He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1966 Wearing small shoes clearly!

Soon, Cohen and Akromar were already standing at both ends of the field.

Facing each other from a distance, the temperament of the two is quite similar, they both seem very easy-going and indifferent.

"Plasma team. Although the reputation is not very good, but those have nothing to do with today's events, so let's have a good fight today!"

Cohen let out a low cry, and made a gesture to take out the poke ball and fight fairly.

"Beep! Wait a minute!"

But Rotom immediately flew to Cohen.

"Since Mr. Cohen has already fought a battle, in order to be fair, Akromar should send the Pokémon first in this battle! Loto~!"

Cohen was taken aback, what does this weird picture book mean?
"Uh, my cold water monkey didn't suffer any harm."

However, the illustrated book did not continue to pay attention to it, but turned the screen to face Akromar, and began to urge the latter to quickly dispatch Pokémon.

You have to wear small shoes!
According to the opponent's Pokémon, the second player chooses to deal with it
It can be said that it has at least increased Cohen's winning rate several times!

"I know~!"

Akromar seemed to have guessed something, he pushed his glasses and smiled slightly.

Not annoyed, he took the initiative to throw a poke ball.

When the red light fell, it turned out that it was a very strange looking Pokémon. Its body was composed of two independent gears, and their serrations were nested and connected. There were facial expressions in the center of the gears.

The appearance quite matches the identity of an Akroma scientist.

"Beep beep! Gears, steel attributes, through the bite and rotation of two bodies, create energy for survival, so the biggest weakness is the junction of the sawtooth! Loto~!"

Rotom immediately prompted loudly, and emphasized the last sentence.

This made Xiaozhi feel a little confused. Why did Rotom suddenly turn against Mr. Cohen?

He even clearly stated the weakness of the gear, which means that as long as the central joint is attacked, this Pokémon can be easily defeated?

Cohen nodded, not knowing if he listened, and threw the poke ball.

However, it was still the cold water monkey that appeared on the stage.


Rotom saw that the cpu was overloaded, and the temperature of the machine rose sharply. It let Akromar take the lead. Can't you send Pokémon that restrain steel-type fighting, ground, and fire-type Pokémon?

You don't only have this water monkey, do you? !

"Then let the battle begin, both of you!"

Xiaozhi interjected on a rare occasion, said loudly, and pulled Rotom back.

Outrageous, how can someone be so open and aboveboard to wear small shoes for others?

However, Cohen and Akromar had no objections, and quickly targeted each other.

"Cold water monkey, use hot water!!"

At the beginning of the battle, it was Cohen's turn to attack on his own initiative.

The cold water monkey opened its mouth, and immediately spewed out a stream of boiling hot water, and when it touched the air, there was still a white mist floating.

Although it is a water attribute move, the hot water move also has a somewhat fire attribute effect.

"Gear, use the spinning top~!"

The gear immediately turned the whole body, turning into a high-speed spinning spherical top, bouncing off the incoming hot water as much as possible.

After all, it is not a real fire attribute move, and the steel attribute spinning top ball can still bounce off easily.

Not only that, the gyro ball pressed down, broke through the hot water, and continued to attack the cold water monkey!

"Cold Water Monkey, use the shadow clone!"

Cohen's expression also became serious. After a short fight, he knew that the person in front of him was completely different from the previous Cabernet Sauvignon. He was a master!
The Lengshui Monkey reapplied immediately, creating dozens of phantom shadows, making it impossible to identify the real body.

"In this case, use the discharge directly!!"

Akromar immediately shouted.

Although the gear only has one steel attribute, its situation is very similar to Magneto, and it can also perform various electric attribute moves.

Dense electric currents burst out from Gear's body, scattered in all directions, and attacked more than ten shadows at the same time.

Boom! !

In the end, it successfully hit the cold water monkey's real body, and the electric current exploded on the latter's body, causing high damage!

The effect is outstanding!

This scene also made Rotom anxious, and he was about to jump out again immediately, blowing the black whistle.

"Do not talk."

But Xiaozhi quickly pressed it down, now is the exciting moment, the battle has not yet been completely decided.

Sure enough, as the smoke cleared, the cold water monkey did not completely collapse.

The whole body is surrounded by dark blue water strangely, and the momentum suddenly increases a lot.

"What kind of move is this?"

It was the first time for Mingyi to see such a situation, and she blinked her eyes in doubt.

"It's not a move, but a characteristic, torrent. When one's physical strength drops below 1/3, it is possible to trigger this characteristic, and then the power of one's own water attribute moves will increase."

Xiaozhi explained to Mingyi while looking at the field.

Maybe the illustrated book was right before, maybe Lengshuihou almost became Yusanjia before?

After all, the torrent characteristic has only appeared in the Yusan family group so far.

on the field.

"Oh~ what an incredible phenomenon~!"

Akromar showed a look of surprise, and he was not stingy with words of praise.

Cohen's complexion became much more serious, and he entered a torrent state, which also meant that his physical strength was not much left.

"In this case, cold water monkey, use the wave of water with all your strength!!"

The cold water monkey understood, raised his arm, and condensed a water energy bomb, ready to put all his eggs in one basket.

The size of the water wave this time is obviously much larger than the previous water wave.

"not enough"

But Xiaozhi shook his head.

He had just experienced the mutated fiery characteristics of the fiery monkey in the Shen'ao area, but the torrent effect of the cold water monkey in front of him made him feel a little ordinary.

"Gears, use the shifter! Then dodge!"

Akromar didn't dare to block such a move, and said quickly.

The two connected gears rotated rapidly in mid-air, making a mechanical sound of "click, click", which also made its speed soar.


Facing the incoming large water wave, Gear's figure flashed and successfully dodged it.

"And then the gyro ball!!"

Immediately afterwards, his figure turned into a black iron ball again, and with extremely fast movements, he slammed into the Lengshui monkey's chest fiercely, sending it flying horizontally!
This time the power of the gyro ball is also much stronger than before.

This is the effect of shifting gears.

On the one hand, it can greatly increase its own speed, and it can also increase its attack power!
After the cold water monkey fell to the ground, its eyes were already spinning, and it completely lost its ability to fight.
Victory is decided!

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