He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1755 Is everything over?

"Impossible! Even a fairy-type Pokémon can never stop such an attack!"

Chi Ri roared in a low voice, his face full of disbelief.

Although the fairy attribute is immune to dragon attribute moves, it is only based on the premise that the gap between levels and power is not so great.

Could it be that this Pokémon called "Love Cloud" is not as powerful as Dialga and Palkia?
And Wang Luo didn't know when, he had already walked over to Xiao Zhi, and said calmly:
"Nostalgia Cloud, use Yangchun Storm!!"

When the words fell, this nostalgic cloud rose into the air and raised its slender arms.

The next moment, the pink storm began to blow wildly, and there were even pink fragments similar to cherry blossoms in the air, which were blown away by the strong wind.

Whoohoo! !

The spring storm, which covered a wide range, hit Dialga and Palkia at the same time, and the power of the fairy attribute broke out at this moment!
Stronger than Dialga and Palkia, they were blown away for several meters.

The effect is outstanding!

"Wood roar."

The time and space gods even made a low cry, and their figure was imprisoned in the spring storm, and it was difficult to move for a while.

"What a beautiful move, yet so powerful."

As the most recent witness, Ash couldn't help but admire.

Don't look at nostalgia cloud looks weird, pink devil shape, but skinny
But the current opponents are two ancient gods. Not only did they block the move, but they could even make an effective attack? !

"It's not that powerful. The power of these two guys has been weakened."

Wang Luo, who was beside him, squeezed his eyes and said slowly.

He is a well-known brother of Shenao myths and legends, and his eyes fell on the cross rings on the waists of Dialga and Palkia.

Due to the limitation of that thing, neither of these two ancient gods could exert their perfect fighting power.

The opponent's strength has been weakened, coupled with the perfect restraint of Nostalgia Cloud's attributes.
Only then can his own attachment cloud skip the "power disparity" and just reach the threshold of "attribute immunity".

"Right now, use Shoot Down!"

While the two ancient gods were restrained by the Yangchun storm, Wang Luo continued to command.

The speed of Nostalgia Cloud is extremely fast, and the clouds under him are like somersault clouds, and in the blink of an eye, they rush to Chiri.

Not waiting for the latter to react.

I saw Nostalgia Cloud waved his palm and gave Chi Ri a big-eared melon seed!
Raising your hand is the most iconic shot-down move of the Three Spirit Beasts!
Chi Ri flew upside down immediately, and the gloves tightly wrapped in his palms seemed to have been smeared with oil, and they flew away directly into the air.

"good chance!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi finally knew that it was time for him to come on stage, and after a few quick steps approached, he jumped up high, just grabbing the red fragmented glove in his hand.

Immediately without hesitation, he put it directly on his left hand.

Xiaozhi has not read the manual, but for this kind of thing, it should be the operation mode of a thought?
"Stop fighting, Sansheng Mushroom!"

So Xiao Zhigao raised his arm and shouted in the direction of Sansheng Mushroom.

Thinking in my heart, the red chains began to glow, and together with the irrational Sansheng Mushroom, the rioting movement really slowly stopped.

Then, under the alert expressions of Xiaogang and Zhulan, the red light in the eyes of Sansheng Mushroom gradually disappeared.

"Wu" "Wu" "Wu"

They each made a low cry, and fell weakly from the air, fainting on the ground.

It was already squeezed dry by Hades, and on this basis, it was squeezed dry by the red sun.
Now they really don't have a drop left.


Seeing that the other party finally got out of the state of being manipulated, Xiaogang looked happy, but soon became worried, and quickly stepped forward and picked up the weak Yukexi.

"Please, Geely Egg, use Healing Wave!"

Seeing Zhulan's side, he also hugged Emrido and Aknomu, who were also weak and fainted, and Xiaogang quickly released his auspicious egg and used the healing method.

"Miss Zhulan, leave it to me, you go and see Xiaozhi's side first."

While doing emergency treatment, Xiaogang did not forget to remind him.

Although Wang Luo saved Xiao Zhi before, this person is still too dangerous
"I see."

Zhulan nodded, and without further delay, led Lie Bite Lu Shark to the front.

This blond man who looked similar to her, and this strange nostalgic cloud made her very curious.

Is it Ash's friend?
But it looks like they don't know Xiao Zhi very well.

Seeing that he had unlocked the mind control of the Sansheng Mushroom, Xiao Zhi was overjoyed and raised his arm quickly, this time aiming at the two ancient gods.

"Unlock them!"

Only this time, no matter how much he thought about it, or even shouted loudly, the time and space gods were still firmly imprisoned in mid-air, and there was no change.

"Xiao Zhi, the only way to get rid of it is to destroy this glove!"

Wang Luo also changed his previous state of paddling at this moment, and was actually very actively participating and offering suggestions.

"Destruction? I get it!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, he quickly took off his gloves and held them in one palm.

Then the two palms clasped together vigorously and slammed into the middle!
Bang Bang! !
There was a sound of gems cracking, and the originally delicate red chain glove was completely broken into gem residues in Xiaozhi's hands and fell to the ground.


At the same time, Dialga and Palkia also made a sharp hissing sound, their bodies violently struggling.

The cross-ring frame of the same style of Arceus, which was firmly nested in their waists, unexpectedly changed back to the state of red chains at the same time.

Bang Bang! !Bang Bang! !
Like a glove, it burst into countless fragments in the air and fell on the ground.

Dialga and Palkia's eyes gradually returned to their normal colors, and their consciousness returned to clarity.

However, several times of full-strength shots also caused the two ancient gods to fall from the air a little weakly, lying on the ground of the pillar of the gun with poor appearance, panting.

And the gradually collapsing space-time phenomenon around the Pillar of Spear was completely frozen at this moment.

Although there are several grounds, there are still bizarre 90-degree bends, which are completely contrary to common sense, but at least the trend of collapse has completely stopped.


This also made Xiaozhi take a deep breath and sit on the floor with Pikachu in his arms.

This time, everything should be completely over, right?
There are also a few red fragments scattered around the feet
Although it is a man-made gem material, it contains the purest spiritual world energy of the Sansheng Mushroom.

I will collect all these fragments later, the token of the gods of the Three Holy Mushrooms, I can count it as my own!

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