He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1797 Evolution, Tutai Turtle!

The jet flame exploded in the belly of the wood turtle, and the latter hadn't stepped down completely, and the body made a roaring explosion in the air!
Boom! !
The forest turtle turned into a huge fireball and quickly fell from the air.

Mount Tarzan failed!


Seeing this, Daye touched his nose proudly.

Although this forest turtle doesn't seem to be Ash's ace, he is now the first to win the game, right?

"It's not over yet!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly shouted loudly, and his morale was in full swing.

"Wood drink.!"

In the fireball, I heard the low voice of the forest turtle.

I saw it trembling violently, and the green leaves of the bushes on its back fluttered, shaking all the flames on the surface of its body.

Although the body is already covered with scars, the forest turtle's eyes are very firm.

In the next moment, a dazzling white light bloomed on its body, causing the tortoise's body to expand and grow in the light.


The light of evolution alone made the four people on the field temporarily stop fighting, and their eyes all fell on the forest turtle.

"Finally evolved.!"

Xiao Zhi also stared at him with burning eyes.

The experience of the forest tortoise has long been enough to evolve, but it has absorbed too much grass attribute energy, and it is particularly difficult to break through the bottleneck of evolution.

With the attack of the Fire King, the forest turtle finally broke through its own limit!
"Soil roar.!"

Another lower roar came, and the forest turtle dissipated the light around it, showing a new attitude.

The huge terrestrial giant tortoise, the hard rock-like tortoise shell was finally separated from the body, and three rock spikes rose from one side.

The shrubs and grasses on the back were completely turned into a thick tree, and the top was covered with lush green leaves.

The sturdy and sturdy limbs are on the ground, and a pair of horizontal rock spikes grows on both sides of the simple and steady head.

However, inheriting the special appearance of the tortoise in the woods, Xiaozhi's Tutai tortoise is now covered with dark green moss on the entire back of the stone thorns, as well as the surface of the brown limbs and feet, which looks quite vigorous and simple.

"Are you using us as stepping stones?"

"I've been looked down upon, Daye."

Denji and Oba looked at each other and smiled, and then they all looked towards the front with frantic eyes.

"Xiaoguang, the battle has just begun!"

Xiaozhi's morale has also reached its peak. The current Tutai Turtle and Emperor Nabo are truly symmetrical.

The completion of the final evolution also allowed the forest tortoise to officially acquire the ground attribute.

"Soil roar.!"

Without waiting for Xiao Zhi's command, the Tutai Turtle suddenly lifted its forelimbs and trampled the ground heavily.

In an instant, the ground on the other half of the arena instantly turned into soft and flowing sand, grabbing the lower limbs of Reib and Huey like a gripper.

Quicksand hell!

The effect is outstanding!

Ground attribute moves, restrain these two Ibrahimovic at the same time.

And Xiaoguang also has bright eyes, and launched an auxiliary attack:
"Emperor Nabo, use Tide Spin!!"

Emperor Nabo understood, raised his head to condense a huge vortex of water, but did not aim at the two, but threw it towards the quicksand in front of them.

Puff hoo hoo.!

The water flow and quicksand mixed together, and instantly became muddy and wet.

The shackles that could be forcibly freed by violence, now the quicksand under his feet is like a swamp, with amazing adhesion.

When you struggle and exert more force, the pulling force will be stronger, constantly dragging your body to sink.

For a time, like a mouse sticking to a board, Reib and Huey were stuck in the quicksand, unable to escape.

"Good chance, Emperor Nabo, use the water cannon!!"

Xiaoguang turned his eyes away and pointed his target at Reib, ready to solve the latter at one time.

Although the water cannon moves will be more effective against Fire Ibrahimovic.
But this battle has been separated into two battlefields.

On one side is the gym battle between Hikaru and Denji, and on the other side is the battle between Oba and Ash.

Seeing the imposing water cannon attack, Dianji didn't just look at it, raised his hand and said:

"Reib, use thunder!!"

With his limbs completely bound, Reib's whole body was still able to burst out a terrifying and violent lightning current, roaring out.

The thundering move is released with full force, and it dives from the air to the target.

The water cannon moves straight forward, piercing the air, and aiming straight at Reib, who was unable to move.

The next moment, the thunder and water cannon moves hit each other at the same time!
Boom boom boom! !

Reib was directly knocked out by the strong current and fell out of the field.

And the thundering move also stuck to the outer trajectory of the water cannon, and completely landed on the emperor Nabo.

Boom! !

With the sound of two explosions, Reib, who was on the side, was already wet and fell to the ground, completely losing his ability to fight.

In the same way, Emperor Naboo was scorched black by the thunder and lightning, his knees bent, and he fell to the ground.

"Reib, Emperor Naboo lost his ability to fight at the same time!"

Xiaogang hurriedly opened his mouth and said, both of them are doing their best to output on each other.

Seeing this scene, Dianji and Xiaoguang's expressions tightened at the same time, and then they looked at each other with burning eyes.

"Come back, Reib!"

"Well done, Emperor Nabo!"

The two put away their Pokémon at the same time, and at the same time took out their second Poké Ball.

The battle isn't over yet.

On the other side, Daye also focused all his attention on the person in front of him and shouted:
"Fire Ibrahimovic, use Flare Charge!!"

When the words fell, Huo Yibo let out a low voice, and the whole body ignited flames, and the terrifying high temperature directly melted the swamp sand that wrapped around his limbs.

Boom boom boom! !

Then it turned into a huge fireball, slammed on the ground, and rushed straight to the direction of the Tutai Turtle!
Huo Yibu is the king of physical attack, plus the ignition feature he launched before, his flash charge is extremely powerful, and he sprints all the way, leaving a trail of infiltrating magma on the ground.

"Tutai Turtle, don't lose to it, use Earthquake!!"

Xiao Zhi also showed no weakness and attacked from the front.

The tortoise raised its front limbs high and trampled heavily to the ground.

Boom boom! !

Suddenly, the entire gym vibrated violently, shaking the ground.

Fortunately, both Hikaru and Denji temporarily put away their Pokémon and were not affected by this dangerous attack.

Boom boom! !

And Huo Yibu, who turned into a big blue fireball and rushed all the way, also inevitably suffered the terrible shock damage under him.
The effect is outstanding!

It's just that the flames around his body did not disappear. In a violent shaking, Huo Yibu gritted his teeth and maintained the state of flashing flame charge, and the last one slammed into the Tutai Turtle!
Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the Flash Charge energy exploded, causing a huge flame explosion on the body of the Tutai Turtle!

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