He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1780 "Blessing" Shanaido

Chapter 1780 "Blessing" Shanaido

At night, aspire to the lakeside.

The venue of the gorgeous competition was much quieter, but the lakeside resort was still brightly lit, and the streets were bustling.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi was walking on the street alone, looking around and stroking around.

As Xiaoguang Xiaoguang and Mr. Adam entered the finals respectively, the first day of the competition also came to an end temporarily.

Tomorrow is the real final, and now Xiaoguang is adjusting his state alone in the hotel.

The atmosphere was tense, and Xiao Zhi didn't bother to disturb him.

The same goes for Xiaowang.

In a way, her battle tomorrow may be more important, and it is related to whether she can qualify for the Senior Gorgeous Competition.

As for Xiaogang
As soon as the game was over in the afternoon, he surreptitiously fumbled for the door number of Nurse Joy.

Now that I have found my goal, I am holding flowers in my hands, and I am going to condolences and cheers late at night.

After all, the latter will also have a tough battle tomorrow, competing with Xiaowang for the final qualifying match.

At this moment, at the door of a room in the player's hotel.

As soon as the head nurse Joey opened the door, he saw a black-skinned brother holding flowers at the door, looking at himself with burning eyes.

"Miss Joy! Xiaosheng brought you the legendary God of Knowledge! With the blessing of the God of Knowledge, you will be able to win tomorrow!"

Xiaogang said in a high voice, and quietly squeezed into the room.

Head Nurse Joey blinked and noticed the Huang Shenggu on Xiaogang's shoulder.

Passers-by may be unfamiliar, but she is Miss Joy who has worked in the Shenno area for almost 20 years, so she naturally recognizes it as a legendary Pokémon in the area.

Really represents the gods of the lake of knowledge!

This made Miss Joy stand up quickly, with a respectful and pious expression.

At first, she thought Xiaogang was a fanatical fan, but she kept shouting from the audience during the afternoon game.
Unexpectedly, he actually brought a god to come to bless him! ?


Yu Kexi floated into the room, temporarily hiding his telepathic ability, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at the two Pokémon behind Miss Joy with a solemn expression.

In the end, his eyes must have fallen on the gentle and pleasant Shanaido next to him.

I saw it hovering a little closer, holding up Shanaido's slender arm and gently stroking it.

The appearance is somewhat strange, Xiaogang coughed quickly, took the palm of Nurse Joey and comforted:

"No need to panic, this is the blessing ceremony of the God of Knowledge!"

Miss Joy nodded blankly, even the cute Shanaido was holding her little hand and didn't dare to take a breath.

It's face was a little red, and it allowed Kexi to touch its body, not daring to struggle.

It's just that Miss Joy was puzzled.
The one who appears tomorrow is obviously her Elledo, why does the God of Knowledge only bless Shanaido now?

Her gorgeous competition strategy is very simple and rude. Shanaido is responsible for the gorgeous performance in the first round, and Elleido is responsible for the battle in the second round.

"Ai Lu! Ai Lu!"

Elluiduo, who was next to him, also showed a look of anticipation, and he was a little unable to hold back and walked around.

It stretched out its palm in an attempt to also be blessed by the God of Knowledge.

It is the same super power-type Pokémon as Xanadu, and can feel the pure and restrained super power from Yukish's small body.

Definitely a legendary Pokémon level master!
"By hehe"

However, Yuxi ignored the latter and continued to "bless" Shanaido.
On the other side, on the resort street.

Xiao Zhi suddenly saw a lot of people crowded on the road ahead, screaming again and again, as if there was something beautiful.

Just as he had nothing to do, Ash squeezed in with Pikachu in his arms.

But he saw that surrounded by the crowd, it was Mr. Adam who had only seen it during the day.

At this moment, under the lights at night, Adam still looks elegant and calm, and it seems that he has no worries about tomorrow's final.

He touched his mustache, then gently raised one palm, covered with a small red cloth, and snapped his fingers lightly with the other hand!
He took off the red cloth, but saw a cute and small love fish in his palm.


The love fish on the palm pursed its mouth and spit out pink love bubbles.

Adam even has free time to perform magic tricks on the street.

"Ahhh! Mr. Adam is so handsome!!"

"The love fish is so cute! Is this a Pokémon from the Fangyuan area!"

The elegant and arrogant middle-aged man undoubtedly has great lethality to young women. The crowd of riotous onlookers are all young and beautiful women with stars in their eyes.

"Mr. Adam?"

Xiao Zhi said subconsciously and made a move.

But with hindsight, he realized that the Adam of this world did not know himself.

However, Adam obviously also noticed Xiaozhi in the crowd, looked at the latter, and then came over with a smile.

"Xiao Zhi of Zhenxinzhen. I've wanted to meet you for a long time."

He even put his palms on his chest, bowed gently and gracefully, and directly read out Xiao Zhi's name.

Seeing that many passers-by were crowding around, Adam gave Xiao Zhi a wink, indicating to change his words.

Xiao Zhi nodded blankly and followed behind the latter.
"I see."

On the street, after listening to Adam's words, Xiao Zhi knew the whole story.

After all, at the Caiyou Conference, I once had an exhibition match with Michaeli.
Adam naturally watched the whole process of his disciple's competition, knowing his name and appearance.

"Thank you for your help at that time, otherwise our entire Liuli City might be submerged by the vast ocean."

Adam also expressed his sincere thanks to Ash.

At that time, Groudon and Kyogre were fighting in the waters near Liuli City. There was an ancient god-level terror. Just a few actions would cause a huge tsunami and earthquake.

The adjacent Liuli City is also in dire straits.

The disaster came unexpectedly, and the residents of Liuli City didn't even have time to evacuate.

Although Adam is known as an artist of water, he likes the ocean. But if it is a tsunami, he is also afraid.

Fortunately, a trainer who rode the Dragon God Cracked Seat came down from the sky and defeated Groudon and Kyogre with overwhelming force, which was considered to alleviate the disaster caused by the battle between these two ancient gods.

Afterwards, Adam asked Mikoli which powerful trainer summoned and drove the Rift Seat.
I was told that it was Ash.

It also made him want to meet this incredible young trainer for a long time.

Of course, these intelligence secrets are of great importance, and most passers-by in the Fangyuan area do not know about them.

It was only considered that the evil deeds of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team caused the civil war between the three ancient gods, and finally ended naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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