faster and pushed the scale plate upwards, and Emrido was completely frozen again as a dead statue.

"What an incredible technology~!"

Before Chi Ri could speak, a sinister, low-pitched bald man suddenly appeared in the shadows beside him.

He has short lilac Mediterranean hair and a red round neck, which is slanted and hoisted, giving him a dangerous and dark feeling.

He is quite old, wearing the silver-black uniform of the Galaxy team, and a white robe on the outside, which is obviously the existence of the Galaxy team as a technology consultant.

"My name is Pluto, and I'm the chief scientist of Team Galaxy~!"

Pluto smiled gloomily, glanced at the three statues of dead objects with shrugged eyes, and looked at Hunter J again.

"It seems that there are also incredible scientists in your subordinates~!"

This crystallization technology is incredible, completely reducing Pokémon to a dead thing that can be freely traded.

Just don't know what is the limit of energy that can be tolerated?

If the third-level gods like the gods in the lake can be easily captured, is it also effective for the gods of the ancient god level?
"Pluto, don't be long-winded."

Chiri let out a low drink, interrupting Hades' words.

The latter covered his mouth, smiled yinly, and stopped talking too much.

"In short, I have given you the things, and what you are going to do next has nothing to do with me."

Hunter J shrugged, showing no interest in Team Galaxy's follow-up plans.

It is estimated that it is a dangerous event. Hunter J even plans to finish the big ticket and leave the Shenno area for a while.

Anyway, don't get involved with these lunatics.

Chi Ri nodded and said:

"Brother, take her to get the reward."

Another person came from the dark, it was the star who had just been defeated and let go by Daye in the daytime.
At this moment, the latter has returned to the headquarters of the Galaxy team.

"Understood, chief."

Huoxing hugged the back of his head, chewing gum in his mouth, and walked in front of him bored.

As Hunter J completely left, Suixing who went to Wisdom Lake during the day also came out.

However, her expression was also more serious, staring at Hunter J's back until the latter disappeared completely, and then she said with a bit of killing intent:

"Boss, do you want to kill this woman?"

This time, Hunter J took the opportunity to ask for a huge price and took a big mouthful of blood from their Galaxy team.

This made Suixing even want to remove the grind and kill the donkey.

"Don't worry about that woman, a thug who only recognizes money is good for us."

Chi Ri said casually, and then ignored Hunter J after speaking.

The Galaxy team has taken root in the Shenao region in recent years, and the wealth they have harvested is countless, and there is no shortage of this money at all.

After saying that, he looked around.

"Where's Zhenxing? Didn't the three of you come back together?"

"Oh, that guy from Zhenxing seems to have been captured by the Shenao Alliance."

Suixing spread his hands helplessly.

If it weren't for her luck this time, she met a parallel king. It is possible that this time it was the three of their cadres who would all be arrested by the four kings.

"The Shenao Alliance. Hmph, it's just a clown."

Chi Ri sneered, seemingly ignoring the latter at all.

Immediately, his fiery eyes fell on the three statues in front of him.

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