He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1837 vs Seado Lane!

"Lucario, use wave missiles!

Taking advantage of the opponent's bewildered state, Xiao Zhi took advantage of the situation and attacked.

Lucario moved his palms together, and quickly condensed a wave missile, which once again drew a strange arc in the air after being thrown.

Although Sidolan climbs extremely fast on the cliffs, his speed in battle is very impressive.


Before he could dodge in time, Sidolan was hit head-on in the back, and the blasted wave missile made him retreat a few steps.

The effect is outstanding!

"Great opportunity, come again, Gu Bang Luan Da!


Xiaozhi is ready to take advantage of the victory and pursue, and the winner will be determined at once.


Lucario's eyes froze, and an energy bone rod was quickly condensed while waving his palm, and he threw it like a boomerang.

Just when Xiaozhi thought he had succeeded.


Sidolan suddenly let out a roar, and opened the lava mouth again.

Boom boom boom!
What gushes out of the mouth this time is not a void of hot wind, but countless thick volcanic lava, accompanied by billowing black smoke, as if the volcano is really erupting, extremely destructive!
The moment it came into contact with the bone stick, the lava storm easily shattered and destroyed it.

Before he could dodge in time, Lucario could only fold his palms on his chest to resist.

The lava storm hit Lucario head-on, and the effect is outstanding!
The terrible impact force and the high temperature energy of the volcanic lava erupted all at once, knocking Lucario back again and again.

Even after the move was over, Lucario's body was still surrounded by a swirling tornado made of crimson lava saltpeter, accompanied by rising black smoke, causing continuous damage.

"Xiaozhi, this move is the exclusive move of Xi Dolan, lava storm!


Michael, who was watching the battle, quickly reminded.

The lava storm is not only terrifying, but also has a entanglement effect similar to a flame vortex.


Seeing that Lucario was completely trapped, this Xidolan didn't keep watching outside, but rushed up quickly.

It was originally a body of lava, but now it became more red and glowing, the whole body turned dark red, and flames even faintly floated on the surface.

In the end, Sidolan jumped up, opened his steel claws, and trampled down from mid-air!

High temperature and heavy pressure!

Combined with the exaggerated weight of the boss Dolan En, the power of the high temperature and heavy pressure of this blow is extremely terrifying!
"Hurry up and block it, use the bone stick to hit!

Xiaozhi's expression became anxious, and he quickly commanded.

Wrapped in thick smoke, Lucario inside used the power of waveguide to sense instead of his five senses, and naturally captured the terrifying fire beast flying down in mid-air.

Like a burning hydraulic press, it seems to be able to crush everything below!
Lucario quickly condensed two bone sticks, crossed and stacked on top of his head, ready to fight.

Boom boom boom!
As the high temperature and heavy pressure fell, there was a huge roar in the lava black smoke, and the ground in the center cracked and exploded.

And the lava storm wrapped around it also burst in an instant, revealing the two Pokémon facing each other in the middle.

I saw that Lucario was under the pressure of Sidolan, and the huge weight gap made Lucario half-kneel on the ground, barely supporting himself.


His whole body was trembling due to the high force, and the two waveguide bone rods held high were already crumbling, and they were about to burst apart at any moment.


With another huge explosion, this time the duel was completely decided.


Lucario's body was scorched black and injured, and his dangling figure seemed to fall down at any time. The two waveguide bone rods in his hand had long since left only a residue of the handle.


After enduring several moves with outstanding effects in a row, Xi Duolan still had no serious problems, let out a high roar on the spot, and set off waves of heat all over his body!
"Sure enough, it's so strong!"

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, and couldn't help but praise this giant lava beast in his heart.

After the actual fight, although it is still not as powerful as Emperor Yan, it is a legendary Pokémon after all. It not only has a strong attack, but also has a thick blood skin that is durable.

Cooperating with the surrounding volcanic lava terrain, for a while, this Seadoran looked so invincible.

O Sidoran!


This battle also made Michael who was watching the battle completely excited, and kept shouting and admiring from behind.

This is the Xidolan he has always admired, a perfect existence in every way!

Looking at it completely, Michael also completely lost the idea of ​​going forward to fight, but kept shouting in amazement from behind.

Regardless of the burning of the eyeballs, he stared at Xi Duolan, refusing to let go of it for a second.

This is the Sidoran whom he admires!

Michael has already put away the idea of ​​fighting and subduing. Put it away for the time being.

At least for now, he thinks that he is not worthy of being the trainer of Xi Dolan.

But he still looked at the other party with burning eyes, wondering what Xiaozhi would do next?
"Good job Lucario, come back for now."

Xiaozhi raised his hand and took Lucario back again. Sure enough, the Pokémon that has been cultivated for less than a year is still difficult to take advantage of in the hands of the legendary Pokémon.

"Hmph, but I haven't lost yet! It's up to you, Sharptooth Shark!


This time, Xiaozhi released the sharp tooth land shark.

The second-stage quasi-god who has not evolved to the top, once on the stage, has lost a lot of momentum.


However, the sharp-toothed land shark still roared forward, waved its spiked arms, and let out a demonstrative dragon roar at the lava monster.

It is rare to meet a legendary Pokémon, but Xiaozhi actually does not have a strong desire to subdue Sidolan
What's more, the latter is used as a trial opponent.

"Don't be careless, Fangtooth Shark!

Although the Fangtooth Shark is four times the ground dragon that restrains the opponent, Xiaozhi still reminds him that he is afraid that the Fangtooth Shark will hit the head.

Just taking advantage of the powerful and terrifying suppressing power of Xidoran, let's see if the sharp-toothed land shark can break through its own limit, take the last step, and evolve into the strongest earth dragon!


Although it was being fought by wheels, the Sidoran didn't run away or show impatient anger. Instead, it signaled the sharp-toothed shark to act quickly.

Xiaozhi regards it as a test object, and it also regards Xiaozhi as a sandbag.

After staying in the depths of the volcano for a long time, Xi Duolan also wanted to come out and find a sandbag to vent his ravages.

"Since that's the case, let's not be polite about Fangtooth Shark, use Quicksand Hell!

So Xiaozhi took the initiative to attack again.

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