He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1813 The brutal axe mantis!

Shirabi is determined to be the forest god of all the forests on this planet.

Combined with the time and space shuttle ability it obtained from working part-time.
Maybe even rule all forests in different time and space!
Now that he was defeated by a bug, he naturally had to rely on his own strength to defeat it himself and regain the glory of the god of the forest!

Well, fighting side by side with a trainer can be regarded as "hands-on".

"Okok, then I'll help you for the time being."

Xiao Zhi happily agreed, just in time to experience the taste of Shirabbi · Divine Beast Man.

As he walked into the EMI Forest, he took out the illustrated book and scanned the data of Shirabi.

Although it is not captured into the Poké Ball, if the target Pokémon does not resist, the latter's body information can still be obtained.

"The combination of attributes of grass super power, the characteristic is natural recovery, and the characteristics of no egg use. The ability is average, the skills mastered are magic leaves, healing bells"

In terms of attributes, it can be said that Shirabi is at an absolute disadvantage.

But it's not a big problem. After all, the powerful racial value of the Pokémon is there. With the command of his own trainer, it should not be difficult to defeat a bug king.

"This way, this way!"

Shirabi fluttered his wings and guided the way ahead, showing a puffy expression, quite aura that he had asked his eldest brother to fight back on the field.

Ash followed silently behind, scanning these skills, thinking about what combination strategies were available.

"By the way, there seem to be more people here?"

However, from time to time, a few young insect-catchers wearing straw hats and carrying insect-catching nets passed by.

The last time he passed by EMI Forest, it was not so lively.

At this moment, an insect king suddenly appeared. Even if his strength is powerful and dangerous, it still makes all the young insect hunters crazy, right?
If you can conquer an insect king as a partner, you can directly be promoted to the king of insect hunters!
Of course, in the eyes of passersby, Shirabi looked like a little flame monkey, and no one showed any surprise.
As he goes deeper, the surrounding scenes make Ash more and more familiar.

"Huh? It seems to have been here once before.?"

Xiaozhi looked around, and the green grass under his feet grew even more lush, almost as long as his knees.

The green forest above is covered with branches, and even the light cast by the sun has become much darker and gloomier.

Boom boom boom!
At this time, there was a sudden explosion in front of him, which made Xiao Zhi's heart tighten, and quickly ran forward.

Pushing aside the lush bushes blocking the road ahead, Xiao Zhi could see the scene in front of him clearly.

The green and secluded space seems to be covered with a hazy green light filter in the air.

The space surrounded by dense jungle is not too small, and in the center stands a strange rock covered with moss.

"Moss Rock!"

Xiao Zhi remembered that the last time his Tutai Turtle absorbed the rich grass-type energy here.

But at this moment, there are a few more figures in this hidden space.

The person in front of him is quite familiar. It is the owner of the Pathway Gym, Cai Zong, who is directing her ace Roseredo to attack.

And the opponent of vegetable
"Is this the mantis king?"

Ash tilted his head, screamed in surprise, and stared at the tall and monstrous strange Pokémon in front of him.

Standing upright, you can see that the body is a slender mantis insect, about two meters high, but thick yellow rocks are attached to the limbs and trunk.

On the joints and head, there are sharp dark brown stones erected, especially the ends of the two arms, which directly turned into two heavy and sharp stone axes!

At this moment, this mantis is standing on the moss rock, posing a majestic and ferocious posture, and it seems that it regards this place as a nest.

This battle also seemed to be coming to an end, Rose Raido was not lightly hurt, and her body was panting.

Cai Zi focused on the front, and didn't notice the extra wisdom behind her. She could only grit her teeth and launch the final attack:

"Roseredo, use Flying Leaf Storm!


Rose Raido raised her rose arm, and in an instant, countless green leaves poured out, accompanied by the strong wind blowing around, forming a mighty leaf-blade tornado impact.


It's just that this stone axe mantis roared and waved a huge stone axe before it slammed!

The stone axe's arm directly chopped a gray-green cross, shattering Nuoda's flying leaf storm in an instant.

Cross scissors!
In the end, the cross scissors burst open on Rose Raido, causing another explosion!

When the smoke cleared, Roseredo was unable to fight and fell to the ground.

"Hey, what a powerful force."

Even Xiao Zhi had to exclaim, the power of this stone axe mantis is really outrageous, and it completely tore Feiye Storm with his hands.

You can tell just by looking at the shape, it is a combination of attributes of the rock bug.

"This little mantis is called the Axe Mantis."

Shirabi received a telepathy and reminded him.

Although it is only half a meter in size, it is still natural for Shirabi to call the 2-meter-tall Axe Mantis "Little Mantis".


However, the next moment, the stone axe mantis made a loud shout again, looking fierce.

Even though Roseredo was incapacitated, it still jumped up from the moss rock!

The axe mantis lifted the heavy and sharp stone axe and swung it down heavily, and it was about to completely smash Rose Raido, who fell to the ground, into two halves!

Such a violent and bloody situation made Cai Zong panic and at a loss for a while.

What she didn't know, the Axe Mantis, which was transmitted directly from ancient times, still maintained the wild blood as the original Pokémon.

In the modern jungle, if an unlucky passerby encounters a large swarm of stingers, don't look at the latter's aggressiveness, but at most they are just stuck in the wind.

But if placed in ancient times, the wild stinger wasps would directly pierce the heart and head of human beings.

In the same way, this axe mantis from the Xicui world in front of me, there is nothing in the dictionary that can't stop fighting.
A complete kill means the battle is over!

At the critical moment, Cai Zi suddenly heard a commanding voice:

"Shirabi, use the energy ball!"

At the same moment, an emerald green energy projectile was ejected, hitting the chest of the Axe Mantis.

The insect king was very alert, and immediately put away two heavy axes and blocked it in front of his chest.

Boom boom boom!
The energy ball exploded on the forelimb of its stone axe, forcibly pushing the axe mantis back.

"Miss Vegetable Seed, quickly take back Roseredo!"

Seeing that the vegetable seeds were still stunned in place, Xiao Zhi quickly reminded him.

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